
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Why I Want to Go: Saurabian Questing

Sometimes I feel a little awkward writing these articles, telling you why I want to go to an event.  Most events all strive for the same thing.  Gambling, awesome food, tourneys to keep everyone entertained.

But this Saturday, we see something I feel we don't see as often:  Questing.  Good, old fashioned questing.  Saurabian Questing should be unique.  They have an interesting looking magical option for folks to play with regionals.  And while Saurabia is know for its exuberance, bright colors and HOORAY!-ness, the staff promises this is, in fact, a serious adventure for anyone who attends.
Personally, I am excited for anything this staff throws at us.  Saturday should hold a mix of fighting, thinking, dinosaurs and volcanos. Plus, they said something about a water park.