
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hardware for Heroes

Hardware For Heroes
Brought to you by Neden Productions
We were all new once.  We all walked through the gate into this beautiful game full of wonder and amazement. You were probably swept up in the majesty of it all right away and then you notice something you forgot to wear clothes AHHHHHHHHHHH….OK wake up from that nightmare it didn’t happen and if it did oh boy.

The point of that horrific nightmare, if I may, represents you showing up to you first event woefully under-prepared for Costuming, Props, and maybe even Weapons. Well have no fear!  We have all been there, at least once, or maybe even twice. In fact depending on how many characters you have or how many image changes your one character has gone through, you may have had to buy tons of pieces of garb over the years.

That’s where this project started for me. I was receiving a lot of pressure at home to finally change my realms room into a proper guest room…….(Blah I know right) I don’t know why my wife’s friends wouldn’t want to sleep in a room full of Dragon heads, weapons, smelly armor and tons and tons of costuming (strange right).

But I am a love doctor, so I listened…I called my best buddy Nymbous (Andrew O’Leary) and said "hey man I have a ton of garb do you want some?" He politely responded with “I know I have like two totes of your crap at my house, no I don’t need more”. When one of our brothers Jean Baptist reached out on the Realms Page looking for Garb for his brother…

Well we had garb!!!!

We quickly put together a complete outfit head to toe Shirt Pants Belt. When Ethan’s brother dawned the Garb and looked really happy to do so we knew what to do with out totes and totes of garb; WE decided to make it available to everyone new player in need.

Neden Proudly Presents Hardware for Heroes

This collection of Pants, Shirts, Scarfs/Wraps, Belts and Weapons is going to be available to each and every event holder who requests it.

Requests should happen at least 2 weeks in advance in order to assure the bins arrive. As it stands the Bins and weapons will always be with Lord Nymbous and myself however, if they are requested and we cannot attend the gathering we will make sure another one of Neden’s members are in attendance with the gear.

We will provide the gear, a check out inventory sheet and the staff at the registration desk for those who wish to have this service at their events.

For you older adventurers fear not, if you find your self at a gathering naked or your twin sibling (who looks just like you and knows all the same people but is totally a different person we swear) just showed up to this land for the first time and has yet to acquire new weapons and garb then we will loan them to you as well. Players who have adventured for over 2 calendar years will need to leave a $5 dollar green back deposit for all weapons and garb they borrow (which they will get back upon return). The money kept because of broken weapons split pants and shirts will then be used to replace the gear so that new adventures always have up to date stuff.

Neden will be responsible for maintaining and washing all the clothing as well as replacing and re-foaming weapons that break down. However if you our anyone in your country has old garb that is just collecting dust or a pare of pants split so bad you don’t think they can be fixed please consider donating them to HARDWARE FOR HEROES we will fix repair or re-purpose all donations and make sure the get used by new and friendly faces.