
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Why You Should Go - Rhiassa Presents: Echoes of Ragnarok III

by Jason "Aeston" Rosa

The legends hold that Ragnarok is the battle that will end the world, where man and beast and god will clash is a titanic struggle that will rend apart our very existence so the world and all its souls can someday be born anew. It is a great and holy thing, even if it is also terrifying and strange.

But what if Ragnarok was stopped before it could reach its conclusion? What if the world was locked in a state where it could not die, but also could not go on with life? What if those souls were denied the rebirth that was promised to them through the covenant of their existence?

That is the story that has taken place in Echoes of Ragnarok. The onset and eventual disappearance of Beldam froze their world in a state where it could not sustain. The heroes of the Realms now burdened with an unusual task: help this broken world end itself.

Counting the What Lurks Beneath storyline that preceded Echoes of Ragnarok, this is Rhiassa’s eighth annual dungeon crawl. Capturing the feel of the classic dungeon delving adventure is an important part of our philosophy and in these years we have honed our ability to give our players the best experience we know how to.

At Echoes of Ragnarok this year, you can expect hours upon hours of slogging your way through corridors, fighting monsters, sneaking around to achieve your goals, overcoming challenges both mental and physical, and figuring out how to wrest victory from the challenging situations we will be putting in front of you. Of course fighting your way through waves and waves of monsters is an important part of that, but it’s far from the only content that we have planned for you. Crafting systems, resource management, group coordination to achieve objectives; all of these together make up the many things your party will have to face in order to find success at the end of the day.

Also on-site dinner break. We’ll be pushing you for hours so I guess it’s only fair to feed you in the midst of it.

So please come on down to Echoes of Ragnarok III: Helheim. There are still a few pre-reg slots left and paid pre-reges get a perk at check in! Register on RealmsNET today!