
Monday, December 15, 2014

What you missed at the WPI Nations’ Faire by William "Viro" Beaty

Dec 9, 1014

Ten nations gathered to tell about themselves to players both new and old (though the vets heckled more than learned). These nations were Eagle’s Rook, Chimeron, Coventry, Saurabia, Folkestone, Ashenmark, Rhiassa, Meyerling, Grimloch, and Neden. As an added bonus, each nation was asked what kind of pizza they thought that they are most like. This is a summation of each nation’s presentation, enjoy!

Eagle’s Rook is a knightocracy ruled by Sir Vawn. The code of Eagle’s Rook is Honor, Valor, and Truth, and they are often seen as the ‘Paladins’ of the Realms, striving to do good and smite evil forces. Knights of Eagle’s Rook need not be members of Eagle’s Rook. Eagle’s Rook backs the Vanguard currency. It is most like bacon pizza.

Chimeron is a kingdom ruled by King Cecil, with a royal houses and many sub-nations. The sub-nations include Rua Thar Cinn, Griffindor, The Azure Guard, Domus Equitum, and Fellwood, among others. Each sub-nation has it’s own history and speciality. Chimeron also has the Chimeron Militia, which one does not need to be a member of Chimeron to be in. Chimeron throws the Black and White and Uncle Cecil’s events every year as their nation’s events. It’s currency has 4 denominations: the wench, monarch, rowen, and crown in increasing value, though the wench has very high collector’s value. Chimeron is most like “What sort of pizza would you like”.

Coventry is a kingdom ruled by Alcar Mortrass, but Prince Gideon takes care of most national business. It is a fortified stronghold in the Southern Wastes that is home to Ivory, the location of the famed Library of Ivory. It is home to the Knights of the Crown and the Templars of Aurora. The Feast of Autumn’s Twilight is held in Coventry. Coventry runs 3 different shops, including the Coventry Shop, as well as the library of ivory ( Coventry is most like BBQ chicken pizza.

Saurabia is led by Larry Saurus. It is a recently founded nation that is a little bit of a joke nation. Their motto is: Saurabia is Fun! Hooray!! As a representation of what Saurabia is like Larry drew the heraldry in MS Paint durning his presentation. The colors of saurabia are whatever blue and orange are most convenient at the time, as well as black, which stands for mystery (there is no black in Saurabian heraldry). Saurabian questing is coming soon!! :D Saurabia is most like peanut-butter and dinosaur pizza.

Folkestone is the oldest active nation in the Realms, being founded in 983. It began as an insular group, but that has greatly changed with a member of Folkestone at almost every event throughout the year. The heraldry of Folkestone has three main parts: an hourglass, wings, and two swords. The hourglass represents how time is precious, the wings are to lift up members to be better than they are, and the swords, one pointed up and one pointed down, represent war and peace respectively. Brenda is the gopher god of Folkestone but is not the only god worshiped there. Folkestone’s only law is “Don’t fuck with Folkestone.” Folkestone holds the Feast of Folkestone, Folkestone Questing, and the North-South War. Folkestone prefers mashed potatoes to pizza: “Mashed potatoes are magic.” -Phoenix

Ashenmark’s Highlord is Temorse. It’s colors are gold, black, and red, which stand for youth, mystery, and combat respectively. As a nation they tend to enjoy combat, and usually have at least one member at each of the weekly fight practices. They are often indecisive as a group and have contributed “bamboo everything” and “yellow clothing” to the Realms (according to Kahlenar). They engaged Eagle’s Rook in a prank war. Ashenmark holds the Ashen Bounty. Ashenmark is most like pepperoni and poor decisions pizza.

Rhiassa is a knightocracy ruled by Lord Sir Aeston. Rhiassa is about giving back to the community, and it’s members will often NPC as a result. Knights of Rhiassa are all members of Rhiassa, and members of Rhiassa go through the Rhiassan Militia before becoming full members. Rhiassa runs the game shop The Gilded Lion. It holds the Queen of Hearts tournaments and the Feast of the Leviathan. It held the What Lurks Beneath plot, which recently ended. Rhiassa’s currency is the Coin of the Leviathan. Rhiassa is a member of the Free Nations. Rhiassa is most like all pizza.

Meyerling is a nation not based in the Realms. Members of Meyrling in the Realms are members of the nation’s militia who are searching for their nation’s missing prince. They consider themselves to be more of a questing party than a nation. Meyerling has three defining characteristics: they take great pride in their crafting, they are 2/3 women, and they truly believe in story and try to always be in character. Meyerling throws the Silver Eye plot line, and PC action in that plot will have an effect on the characters in Meyerling even outside of the quests. Meyerling is most like pepperoni pizza.

Grimloch is a nation with a strict chain of command led by two Warlords, Jaha and Sir Blade. Their motto is “Two eyes for an eye” and “mobile, agile, hostile”. Grimloch expects every member to be able to be a leader on the field, and they focus on being the best at what they do. The chain of command of Grimloch is, in descending order, Warlords, Warmarke, 1st Warrior/Vlakyrie, Champion, Steward, Member, Dog, and Citizen. The three laws of Grimloch are: no necromancy, no undead, and respect the tabard. Grimloch is located on a marsh that was inhabited by liches, and as such necromancy is prohibited so as to deprive those liches of easy puppets. Grimloch holds Grimloch Questing. Grimloch is most like buffalo beef pizza.

Neden is based on the idea of having fun, usually of a hedonistic nature. Neden recently re-entered the Realms and is trying to turn over a new leaf after a notorious past. They are a questing nation that became a protectorate of Folkestone after losing a war with Folkestone. Each member of Neden is issued a magic item because questing is more fun when you have a magic item. Neden holds the Feast of Neden. Neden is most like meat-lovers pizza or pistachio ice-cream.