
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

WIWtG: Feast of Autumn's Twilight

Every time we, as adventurers, get together, something usually interrupts our meal. Our chunks of beef get thrown to the floor, our pies are left to get soggy. Sometimes, let's be honest here, it's for the best.

But not this weekend. No. This feast is a safe haven of close friends, games, and amazing food. The only interruptions you might hear are people loosening their belt for the next course. Speaking of, have you seen the menu?
  • Dayboard 
  • Soup - Sops, deconstructed 
  • App - Cheese tartlets and savory bites 
  • Salad - Harvest salad 
  • Main - Pear and blue cheese stuffed chicken with a honey balsamic glaze 
  • Various desserts

I think that chicken dish sounds divine. So many savory flavors combine with a hint of sweet to appeal to those with a refined pallet. And to the less refined tongue, it will be yummy.