
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ask the Editors

Ask the Editors
The Editors 
Episode 21

Well hello ghouls and goblins, Happy Halloween!. This weeks question is real treat:

“What's the best way to help a newer person that I might not be seeing? Lots of people out there are teaching them how to fight or making sure the have garb, but how else can I make myself useful in retaining newbies?”


Let's get an answer from the spooktacular Jen 'Areni' DeNardis-Rosa:

“I would say that one of the biggest things a player can do to help retain newbies is simply to put on a kind face and sport a friendly attitude. Being open and welcoming to newer players, even if you don't know them, goes a long way towards making people feel comfortable and accepted in the game. Speaking from my experience as a newbie, when I first started I didn't know too many people beyond those who brought me into the game (thanks, Kyomi!) and whom I'd met at WPI practice, and I often felt timid and shy. When older or more experienced players would take the time to interact with me, even if it was just to say hello or to say something nice about the garb I had painstakingly put together or the sword that I cherished - it helped make me feel like I wasn't invisible and that I was a part of the community.

In fact, one particular story always sticks in my mind. It was many years ago, during a Tourneys of Chiron event. I was new and was proudly sporting my 3' katana while I was learning spells. There was a bear pit set up that I decided to participate in. Of course I lost every fight, but I kept getting in line anyway because I figured any practice was good practice. Afterwards, three veteran female players - Tanja (Katasha), Angie (Phoenix), and Wendy (Makela) - came up to me and told me how awesome they thought it was that, as both a newbie and a woman, I continued to fight and put myself out there despite not winning a single fight. To say that blew me away was an understatement. Like I said, that compliment has stayed with me to this day, and it was a major factor in helping me to feel like people noticed me, cared about me and how I was doing, and wanted to see me succeed.

So if you're wondering what you can do to help retain newbies - if you see them doing something you think is awesome, say it! If you see them wearing something you think is awesome, say it! If you don't have anything to say at the moment, a smile and simple "hello" go a long way too!”

Excellent advice, Jen!

Now, we hear from the Boo-tiful Lani 'Gwen' Grayson:

“Being a part of this Realms community has been an integral part of shaping me into the person that I am today. I feel incredibly lucky to have been taken in by a group of people who come together to make sure that others are lifted up and having fun. This would not have been possible if it weren’t for all the small and large things that people in this community did for me along the way to ensure that I stayed a part of the Realms. Here are a few things that I think we could all do more of to ensure that our newer players are having that same experience.

Make them feel welcome. Talk to them, ask their names, and ensure that they have someone to connect with at events. The Realms can be a little scary at first, and feeling safe and supported is necessary to ensure that players keep coming back.

Give positive reinforcement. Did that newbie just do something great like kill a troll? Do a great job role-playing an encounter? Make a neat piece of garb? Tell them about it. They need to hear that they are doing great things, and your words of encouragement matter.

Pass along some wisdom. Each of us is good at something in the Realms, and, when appropriate, it can be helpful to share some useful tips and tricks to newer players who could benefit from our experiences. Just don’t be too upset if they don’t take you up on your advice, because sometimes experience is the only teacher.

Thank you, Lani.

And last, we hear from the fangtastic Diana 'Kiira' Lapierre :

"Be welcoming. Don’t be an insufferable prick."

That sums it up quite nicely. Thanks Diana!

And there you have it. Some excellent advice on how to help newbies. We may not remember, but we were once newbies ourselves. So if you are wondering how best to help them out and make them feel welcome, ask yourself what you would have wanted when you were a fresh young zombie and the world was bright and scary. You probably just wanted to be included and feel important like all the old, crusty zombies. So go forth, and give them the best the Realms has to offer!

Thanks for reading! Please join us next time when we take on the question: “I'm throwing my first event. What's should I make sure I do or don't do in order to make it as great an experience as possible.”

Questions can be sent to Sara “Zarine” Jessop via email (, facebook messenger, or in person. You can also ask any of our editors! Please note if you'd like your question to remain anonymous and/or if you would like to address specific editors