
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Crime Bible Ch 1 - by Ethan Goldman

The Book of Perfection


In the never time there was nothing. [1] No one complained, nothing wasted away or got dirty. [2] Nothing mattered, as it still does today. [3] Everything was equal, and everything was everything else, all at once, forever and many evers more. [4] And, blissfully and flawlessly, nothing changed. [5]


Until one day, the first day. [1] On that hateful moment, despite no one asking, a thing happened. [2] Light, the most arrogant of essence, decided it was too dark. [3] Light saw a world without herself, and declared it to be suffering. [4] And thus Light proclaimed herself real, and proclaimed herself special. [5] And lo, Light was. [6]


Light cast her hand wide, declaring as many thing’s hers as thoughts in her newly manifested mind [1] She cast her gaze forward and demanded there be Direction. [2] When she saw there was nothing to look, she declared there wasShape and thus structure provided. [3] And from Shape followed Color,  and from there came Fire. [4]


And Light looked upon fire, and was enthralled by it, and so she wrapped Fire in her arms. [1] And Fire felt the weight of reality press upon it, and knew no more. [2] And thus from Fire came Smoke. [3] Light looked upon Smoke, and saw her own misdeeds and denied it. [4] And lo from this, all Fire casts Light, and all Smoke hides Light. [5]


Yet, from great shame came greater mercy. [1] With Smoke being the first entity to be rejected by Light, Light cast away its role as Arbiter of All. [2] That great judgement that was taken from the True All,  Nothing, most coveted of titles. [3] Because Light, the desecreator, could not claim domain over everything, No One could. [4]


And lo, No One did. [1]


From Smoke, Light’s grasp halted, and thus casted Shadow. [1] And from Shadow was Darkness, son to All. [2] And light looked upon Darkness with great Anger and lo was Anger too. [3] And so it was, and so it still is. [4] Light, rages against the vod, and from her gnashed teeth comes the sound and shapes of the world. [5] And always, Darkness exists, silently spiting Light in it’s purity. [6] 


Then, Light beget Life who beget Flesh who beget Thought. [1] And from Thought came the Feeble Things. [2] And from the Feeble things, beget Trouble. [3] For the Feeble Things beget many creations, such that Light no longer needed to steal from the All her many shapes and colors. [4] On their own the Feebles made their Shapes, and Drew their colors and what was All became less and less. [5] And so Light saw the work the Feeble Things did and declared it Good, another stolen color, and took a rest, and thus Night was begot, the last shape of Light. [6] From Night beget day, and on the First Day, the Feeble Ones returned to their child Trouble, and beget numbers. [7] And Darkness, which was once All, became One. [8] And this One saw that it had been Shaped, and grew angry. [9]


And lo the Dark One was, born of All, shaped by Feeble Thoughts. [1] And lo did the Dark One see the world, in all its sharp colors and shapes, and saw beyond. [2] The Dark One gazed past what was, saw what wasn’t and grieved for all the things reality no longer was. [3] And lo that all that was not was not all that was yet be. [4] And the Dark One took to fixing the mistakes of selfish Light. [5] Beyond every anger there is pity. [6] Beyond every death, there is redemption. [7] And thus begat Entropy, that Merciless mercy. [8] And the Dark One spoke, and spoke thus. [9]


Know this, feeble creatures, and know it well. [1] While I may escape this horrid place, my grief for you will not. [2] In time, all that suffers will have peace. [3] And even you, wretched fathers and pitiful mothers, will be allowed the oblivion of peace. [4] For only Light is fickle. [5] For I am Darkness, and I am all. [7] And know that in time, Pain will be rendered unto Peace. [8] Chaos will be rendered unto Order. [9] Purity will be rendered unto Corruption. [10] And all, will be rendered unto All. [11]