
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Why I Want to Go-Black and White 2018

By Lani "Gwen" Jones

Although each event brings something special and unique to the Realms community, Black and White is by far one of the staple events that consistently brings the Realms together for food, fighting, and plot. Each and every year, the team brings together a variety of what the Realms offers and executes an event that excites all types of players.

For myself, I always look forward to wandering around in the woods and engaging in plot. However, if you are interested in tournaments, there are plenty to be had. Looking to gamble? You can do that too. Interested in delicious food and poison punch? You got it. Black and White also features on my favorite auctions of the year, and gauging from the number of people who are holding tickets after court, I’m not the only one.

One thing that stands out to me about Black and White is that is one of the few events of the year that regularly features a costume change as players get ready to show off their finest as they watch Chimeron court and prepare for the masquerade ball.
I love that this event brings together the community, as we each find time to engage in the activities that we enjoy best. If you’ve never been before, I hope you’ll come and see what I mean. If however, like many of us, you’ve been year after year, then you know exactly what I’m talking about and you’ve already whet your appetite both literally and figuratively looking forward to all that the Chimeron team has to offer us.