
Friday, April 24, 2020

Home Questing: Task 5!

By Christopher "Janus" Donnelly

Here is the form to submit you wearing your hat:

If you would prefer to send it to me directly rather than uploading to youtube or some image hosting site, please email it to

For the horror writing contest (for which, you can still earn 5 bonus points for entering), the link is available HERE. The deadline for that is May 1st, and I’ll give the bonus points after the competition is complete.



Hello, Janus here and this is Home Questing.
Last week we received a large number of jokes and a few terrible, terrible puns. Thank you for all of the submissions.

This week for task five, we are going in a different direction.  This week we are asking you to make a hat out of non-conventional materials, and then wear it.  The fanciest hat will win.  The deadline is Tuesday at noon, and your time starts now.

In addition, we’d like to remind you that on May 1st the deadline ends for the bonus five points by entering into the horror writing contest.  I hope to see you on the field soon.
