
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What You Missed - Feast of Eagle's Rook II

 [Editor's note: all photos by View Staff]

A full hall of eager patrons

First course: chicken & dumpling soup, Welsh Rarebit, hard tack
 (Not pictured: butternut squash and apple soup)

Perusing the auction items

Auction close-up #1

Auction close-up #2

Second course: a variety of fritattas, with garden salad
 (Varieties offered: sausage, pepper, and onion; bacon and onion; basil, tomato, and spinach)

Looking for something to do?

Trying to reach an accord

A game amongst friends

The Tychus

The usual suspects can be found at the casino

More dispreputable sorts

There were tourneys
 (I didn't get a photo of the tournies in action, so instead you get one of some of the participants)

Working in tandem

Where's the beef? Why, here it is.

A fun way to pass the day

Hard at work on dessert

Gwen handles the meat

Sampling the goods

Aeston's dinner
  (Main Course: beef pot roast and garlic parmesan chicken with green beans, potatoes, vegetables, and bacon jam empandas)

Entree sides: roasted potatoes, bacon green beans, roasted carrots and onions

Crispy bacon-jam empanadas

Garlic parmesan breaded chicken

Hungry hungry heroes

Storming the dessert table
(Including chocolate pudding trifle, multiple varieties of cookies, Indian corn pudding with maple whipped cream,and key lime cake)

Ravenous hordes