
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

You! You! Fight to the Death 2020: Look Before You Leap Year

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

One of the things that makes the Realms a special community is that it gives us all the opportunity to build skills and abilities that are super useful in the real world, that we might not have ever explored otherwise. Speaking from my own perspective, I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I hadn’t had a safe place to learn and grow. No matter if you’ve been doing this for so long you’ve taken out stock in “Get Off My Lawn” signs, or if you’re a super newbie, You! You! Fight to the Death 2020 is an event you should definitely make time for because it is a supportive place for our newest community members to test their courage and prowess.

To my readers who have been adventuring under 2 years, I encourage you to attend this event and give it everything you’ve got. This is a low-stress opportunity to engage with your peers and try out the skills you’ve undoubtedly been practicing. Participating in tournaments can help you build your confidence, which is critical to success in the Realms and beyond. In addition to individual weapon style tournaments, you can also participate in team tournaments, which fosters excellent sportsmanship, clear communication, and most importantly, fun!

For you oldbies out there, consider coming out to cheer on our next generation of Realms leaders--they need your support and feedback to truly feel included in this community that we all call home. Be a role model (literally and figuratively)! Use this opportunity to show off your mad role-playing skills, your great attitudes, and provide feedback and guidance to our friends who one day will also tell heroic tales of their early tournaments to future generations at “blue-o-clock”. Hope to see you there!