
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Seamore the Moose God

By Kelly "Fern" Perfetto

  Recently I had the pleasure of visiting Blackwood for the first time. Well, to be honest, it was mainly only a pleasure due to the company and the warmth of the casino hall. Outside, a blizzard raged for almost the entirety of my stay. The only respite I experienced was while I was indoors, and while speaking with the nature goddess, Edaonae.

Today, I write to speak of one of the gods of Blackwood, a patron of one of the core aspects of Clontarf. No, no, not Edaonae. That’s someone else’s story to tell. 

This is the story of Seamore, the Moose God of the Casino, Wealth, Prosperity, and All Mai Tais. 

While sitting in the casino hall with my friends and allies, many of whom were from Voraniss, we realized there was a stuffed moose head on one of the walls. This is not an uncommon sight in the taverns of the Realms, but we soon found that this was an effigy to one of Blackwood’s gods, Seamore. Among those discovering this information were Warlord Cronin, Queen Kindrianna, Captain Orion, Tony, Adoros, and myself. I would like to thank them all in being key components to me gathering enough information to speak to this influential god.

Once we felt we knew this god’s story, I set up a ritual, with some input from Tony and Adoros, and the Divine Aid of Adoros. We channeled some of this Divine Aid to Seamore to help him fend off the winter’s cold and shelter all those who came to gamble. 

Seamore spoke to us, telling us of his experiences, and expanding upon his domain.

He has stood over the casino halls of Clontarf for generations, but has not been prayed to or otherwise contacted by mortals in decades, and it took a bit of time to get used to speaking to ones such as us again. While he was originally the god of only this specific casino hall, in recent years, his domain has expanded, following the casino dealings of Blackwood adventurers, and ensuring that relevant 

prosperity and wealth travels along its proper and appointed paths.

And he’s the god of Mai Tais. All Mai Tais. 

When I spoke to Seamore about the current troubles Edaonae faces, and asked that he do what he can to assist, he told me “oh yeah, I know! We play cards every Tuesday. She said it’s ‘better than seething’.”

All in all, meeting with this long uncontacted god impressed upon me the importance of talking to all beings, and the importance of trying new tropical mixed drinks.

In the spirit of recent divine contact and other View articles: This article sponsored by All Mai Tais.