
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Ask the Editors

Ask the Editors


What is your favorite work of fantasy fiction and has it impacted the way you've created or that you play your character?

Oh man. This question is a can of worms for me. My favorite work of Fantasy Fiction is the Kingkiller Chronicle, by Patrick Rothfuss ( not yet completed.) It hasn't really impacted Saegan at all in terms of character, but it certainly has impacted the way I write when I'm designing backgrounds for event series I'm a part of. The magic system and lore within the world of Temerant is so deep it just keeps me reeling for hours. Literally when I'm not doing something for the Realms I'm probably arguing with someone about this book series, and any of the thousands of theories that are involved with it.  It's just the best.

-Keith “Saegan” Cronyn

That is difficult to say.   My favorite works  have been “The Deed of Paksenarian” trilogy by Elizabeth Moon and the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.  However these bodies of work tended to shape my Event Holding style and my previous character, Pyr Thalax Darkwillow.

Therian isn’t based on someone else’s characters or worlds.  He is based off of a combination of Buddhism, Native tales and mythology, and random quotes that came to mind that I felt were appropriate.  The best example is that he likes to say “death is my gift”, which is a quote from the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” TV series, but I would not say he emulates any character from within the series.

-Steven “Therian” Matulewicz

Well, I imagine by now this one is pretty obvious, but for those of you who missed it, my favorite work of fantasy fiction is the Harry Potter series. I grew up alongside with this book series, with the books coming out right as I was the same ages at the main characters, which I think maybe helps to explain my obsession with them. They were the basis of my first questing series that I worked on, and they really helped me to develop my event holding style. I strongly identify with house Hufflepuff both in and out of character and believe that hard work and friendship are the keys to happiness and success. In my earlier years, I would never have been able to proudly identify as a Hufflepuff, but watching some of my favorite people be sorted into Hufflepuff at our event series helped me embrace my true Puff self. My personal heraldry is also based off of the Deathly Hallows symbol because of the importance that this universe has had on me in all aspects of my Realms life.

-Lani “Gwen” Jones