
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Behind the Scenes - Feast of Highbridge III

To throw a good feast, you first need to start with a plan. And after you have gone over the plan in the most minute detail possible and made up a dozen different spreadsheets, it's time to do the shopping and then....the prep. To save time and your own sanity (as well as the sanity of your kitchen staff), it helps to do as much prep ahead of time as possible. But this in itself can be a long and arduous process depending on how much you're making, and how many ingredients or how involved your dishes are. Advance prep requires hard work, dedication, and organization on the part of the Feast-o-crat - something that Rhiannon "Tria" Chiacchiaro knows well. Here, a sneak peek into her kitchen and the time and energy that went in to making this year's Feast of Highbridge a success, as always.

The poor car is packed to the gills with groceries

Quite a bit of food

A veritable mountain of meat for the steak & ale pies

Concocting the filling for said meat pies

Pie crust was painstakingly made by hand

The pies are small task

No sampling allowed! 
 The rum was condensed down to syrup
 for the seafoam shakes

Many lemons were squeezed for lemonade
 Two dozen, to be exact!

Three pounds of bacon worth of drippings

Andrew is attacked by the ganache
Maybe it was something he said?

So many zucchini breads