
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Feast of the Leviathan: Behind the Scenes!

Exclusive behind-the-scenes photos! Never before seen by the public!
 It takes many long days, late nights, shopping trips, dirty dishes, and soda cans to make Leviathan happen. Each year we try to raise the bar a little higher, which is pretty much a guarantee of more work for ourselves. In this piece, we lay it all on the line for you, giving you an exclusive sneak peek at the down and dirty of what makes Leviathan run. The nuts and bolts. The bare bones. The bread and butter. The...well, you get the point I'm sure (and also, see what I did there?) We could not put on such an event without the firm hand benevolent guidance of our fearless feast-o-crat and the forced labor dedication of our fellow Rhiassans to help make the event a success. Hopefully the following pictures will give you a little insight into how things come together for us in the time leading up to the Big Day. If not, least I tried!
The initial shopping of many. Alex and Lani pose with the haul.

The car and the trailer are loaded and ready to head to the next stop!

This stack of supplies also included 75lbs of flour....of which we used all but a few cups of during the course of food preparation. 

Some of the kitchen carnage, washed and my best guess, I estimate we did about 5,000 loads of dishes throughout the entirety of our prep and used just about every bowl and utensil that Jason and I own.
 Our super-high-tech way of making perfectly-sized bread bowls....aluminum foil molds that we shaped off of cereal bowls.

 One of my attempts at bread-bowl making. I apparently did not add enough flour before the first rise and could not save this batch. Which is just as well, since this was also the time around which I realized that I had also forgotten to add the salt....

Lani and I pose (in our pajamas) next to the giant stack of shortening, just to illustrate how much we had really bought. Fear not, though, we didn't actually end up using all of it, I promise....

Jason actually doing some work for a change, rolling and cutting pot pie crusts....while Lani ruthlessly mocks his efforts. Just kidding, I'm reasonably certain she was laughing about something else...

Alysha rolls truffle centers for dipping...and is clearly having a great time!

Alysha and Alex: knight and squire double-dipping action.

Lani drizzles the truffles while Alysha and Heather supervise.

Carrot-peeling party while watching football.

Bread bowls for days...and some Diet Coke for fuel. We are nowhere close to done....

We also used a ton of eggs. Well, not really. More like 15 dozen. But you get the picture, because it's right here, right below this caption....

Heather is hard at work cutting apples.

So there are the good apples....and then there is the applesauce. Oops!

The hall when we arrived on Friday for set-up.

Ben's squirely task....fold 200 of these napkins 180 degrees into perfect right triangles...with the decorated edge faces out.

The hall, as we are leaving on Friday...six hours later....

The food arrives on Saturday. Good thing we decorated yesterday...who knows how we would have brought everything up in one trip.

And last but not least....the schedule! Lani is a stern task-mistress.