
Thursday, January 19, 2023

What you Missed - Feast of the Leviathan XXIV

Feast of the Leviathan, not Feast of Leviathan (I’ve been corrected), is a great event to kick off the year. Or end it, depending on your point of view. Time is all relative anyways.

This year, instead of throwing a feast in honor of themselves, Rhiassa threw a feast in honor of Ashenmark for all the hard work that they do. Ashenmark, we thank you.

Why was I at a feast when there is a war to fight and I don’t like food? Because that’s what we do around here.

Most of the day was spent wandering, meeting up with friends old and new. And occasionally enemies. I got to reunite with my Queen after she spent 8 months wandering the Otherworld, some wraiths came to collect upon a favor owed to them by Mathias and Bones, Aelias and Liselle had a bounty put on their heads by an assassins guild. I guess it wouldn’t be a feast of blood without an assassination attempt. 

Then there were the meetings. Gods the meetings. If you want to learn more about the Eagle’s Rook conflict, you should definitely reach out to Squire’s Fern and Liselle.

As with any feast, people got stabby and turned this feast into a tournament. Blackwood got themselves a new Champion and High Mage. Congratulations to Vesper and Liana respectively. Tulkhan and Stewhart also held some skirmishes as part of their Squirely task. I got stabbed by Omri in the snow as well. 

Rhiassa hosted many fun activities. There were games with math, games without math, and more! I was voluntold to play mini-golf with Orion. And maybe I had a bit of fun. The adventurer's guild had activities as well. And I managed to buy myself a copy of Vikings vs Dinosaurs, which I will happily play with people next time I’m bored at a feast.

Food was served, and court was had. And while I can’t do it justice, I can provide some highlights from court. The Order of the Peacock provided some awards for service. Elizah was knighted into the Knight’s of Blackwood. Kindrianna became a Knight of the Eternal flame. Tao became a Knight of the Realms. Anton was Squired under Aelias to the Knight’s of the Sable Dragon. Congratulations to everyone. 

Unfortunately, we ran out of time for Bardics. I guess the realms wasn’t ready for my newest bardic. Next time.

The night ended with some seer magic help from the Leviathan. Thank you to the Leviathan for your aid in the war effort. And thank you Rhiassa for a long day of food, friends, and fun.

Until next time

Page Margaret August