
Friday, January 20, 2023

Lost Kingdoms Battle Log, Week 6

Twelve Days After the Old Moon, Month of the Wolf in the Year 1023


Time has passed in an odd way for me this past week, but I will try to relay what information I can in an accurate manner. I cannot say with certainty what happened outside of the Spirit Realm, but I can summarize based on what I heard from reports and friends…

The Ogres and Wolds that had descended from the mountains met the Invictus line, a most unfortunate adventure for them. Our allies fought hard and were joined by a ship flying Blackwood’s colors that magically appeared in the center of Lake Irvan. When I asked around, I discovered that it was Irri who had petitioned Jagtor the Salmon Spirit for aid in transporting the ship, which was granted in exchange for the sacrifice of magic. Between the martial might of Invictus, and the cannonballs, the enemies in the north were routed. Unluckily, however, more of them are coming and it seems Irrad has taken the field with them. I’ll get to him in a moment.

My personal priority for the week was acting on information acquired by allies that indicated that Arvitt Garrimaddon was about to throw a massive temper tantrum over the loss of one of his “shields” by sending all the Warlords of the Erl King at us at once (sans Maggot). I made my way into the Otherworld with Adoros to petition Benjamin Grans for aid, and we discussed whether it might be possible to create a barrier like the one in Nathan’s Hollow to protect the country from the wrath of the Warlords. Utilizing the powdered remnants of the chain that bound him mixed in holy water, we set out to walk the border of Voraniss for about eight months, praying over the boundary. Before you wonder how eight months went by in the span of less than a week, I shall tell you that time passes much faster within the Otherworld than it does out here.

While I was doing this, my countryfolk and allies were prepping a massive ritual to boost the power of our efforts. More than a dozen people, and powerful beings, called out and sent their power, their magic, and their faith in our direction. If I had attempted to channel this energy alone, I’m sure I would have evaporated. Luckily, I was not alone, and Adoros and I were able to split the magical influx of power and direct it towards Benjamin Grans who invoked his faith in the Sword Maiden utilizing the banner of Clan Defender as a focus.

The barrier was effective for the most part, and weaker enemies such as lesser Undead and Wolds began to collapse or crumble when they attempted to pass. Humans and Ogres were still able to step through unhindered, but at least we had weakened the enemy's ability to field greater numbers. It was about this point when things began to turn for the worse, and we could see the full results of Garrimaddon’s wrath.

The sky turned a dark and sickly green, as we realized very quickly that the Warlords would be undeterred by our barrier. Too powerful to be stopped, they appeared to join their stronger forces. In the sky, a massive figure was spotted taking form in the swirling clouds. It was pale blue and with a wave of its hand conjured three enemy ships, and half a dozen smaller translucent figures before hijacking the portal our allied reinforcements had been using. I suspect that these new minions are Phantoms and that perhaps this being in the sky is Kytsim, the Warlord of Corrupted Magic.

As mentioned before, Irrad has also taken the field. From what I have heard, he is an enormous earth elemental of sorts, and the sound of his voice is so powerful that it could knock a person unconscious. Irrad is the Warlord of Corrupted Stone and the one that utilizes Wolds as his primary minions. As far as we currently know, the best defense against him is unbreakable shields. Additionally, Ang, the Warlord of Corrupted Spirit has been spotted with Laughing Dead up near Mirador, and Polth, the Warlord of Corrupted Water has crawled from the river between the Bear and Stag shrines.

Sensing their dark power, Benjamin Grans did what he thought best and made the choice to join the great Spirit Tree of Voraniss, bonding himself to it forever. This sacrifice denies him the afterlife that he so desired with his Goddess but ensures that the barrier will no longer need weekly maintenance to uphold. We will not let his sacrifice be in vain, and I will not forget his courage…and I will strive to honor it upon the field of battle.

We will think of something. There is always a way forward. There must be.


In Service,

Spirit Queen Kindrianna Athame