
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

What You Missed - Ashenbounty 2018

by Cory "Asharn" Roy

We arrived in Pacifica ready to help King Skyros. We started off the night by finding refugees looking to become part of Pacifica. Among these refugees there was suspicion of one possible spy who had ill intent for the king. While helping these refugees we also had to deal with the wildlife on the island, which included bears and panthers (aka Fast Bears). Later in the night King Skyros called us to the tavern to welcome the newly found Pacificans, one of which was Mariana who became one of the King’s personal guards. When the ceremony was about to finish the King collapsed. It seemed the corrupted champion of Calypso was hurting the island and that was causing the King pain and probably would have led to his death. The heroes of the realms rushed to the shrine to face the corrupted champion. To beat her we had to align stars into the correct shapes and under Saka’s direction and lots of fighting we made the four constellations. Then the heroes of the realms where empowered and struck down the corrupted champion. When we made it back to the tavern King Skyros was already recovering and we all decided that we should rest up for the coming Imperium the next day.

The next morning we meet up with the King who tells us that the Imperium does not seem to be what they were, there were reports that members of the Imperium where under some kind of control by Anther. We decided to try and make a potion to save those who were being controlled. While doing this we also made our way over to three temples that were on the island to the Gods Gaia, Rawonam, and Dionin. Our task was to gain favor from these Gods so they would help us in the coming fight against Anther. During these challenges a few of the realms were doing trials to earn a suit of armor that would allow them to go toe to toe with the corrupted champion of Rawonam. The people in the running where Saegan, Tao, and Elouan. We ended up finding out Anther was controlling Mariana’s brother Antonio and we wanted to try and get him back. We tried everything we could but it seemed hopeless when we couldn't cure him even with a stronger version of the decorruption potion. Eventually at Mariana’s request we laid him to rest so that he wouldn't suffer at Anther’s hand anymore. After we gained enough favor we had a dinner with the king and a few of us sat with the king to plan what to do. During the day a spy was killed, they were carrying a note saying that they would be attacking points of the realms. Those places were an enchanted grove in Gau Dring, Cold Springs in Rhiassa, and Acteon in Blackwood. We would have to defend these points from the corrupted champions.

Once dinner was finished we took a portal to Gau Dring to defend this grove from the champion of Gaia. She was obviously sick from Anther’s corruption and among her forces were Eshkin, some large turtle monsters, and a few Minotaurs. After a while of fighting off these monsters we eventually attuned to some instruments that Gaia placed there for us so that we could beat the champion and we quickly took her down after that and made our way through another portal to Rhiassa. Here we defended Cold Springs from an attack by Rawonam’s champion while Saegan, Tao, and Elouan finished their trials and got the suit of armor, they agreed it was fitting for Elouan to wear it and face off against the champion. The Champion of Rhiassa defending his home from the corrupted champion, facing him one on one as the heroes of the realms chanted and cheered for him. Soon Elouan was victorious but we didn't have much time to celebrate as we still had to rush to defend Blackwood. We get to a graveyard in Acteon and are greeted by a mixture of undead and ghosts. After fighting our way in further we realize that there were necromancers there that we had to fight through the undead they were controlling to defeat. We had to surround the necromancers in these different colored essences to beat them. Once we finished defending the different places in the realms we were portaled back to Pacifica. Here we found King Skyros and Mariana trapped in vines and held captive by Anther. We had to find and free the people Anther captured to free Skyros. Anytime we destroyed Anther he spawned back out of the vines in Mariana. Once we had set free most of Skyros’s advisor and Canary Cowl Anther killed Mariana by using her to spawn once more. We killed Anther again to get the last piece of the key to free Skyros. After it was in place Anther reformed out of Skyros and we had to kill him one final time. After he was defeated some people held a vigil for Mariana since we were unable to save her. The next day was spent taking out the remainder of Anther’s corrupted army while we worked to make a memorial for Mariana and her brother Antonio to help their souls rest. We have saved Pacifica and defeated Anther and now King Skyros can work on making a great home for the surviving nation.

Asharn of Rhiassa