
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Laughing Gods in the Eye: Tragedy + Time = Healing Magic

When the Goddess of Life was asked if she was upset that the greatest healing magic belonged to another, she always said no.

by Ethan "JB" Goldman

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Leviathan's Feast of the Mind Selected Trivia!

At this past Feast of Leviathan a new tournament was unveiled, Leviathan's Feast of the Mind! Below are a selection of some of the questions from that tournament. Answers will be posted later in the day. Feel free to collaborate on social media to figure out the answers, but simply looking stuff up is boring!

Odd One Out - Choose which of the items in the list are not part of the listed category

10 Year Anniversaries - Several event series hit the milestone of being run for 10 years! Find the imposter(s) 

  • Blackwood Tournaments 
  • Ashen Bounty
  • Tournaments of Chaos
  • Tournaments of Artemis   
  • Feast of Blackwood  

People Knighted This Year (1023) - Lots of people were brought up in front of the crowd and knighted. Find who wasn’t!
  • Shader Jarlsberg - Knights of the Lunar Aegis
  • Orion - Knights of the Eternal Flame
  • Tao Kang - Knights of the Realms
  • Hygar Athame - Knights of the Eternal Flame

Say What You See

What are the pictures below trying to tell you from the last year?

What are the pictures below trying to tell you about Leviathan?

What are these pictures saying to you?

Connections - Each of these four seemingly random clues are connected. Can you find out how?

  • Line Battle - Five Man - Risx - Live Chess  

  • EoR, QoH, FotL, WLB 

  • Chimeron, Venomland, Ashenmark, Invictus 

  • Yours is the claw of the lion, Yours is the hide of the lion, Yours is the shoulder of the lion, Yours is the roar of the lion 

  • Drow, Erl King, Bedlam, Imperium 

Order! Order! Put these lists in the order in which they occurred.

Historical Events, Chronological Order
  • Rhiassa Joins the Free Nations
  • Da’oud Breaks the Sword Dalindanna
  • Da’oud becomes Lord of Rhiassa
  • Leviathan Scale First Minted
  • Arrival of Jomsvikings in the Realms
  • The Great Eye Defeated

Feast of the Leviathan Subtitles, Most Recent to Oldest
  • Oak and Arrow
  • A Tribute to Chimeron
  • Here’s To You, Ashenmark!
  • Gwen Unleashed
  • Gathering and Parting

Food for the Feast, Least to Most
  • Pounds of meat to make meatballs 
  • Pounds of fresh sauce made for the dinner course
  • Pounds of broccoli and cheese soup 
  • Pounds of milk used to make the ricotta for the lasagna

Monday, January 29, 2024

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, January 26, 2024

Maker's Space with Justin “Grarr” Balanca-Hawkes!

Organized by: Justin "J'ortsa" Thibeault

Maker's Space is a new View series about interviewing the makers, crafters, and artificers of the Realms and sharing their creations with everyone! I know I take pride in my work so I know you all must as well. That being said, how often do you get to humbly (or not so humbly) brag about your creations, so this is your outlet! Tell me everything!!

1. What is your OOC name?

Justin Balanca-Hawkes

2. What is your character's name?*

Grarr Seawoods

3. What crafting mediums do you typically work in?

Leather and various shield mediums

4. What is your favorite medium to work with? Why is it your favorite?

Plywood for shield construction. It has a really classy look to it and takes paints and finishes really nicely.

5. What is the most challenging part of working with this medium for you? How did you overcome it?

Finding a plywood that is strong enough to be effective as a shield while being light enough to not be a burden while fighting. I overcame this by working out how to make a plywood and plastic laminate that has the look and feel of plywood while being reinforced by the plastic.

6. What is the piece you are most proud of? Why?

Currently I am most proud of 2 different shields that I put a good amount of time into. The first one was a commission to make the lightest shield that I could possibly make with custom art on the front. The second one is KFG which I am very honored that I was asked to make that item.

7. What is the piece you have done most recently that you are allowed to share? Tell us about it!

My most recent piece was a set of pauldrons that I made for myself that some people may have seen at this year's Feast of the Leviathan. They're a pair of black and tan stacked leather pauldrons made from veg tan leather sporting dragon scale tooling and dark brown antique.

8. What is the earliest piece you made? How long ago did you make it?

The earliest thing I made in the Realms was coincidentally a sled shield that was probably the single worst shield I've ever made, but it got me through my first event and a good few practices until I was able to make something better.

9. What medium do you wish to learn more about or have been interested in? 

So I already know a good amount about 3D printing as a tool, but I'm very interested in exploring it more in the context of our game for things like armor, props and similar uses.

10. What advice do you have for the rest of the community when it comes to crafting and making?

If you have an idea for something that you want to make just go for it! None of us started out making these awesome projects that you might see us making now. Also, most of us want to help you make your cool ideas too so don't be afraid to come and talk with us and ask us for advice!

11. What inspires you to do what you do? 

A lot of different things inspire me to make things. Most commonly I find myself making things that I see online, at events, or just in my head that I thought might look cool or that I think might be useful at an upcoming event.

12. Is there anything else you really wanna share with us? Any upcoming projects, etc.?

One of my goals for this year is to complete a full set of leather armor for myself so I'm sure there will be lots of small projects happening throughout the year for me that I'm looking forward to.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Realmsle #14


This custom Wordle-adjacent-puzzle features a 5-letter word that is particularly relevant to the Realms.

If the embedded page isn't working below you can click this link to get to the puzzle.

Like regular Wordle you can copy your results (but only if you follow the link), so paste them or a screenshot onto social media to let us know how you did. But no spoilers!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Laughing Gods in the Eye: Just Us Tournaments

A new satyrical Realms gods comic series
by Ethan "JB" Goldman

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Rules to NPC By

Rules to NPC By
 by Travis "Elwin" Wilcox

Good day everyone! With such an influx of new players and their generosity in donating their time as NPCs, I thought it would be a good idea to write up a little list of guidelines to follow when you are playing a crunchie NPC for another event holder. This is by far not a comprehensive list, but it will get a lot of the bad habits out of the way and allow for a good time to be had by all.

1.      Remember we are doing this to make sure the players are having fun. That doesn't mean you can't have fun as well, but chances are you got a reduced cost to get into the event and you are helping the game as a whole by playing an NPC.

2.      You should never backstab players to kill them. No one likes to just die without having a chance to defend themselves. Sure, a leg shot here and there is fine to remind them to keep their head on a swivel, but it is unsportsmanlike to just drum roll someone’s back.

3.      Remember to always fight as your monster. If they are a goblin, they shouldn't be a super soldier fighting above all other players out there even if you as a player a physically capable of doing so. Tone it down, you have a ton of lives the players have very limited.

4.      In that same vein, you shouldn't machine gun as a crunchie. Take the shot and pull back. If you slip inside that shield man's guard don't just go crazy in there. Give them a chance to correct their guard and keep fighting. One missed block shouldn't equal death on a fully armored fighter.

5.      As important as it is on a quest for the players to take their hits, it is infinitely more important for an NPC to do so. Like above, you have a ton of lives where the players have few. It hurts nothing for you to over call and take a death on accident then to miss a shot and end up killing a player.

6.      You are the interactive piece to the world that the characters see. If you are a goblin act like a goblin, if you are a troll act like a troll. It is important to get into that character as much as you can to bring the world to life for the other players.

7.      Pace yourself. Depending on how many NPCs are in your group you may have a hard day's work ahead of you. There are times when you need to be constantly fighting on the field for an hour or more. Make sure you take care of yourself and drink plenty of water. Grab a snack to keep your energy up and remember, it is okay to slow down a little bit if you are getting tired. Mistakes happen when you are fatigued, and no one wants anyone else to get hurt.

8.      Make sure you ask your Event Holder or Head NPC how the special calls work on you and how you should respond to them. Things like Enfeeble Being, Fighter's Intuition, and Ritual of Banishment, make a world of difference to the players casting them and it feels bad for them if they just get a “No Effect” or a shrug from the NPC.

9.      Finally, I would like to stress that many of these can be overruled by an event holder so that they can try and better tell their story. Unless they are asking you to break a safety rule, it is their decision if they want you to fight at full ability or backstab without warning. Just make sure they are the ones giving you that call, and you are not taking that liberty upon yourself.

 These are just general rules to follow when you are playing a basic crunchie NPC. Things change quite a bit when you are given a lead role or a more powerful monster to play. They usually have special calls as well as special defenses and unique ways of playing them. The biggest thing out of all of these to remember is Rule 1. We are all doing this to have fun. If you are ruining your player's fun by how you are acting, you are not doing your job as an NPC. That doesn't mean don't challenge them but also make sure they are not overwhelmed.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, January 19, 2024

Player's Meeting and Community Forum Announcement

Hear ye, hear ye Realmsonians,

It’s that time of year again where the Players Meeting and Event Holders Council are right around the corner.  In particular, the Players Meeting is set to take place on February 3rd, just over two weeks away, via Zoom.  As a reminder, any person who attended a legal event in the last calendar year is eligible to attend and vote at the Players Meeting.  The meeting will open at 10:30am, we will go over an outline and handle any process questions at 10:45am, and then hopefully dive into the work of the day no later than 11am.  During this meeting we will review and vote on proposals to send forward to the Event Holders Council occurring two weeks later.  There will also be a vote to select two representatives (they cannot already be eligible to vote at the EHC) to attend the Event Holders Council, a primary and backup.  The primary representative will be able vote and both are able to voice opinions and accept amendments on behalf of those unable to attend the meeting.  A two thirds majority of voting attendees is required for proposals to pass on to the EHC.

As for those proposals, they may be submitted on Realmsnet anytime between now and the Players Meeting, and even during the Players Meeting.  We will be cutting off new proposals once we start nearing the end of the meeting if we are running up against a time constraint.  There are already a plethora of proposals on Realmsnet ( to review.  We highly recommend that if you plan on attending the meeting you familiarize yourself with the proposals and ask any questions or make any comments you may have on draft proposals to help move this process along when we get to the meeting.  During the meeting we will require amendments to have complete and finalize wording before they can be accepted, so if you have something in mind you would like to suggest, we again recommend doing so before the meeting, or at least having succinct and clear wording ready ahead of time.  Proposals that need work can be tabled to the end of the meeting, but if they are not ready by the time we get to them they will be dropped.

Our rules require that ALL proposals are legal proposals to be voted on, and we will be very strict about this during the meeting due to the number of proposals it looks like we may see.  You can find the rules for submitting proposals in section 8.1 of the Omnibus, but the requirement on what the proposal must contain we want to stress is this; “the exact wording to be added, removed, or modified within the Omnibus or Standing Policies, along with the section to be modified.”  “The OEC can figure it out,” is not an acceptable reason to push forward a proposal that does not meet these requirements.

Finally, in an attempt to help keep the meeting moving smoothly and briskly we will be hosting a Community Forum one week before the Players Meeting on Friday, January 26th at 7:30 via Zoom.  This will be a place to help workshop your proposals and to work out any minutia as well as reviewing any of the larger proposals if we have time.  We will make a Google form available before the meeting if you are interested in workshopping your proposal as well as if you’re interested in having your proposal discussed ahead of time.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to either Pat or Tucker via discord or email us at

Conspiracy Monthly

By Kyra/Kieran Barry

From the award winning publication!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

What You Missed - Feast of the Leviathan XXV

By Sarah “Evie” Fournier, Emma “Irri” Sherman, and Hannah “Ryu” Boucher, Initiates of the Order of the Lunar Aegis

The 25th year of the Feast of the Leviathan drew out players old and new, and over 180 people were in attendance for this landmark event. Let us paint the scene for you. 

Entering the hall, adventurers were greeted with a mini golf course containing a variety of obstacles to maneuver around. Surrounding the first room of the hall, over half a dozen vendor stalls were stationed for attendees perusal. The variety of goods up for sale was expansive; it was the perfect opportunity to pick up a few gifts for friends! There were multiple tables offering challenges to adventurers, including Feast for the Mind presented by Ashenmark, and the Knights of the Realms challenge. Towards the back of the hall, there were 3 different gambling tables, plus the Stacked Deck tournament table. The table featuring Rhiassa’s famous Luck of the Lion game was surrounded by excited gamblers for hours. The bar was even more busy, and the bartenders did a great job of keeping up with the demand of the feast. The drink offerings were refreshing and delicious, especially their special of the day, “Lion on the Rocks”, featuring pineapple soda and fruity add-ons.

Now of course, we have to talk about the food! There was an abundance of food circulating through the hall, so you couldn’t possibly have left hungry. There were so many skewered foods, which are the most fun to eat! Little potato bites with olive oil and salt, mozzarella and tomato with balsamic glaze. Pepperoni and cheese stuffed biscuits. Warm, cheesy hash browns loaded with sour cream and bacon. A variety of flatbreads. There were charcuteries galore, and a soup-cuterie too! The beef stew was magnificent.

There was plenty to do around the feast hall, but just in case you think there were no shenanigans, we can assure you, there were in fact shenanigans (much to the chagrin of Aeston’s anti-shenanigan enforcers). The first quest of the day involved the initiates to the Circle of Crows being summoned by the Raven Spirit of Voraniss, Mirageiros. The initiates were asked to aid in the cleansing of a sacred place to their Circle. They, and some adventuring pals waddled down the path, found some bad plants, zombies, and dangerous terrain for those in heels. After some magicing and fighting, the plants were vanquished, and the party was teleported away, leaving only the initiates to do the final cleansing. They channeled their different magics to grow a protective, magical tree. The adventurers also found their way to the grave of Edwin Raincourt’s wife. The grave had been corrupted with necromantic energy, but with a little magic, it was able to be purged. Next, a party was able to sneak into Edwin’s camp and steal information about where he was going to attack next. Finally, Edwin Raincourt himself along with his posse of possessed Knights, decided to crash the feast; however, they dared not suffer Lord Aeston’s wrath by stepping foot in the tavern. Chaos ensued as everyone rushed to meet the threat, but it turned out they were here to offer some information, not cause a fight. Of course that didn’t stop some people from trying. Luckily, after a bit of taunting and heckling, the unwelcome guests departed, just in time for us all to enjoy the main event; lasagna!

Once everyone sat down to eat, we were really able to get a good look at the decorations adorning the hall. The tables had beautiful red tablecloths. Red and black lamps served as centerpieces, with the Rhiassa lion displayed proudly upon them. Rhiassan flags hung throughout the hall. The color red is said to stimulate the appetite, and we were certainly excited for dinner. The lasagna entree was great, with garlic bread served on the side. Shortly after dinner was served, we enjoyed dessert. It was a lemon and blueberry trifle, fruity, light, sweet, and delicious! We enjoyed our meals as we listened to Cressida and Aeston address the feast hall. A lot happened during court, so we’ve summed everything up as best we can. Aeston shared a very heartfelt thank you to Rhiassans of the past, acknowledging all of their hard work over the years, and the impact each of them has had on our community, even years after passing the torch. The View from Valehaven Awards were presented to all the winners. King Hygar was made a Magi, and Queen Kindrianna was made a peacock. Blackwood announced Saegan’s planned ascension to King. The Knights of the Sable Dragon announced four new squires, Grarr, Rowan, Odd and Fern. Anthony Warder was made a full member of Stonewood. Irri won the High Mage tournament for Blackwood (as a petitioner!). And finally, the winners of the various challenges and tournaments were given their prizes. 

It was truly a fantastic Feast of the Leviathan, and we can’t wait until the next one! We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Feast of the Leviathan XXV Sculpture Contest

 This year at Feast of the Leviathan XXV we had the return of the sculpture contest. This year's theme was "The Soul of Rhiassa". Please take a look at all of our entries below.

And the Winner:

Which one did you like the best? Let us know on social media!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

2023 View Awards Winners

Event Awards

Ashen Bounty X: Event with Outstanding Special Effects, Event with Outstanding Props & Costumes, Event with Outstanding Night Quest, Outstanding Feast Event, Outstanding Questing Event, Outstanding Weekend Event

KoSD Questing I: Event with Outstanding Special Effects, Outstanding Questing Event

Voraniss Questing II: Event with Outstanding Special Effects, Event with Outstanding Props & Costumes, Event with Outstanding Night Quest, Outstanding Questing Event, Outstanding Weekend Event

Voraniss Questing III: Event with Outstanding Special Effects,Event with Outstanding Props & Costumes, Event with Outstanding Night Quest, Outstanding Questing Event, Outstanding Weekend Event

Rhiassa Presents: Queen of Hearts XXVIII: Outstanding Tournament Event

Black & White 2023: Non-Feast Event with Outstanding Food, Outstanding One-Day Event

The Coronation of King Shandar: Event with Outstanding Props & Costumes, Event with Outstanding Night Quest, Non-Feast Event with Outstanding Food, Outstanding Feast Dishes - Corn - Daekara's Chicken, Outstanding Tournament Event, Outstanding Weekend Event

The Gilded Lion and Silver Branch Summer Festival II: Non-Feast Event with Outstanding Food

Rhiassa Presents: Feast of the Leviathan XXIV: Outstanding Feast Event, Outstanding Feast Dishes - - Prime Rib - Taco Bar, Outstanding One-Day Event

Feast of Chimeron 28: Hunt It! Kill It! Eat It!:  Outstanding Feast Event

Feast of Blackwood: Outstanding Feast Dish - Blackwood Meatballs

16th Annual Tournaments of Chaos: Outstanding Tournament Event

Voraniss Questing: 1.5: Outstanding One-Day Event: 

Publication Awards

Various Authors: Outstanding View from Valehaven Article - A Tribute to Conrad, Outstanding View from Valehaven Series - Fresh Faces

Dan Diamond: Outstanding View from Valehaven work of Poetry, Song, or Fiction - Banecroft Blue

Kyra Barry: Outstanding View from Valehaven Article - Jerry Pearce, Pawldo, 30 years of skin in the game, Outstanding View from Valehaven Series - Conspiracy Monthly

Brooke Gingras: Outstanding Realms Photograph - Archer on the Hill

Ryan Welch: Outstanding View from Valehaven Series - Rumors

Paul Tilton: Outstanding Realms Photograph - Castle from On High

Brianna Messier: Outstanding Realms Photograph - Flesh Golem

Hannah Boucher: Outstanding View from Valehaven work of Poetry, Song, or Fiction - Little Eddy Raincoat

Renee Booke: Outstanding View from Valehaven Article - Why I Want To Go: Voraniss Questing III - BBEG Edition, Outstanding View from Valehaven work of Poetry, Song, or Fiction - Song for Solarus

Sara Jessop: Outstanding Realms Photograph - The Champion Kneels

Player Awards

Conrad Barnes: Outstanding Roleplaying by a Player Character

Charlie Pottow: Outstanding Newbie

Ethan Goldman: Outstanding Bard

Derek Booke: Outstanding Craftsperson

Nataliya Kostenko: Outstanding Artist

Brookelyn Gingras: Outstanding Vendor, Outstanding Artist, Outstanding Photographer

Gregory Falconer: Outstanding Feastocrat, Outstanding Servant or Kitchen Staff

Ashenmark: Outstanding Group for Staffing and NPCing

Sara Jessop: Outstandingly Dressed, Outstanding Roleplaying by a Player Character

Josh Learned: Outstanding Combat Marshal, Outstanding Trainer, Outstanding Mentor, Outstanding Grunt NPC

Eric Willisson: Outstanding Magic Marshal

Kelly Bonci: Outstanding Feastocrat

Voraniss: Outstanding Group for Staffing and NPCing

Adam Blaisdell: Outstanding Craftsperson, Outstandingly Dressed, Outstanding Roleplaying by a Player Character, Outstanding Roleplaying of a Single NPC Role - Sir Roman

Megan & Steve Matulewicz: Outstanding Vendor

Kelly Perfetto: Outstanding Newbie, Outstanding Roleplaying by a Player Character

Kyra Barry: Outstanding Newbie

Renee Booke: Outstanding Bard, Outstanding Magic Marshal, Outstanding Mentor, Outstanding Roleplaying of Magic by a Spellcaster, Outstanding Roleplaying of a Single NPC Role - Dame Carrion

Mike Durocher: Outstanding Grunt NPC, Outstanding Combat Marshal

Ryan Welch: Outstanding Mentor, Outstanding Trainer

Lani Jones: Outstanding Feastocrat, Outstanding Servant or Kitchen Staff

Maryanne Betie: Outstanding Artist, Outstanding Vendor

Brianna Meisser: Outstanding Photographer

Maria Carr: Outstanding Craftsperson, Outstandingly Dressed, Outstanding Roleplaying of Magic by a Spellcaster

James Murphy: Outstanding Grunt NPC

Shane DeShone: Outstanding Roleplaying of a Single NPC Role - Todd the Goose

Invictus: Outstanding Group for Staffing and NPCing

Hannah Boucher: Outstanding Bard

Kersten Prince: Outstanding Photographer

Jerry Pearce: Outstanding Servant or Kitchen Staff

Tucker Noyes: Outstanding Combat Marshal, Outstanding Trainer

Derek Booke: Outstanding Mentor

Nate Carr: Outstanding Magic Marshal, Outstanding Roleplaying of Magic by a Spellcaster

Paragon Awards

Gregory Falconer: Outstanding Honor in Combat, Outstanding in Helping Eventholders

Ryan Welch: Outstanding Role Model

Renee Booke: Outstanding Role Model, Outstanding Contributions to the Realms

Jason Rosa: Outstanding Contributions to the Realms

Becky Baron: Outstanding in Helping Eventholders

Tucker Noyes: Outstanding Honor in Combat, Outstanding in Helping Eventholders, Outstanding Role Model

Josh Learned: Outstanding Honor in Combat, Outstanding Role Model, Outstanding Contributions to the Realms

Derek Booke: Outstanding Contributions to the Realms

Craig Blais: Outstanding Honor in Combat

Patrick Bobell: Outstanding in Helping Eventholders


Monday, January 15, 2024

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, January 12, 2024

What's It Do? What's It Do?

In this continuing View feature, we show you a picture of a theoretical magic item. Then you go back to Facebook and in the comments, invent your idea for the powers that this item would have.

Here is this week's item:

What's this 90's-tastic game accessory do in Realms? Head on over to social media and let us know!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Guess That Realmsie!

Another in our continuing series! In the below picture there is a Realmsie-shaped black hole. Can you figure out who it is based only on the profile? Tell us on social media if you think you know who it is! The answer will be revealed later in the day.  

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Why I Want to Go - Rhiassa Presents Feast of the Leviathan XXV

by Ethan "JB" Goldman

Listen, there are two easy, almost obvious answers. Leviathan has long been one of the few culmination events in the Realms. It is where NPCs are rewarded, the View gives out prizes, its the last goodbye most of our heroes get for three months. Leviathan has always been important, conclusions always are. And with the Yule Cabin having been retired, among several other big events the years prior, more has been left unsaid than last year. You go to Leviathan to say hello, to say goodbye, to make promises you might be able to keep. 

Plus its a feast, some would say THE feast, Chimeron, Ashen Bounty, they always share space with quests, the Coronation had its tournaments. There is a purity in Leviathan’s one day, in how its entirety works to support the feast experience. Its quests are low stake and outsourced so you can choose to enjoy the feast without dooming a village. A entire table is dedicated to holding appetizers, it has a BAR (Without booze but still), it has mini golf. It’s denser than other feasts, plenty to eat, plenty to watch, plenty to do. All in support of its feast structure. There aren’t many anymore that follow that formula still.

I can even bring up Voraniss', quests will be running, important quests against Sir Rainecourt, chances to settle scores and defeats that have been steadily racked up in the last 2 years. For many people this threat is everything to them, and the chance to get an edge, any edge, is reason enough.

But that’s easy, you can read off the Realms page for that. People have been to Leviathans for 25 years, they know what it has, they know what they like about it. You didn't NEED me.

So why don’t we speak about something else. Let us talk about time.

30 years ago, I was born. 30 years ago, there was no Voraniss, there was no Invictus, no Neden, no Grimloch. There was Folkestone however, there was Chimeron, Blackwood. And there was Rhiassa.

Before there was Aeston, there was a man named Sir Duncan. There was also Sir Da’oud but I don’t know that guy. Duncan is a storied man. He served under Prince Bob, he freed Dalindanna from Orlando’s (Formerly the Champion) hands. He fought in the Ascension war under Garm. He wrote a comic book, that may not seem as impressive but, I mean, he did it. It was funny. All of this five years before Aeston even joined Rhiassa. 

But, in 993, none of that happened yet. Duncan didn’t know what “The Champion” was, all he knew was that his old kingdom was gone, buried under magic and blade and bitter defeat. 30 years ago. Duncan started over.

Twenty Five years ago Leviathan started, it wasn't the oldest feast, it wasn’t even Rhiassan, it was a Chimeron feast, then it belonged to the Free Kingdoms. It wasn’t the conclusion of the year, it wasn’t even the beginning. 999’s first event was hosted by Shadow (my god) and was about retrieving a Palinteer from Mordor. What Leviathan was, was a relic from the host's homeland. But, like Aeston himself, it was not home. It was in Chimeron, like Rhiassa once was, then it joined the Free Kingdoms, like Rhiasssa once did. But when it did, Aeston did not go to Rhiassa. He formed Vinehaeven. Another memory. Fifteen years ago, on the fifteenth Queen of Hearts, Aeston joined Rhiassa, knighted by Sir Duncan himself.

Fifteen years ago, the feast of the homeland was home.

Eight years ago Sir Duncan mentored an ill tempered chef from the swamps but no one is perfect. We all make mistakes. But seven years ago, Sir Duncan retired. A story started 30 years ago, and ended like a hundred others. Time compartmentalizes things. Tragedies, Triumph, eventually they are just trivia.

The great work of great people does not often survive their people. The Free Kingdoms collapsed as soon as King Jarrod’s interest in it did. People do not follow dreams, they follow people. It is the easiest thing for something to end. It happens by accident.

Sometimes however, things do not.

Why do I want to go? I’ve skipped Leviathan’s before. I’m not skipping this one though. I have debts to repay.

Three days from now, Sir Duncan returns, and will gaze upon his works. And it, all of it, will still be there.

One of those works happens to be a cook. So he’s going. So I am going.

Are, you going? 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

A Year's Reflection & Next One's Goals - Part 2

1023 has quickly come and gone and as the year comes to an end and we gear up for our 1024 season we asked you to reflect on your past year and share what you are looking forward to in the upcoming one.

Brianna “Margaret August” Meisser: 

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?

Being accepted into Voraniss as a full member of the nation and getting my Oathsworn name.

2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

Getting to successfully defend Coventry from the Lost Kingdoms and completing the first quest Aurora ever assigned to me. It felt very rewarding.  

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

I learned a lot. I’ve grown into myself as a better caster. Learned a lot about our culture and traditions, learned about event holding and running plots.

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

Trying to unravel the mysteries of the Spaces in Between, and working to put reality back together the way it’s supposed to be. 

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

Very excited for DI3, I’ve been waiting for that event since I was a brand new newbie, and I’m really excited at the possibility of it finally coming to life. 

6. What are your goals for 1024?

I want to focus more on understanding all the mysteries Voraniss has to uncover. I also want to make progress on my goals, from helping to fix my mistakes with The Champion to succeeding on the Quest for Hope and working to find a new Mortal Avatar of Aurora. I have lots of things I want to work towards and hopefully accomplish.

 Anything else you'd like to add?

It’s really cool to see how much I’ve grown between my first and second year and I can’t wait for my third!

Cal “Syruss”:

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?

Friendship, Health and Happiness.

2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

OOC: Helping a family of one of my students who was struggling financially get their basic needs met consistently through grants and donations.

IC: Syruss traveled with his Carnival and got some new faces and creatures to add to his Menagerie.

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

OOC: I learned a new Psychology approach called DBT Dialectical behavior therapy which has helped me evolve as a counselor. 

IC: Syruss learned that if you're throwing Neden potluck expect the unexpected.

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

OOC: Being available to all my friends and hobbies.

IC: Syruss solving the case of the missing jeweled decanter.

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

OOC: Traveling to Ireland and the UK.

IC: Bringing back Neden gatherings with the realms.

6. What are your goals for 1024?

OOC: To balance my hobbies and schedule better.

IC: Bringing back the Neden can food drive.

 Anything else you'd like to add?

Miss you all see you on the battlefield or the tavern after ✌️

Dan “‘N’” Hudon:

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?

OOC: I'm really grateful for all the support and friendship I've received throughout my first year in the game - whether it be fighting tips, a place in the front lines, a ride to events, making sure I have the equipment I need, or ensuring I have something to eat at feats. I look forward to learning more from you all, and someday becoming a person who will help others as you've helped me.

2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

OOC: There's been a lot of epic moments - fighter-feigning death in Garrimaddon's back line, banishing Hugo the giant skeleton's legs to make him extra toppleable by that ballista, and seeing alternate versions of historical events like the ascension war (and definitely not Bedlam because that didn't happen). It's hard to pick a single best memory, but I've found that telling stories of these moments have also been some of the most fun times I've had - so ask me to tell a story some time! I know I'm looking forward to another year of epic moments, so that hopefully I won't be able to pick just one then either!

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

OOC: I've learned so much about so many things, but here's a few big ones: I learned how to make a good larp character (changed a lot of things from my initial concept of N - believe it or not he was initially going to be *more* edgy and kind of evil! I toned that down...). I learned how to run a quest and tell stories in a larp format. I learned how to be a part of an adventuring group and how to rely on others to back me up (and how to be the one backing others up). I've been learning how to take initiative and get more involved in plot I want to be involved in, and I've gotten more comfortable talking to people I don't know as well.

IC: I have learned many things in these Realms, but one of the most important is that power is not just one's strength and magical or martial abilities - this is certainly one form of power and one to aspire to, but knowledge can be just as much of an advantage, and allies can multiply your power by adding their own. Here's to another year of growth in all three aspects!

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

OOC: Honestly, probably myself. Shyness in big group settings, reluctance to take initiative in situations, and comparing myself to others are all things I've struggled with, but as I've worked to overcome these I've had a more enjoyable time in the game.

IC: Things that don't get hurt when I hit them. Swords should kill things! I've been trying to make sure I prepare and have the means to defeat my enemies, because when I try to kill something it should die. Oh, and bombs - I'm sick of bombs. Ouch.

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

OOC: Another year in the Realms! I've learned so much and had so much fun this year, and I can't wait for another! There's some big quests coming up for plots I'm really interested/invested in, so I'm really excited for those!

6. What are your goals for 1024?

OOC: I want to get armor of my own, to continue to improve my fighting, and to be at least decent in all the weapon styles. I want to take more initiative in plots (sorry in advance if that ends up translating to "making bad plot decisions"...). I'd like to run another quest, or at least some plot at other events. I want a magic item ;) (maybe not likely but *shiny new toys* are something to aspire to)

IC: To grow in strength, to forge new alliances, to defeat my enemies and right my wrongs. I will continue to fight for the natural cycle of decay and ensure that no outside forces - myself included - bring about this world's early demise.

Hannah “Ryu Goldscale” Boucher:

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?

I am super grateful to all the people who have mentored me this past year. Not all of them are people whom I have official relationships with, but all of them have taken the time to teach me and that has been incredibly valuable. 

2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

Definitely becoming a sworn member of Chimeron. The whole event we threw for that was the culmination of 6 ish months of work and it was super rewarding!

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

The biggest thing I’ve learned this year is self confidence. I’ve learned that I can trust my judgment in intense situations, and that I can trust my abilities in combat. I know I’ll still make mistakes, but sometimes making the wrong decision is better than making no decision.

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

The biggest challenge I’ve faced this past year is “getting good” at fighting. At the beginning of this year, I felt like I had reached a plateau and that I wasn't going to get any better due to my female body type being smaller and less strong than my male peers. I was really struggling to learn sword and shield and I genuinely thought I wasn’t going to be good at it. However, I kept with it, and was suggested a book called the Armored Rose. This book points out many of the differences between female and male body types and why those with a female body may struggle with fighting and tips on how to make it easier. Despite it being fairly outdated, I was very encouraged by the section about physical differences and practice drills! While I’m not suddenly amazing at shield, I do find myself being better than when I started and with a better knowledge of my body’s physical abilities.

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

I’m excited for  another summer of questing!! I've gotten myself involved in a couple of plots and I can’t wait to continue those stories. I want to recommend the Risen Kingdom event in July, the next Ashen Bounty Event, and Voranis Questing 4 specifically! I’ll also be looking forward to the Tournaments of Chaos night quest as I have a score to settle with a certain vampire. 

6. What are your goals for 1024?

One of the things I want to work on this coming year is large group tactics/leadership. I’ve had a lot of experience leading smaller groups, but when it comes to a large multinational questing group I’ve realized what has worked for me before doesn’t work in this case. I want to develop better battlefield judgment to tell when people need direction and what kind of tactics are most useful. I have a great set of people who have already started teaching these things to me, and I’m excited to continue that education!!

 Anything else you'd like to add?

2023 has been a really diverse year for me. In many ways it’s been exceptionally difficult as I’ve made some major transitions in my life. I am so grateful that the Realms has remained a major factor in my life that I can lean on when real life is crazy. Honestly, there’s no better cure for corporate monotony than beating up zombies on the weekend. I can’t wait for another year of  awesomeness with this awesome community! :)

Kelly “Fern Eberhardt” Perfetto:

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?

OOC: I wrote this one last actually. This was a hard one because there’s a lot I’m grateful for and most of them have IC/OOC overlap. But I think even in the context of the Realms I’m most grateful for my partner, Richard, who’s been endlessly supportive of my larping shenanigans. He doesn’t really ‘get’ the appeal of larping, and doesn’t want to make a character. This year alone though, Rich has done a lot. He's encouraged me to go to practices when I’ve been on the fence. He’s helped host hangouts at our place and tolerated late-night frantic crafting sessions on weeknights. For Storytellers, he helped with a good number of the props which he didn’t even get to see in action. He’s helped me put on armor before nearby events, helped fix magic items, and he and I made that really cool torch that’s a light and a boffer. Rich is my stalwart companion for baking before events. He comes to the open-invite parties to meet my friends. He’s never been camping before but he came to Festum Solis to bring me pizza, camp with me, and then bring me bagels in the morning. And one of my best OOC memories of an event this year was when we attended the evening of B&W together and got to dress up and dance. I think this is my longest paragraph, but oh well.

2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

IC: After a hard couple days fighting through Necron, a spur of the moment relieved group hug with a lot of my favorite people, (relatively) safe again.

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

IC: Well, I certainly learned some skills. I’ve crafted some weapons, done some leatherworking, and practiced plenty of baking. I think the most impactful thing though is that I learned about myself. I learned more about where I want to be going, and the sorts of adventures I want to go on.

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

IC: Well, there was the time that I got my soul ripped out of my body by mold, along with about twenty five other adventurers and we would have been left there for who knows how long if a few people had not been incorporeal at the time. Just recently in December I went on a few difficult missions into the lands of Fae as well, and was one of the few fighters there. Really one of the biggest challenges this year was rounding up all the creatures and securing contracts with folks for the Feast of Chimeron. I feel like I learned a lot though. 

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

IC: I’m excited to do more of what I’m saying here; learning about myself and developing skills. I think I’m setting myself up for a good year. The Wyvern College is also working on getting more students, and I’m excited to work with them on their goals as well. 

6. What are your goals for 1024?

IC: I have some broader goals and some more personal ones. On a larger scale, and I imagine I share these sentiments with many, I’d like to beat up a few liches with my friends. On a more personal level, I want to contribute to and explore more libraries, attend more practices, and get better at baking. 

OOC: All of the above still applies, but I would also like to learn more about event holding, and perhaps hold an event of my own, or at least help hold one. 

 Anything else you'd like to add?

It seems like more folks are always joining in adventuring, or coming back after years away. I hope I get to meet more new or new-to-me people this year!

Tom “Avendar” Gallagher:

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?

OOC: Being a part of the event holding machine that is Voraniss.  We came together to create some great questing event. A lot of great moments came out of them and made for a more immersive experience for our community. 

2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

IC & OOC: Being a part of seeing some of my best friends getting knighted. The moments when your best friends are recognized by the community I love are always my favorite moments.

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

IC & OOC: I'm a builder, with lots of projects and plans, but sometimes I need to just appreciate the moments and trust in others sometimes.

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

OOC: I've been doing this a long time. Many of the people I started out with have left, it feels like going to the same party but every year feels a little less like I belong. I'm glad to see so many new faces but I miss the old one's.

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

OOC: I've rarely cared over much for any specific part of the game, every time I can be with my friends and play Avendar is what I look forward to. More questing events are also nice. 

6. What are your goals for 1024?

IC & OOC: I haven't been a fighter for over a decade,  I'm gonna give it a try.

Anna “Hedda” Hewitt:

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?

Growing and helping others even if others don't see it.

2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

Bonding with Sean Finn on getting cursed together. Made a fun roleplay and bonding moment.

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

I learned how to focus my needs and wants. [Ex. Hedda wants money and status.]

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

Probably being nice to people who irritate me. I know everyone comes from different places and I can always find a median with others.

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

Following up on plots I was involved in and seeing how it develops

6. What are your goals for 1024?

To get more active

And that’s a wrap to our 1023 year, cheers to new adventures, stories and goals in 1024!


Monday, January 8, 2024

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, January 5, 2024

Rumors for January 1024


New reports from Highmarket tell of woodsmen being attacked by animated flora within the nearby forest.  While dire plants are not an uncommon sight within the lands of Ashenmark, the rumors say that it was the forest itself lashing out against the forest-goers.  Even more concerning were sightings of strange blood red mushroom circles appearing in the morning, sparsely along the edge of the forest.  Those bold enough to investigate have claimed that they smell strongly of fetid meat.

After a gathering of commonfolk approached the shrine of Gaia just outside Highmarket, the local priest there agreed to venture into the forest to the forest’s heart tree to consult with the dryad of the wood about the strange happenings of late.  He did not return as expected the following day, and yet remains missing.


Trade has returned to Blackavar. Necessities from surrounding areas are being offered in markets, and orders have come in for straw, wood, and brick to rebuild local communities.

[Eagle’s Rook]

Eagle's Rook: It's being said that lines are being drawn, and rules of engagement are being officially set by all sides of the civil war in Eagle's Rook.  However, the Knight Commander is looking for an outside 'fourth party' to review before signing. They have since called out, looking for a 'rules lawyer'.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

A Year's Reflection & Next One's Goals - Part 1

1023 has quickly come and gone and as the year comes to an end and we gear up for our 1024 season we asked you to reflect on your past year and share what you are looking forward to in the upcoming one.

Dani “Elizah” Lacasse:

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?

Making new connections and strengthening previous ones. I’m extremely grateful for my friends and chosen families' continuous support in all my endeavors. 

2. What was your best memory from the past year?

Queens of Hearts and winning the spirit and camaraderie awards. Having folks from all parts of the game rally behind me and come together was heartwarming and something i’ll never forget. Taking home those two trophies was truly all I could have asked for and made everything in the lead up worth it, plus I got to spend time and take the field with some amazing folks and made new bonds that I hope will flourish in the years to come. *slay*

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it, you never know who’s hand is reached out for you to grab onto. 

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

Overcoming the fear of letting people around me down. Stepping back into being a fighter. 

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

New adventures. Seeing stories come to life! Watching and supporting the new initiates of the Lunar Aegis work on their challenges. Oh, and the second installment of our Tales of a tea-totaller event series!

6. What are your goals for 1024?

Continue to learn from the mentors around me. Continue to grow within the community. Continue supporting and uplifting players in our community. Continue to grow the order of the Lunar Aegis! Help promote better communication within our community. 

Ethan “Jean Baptise” Goldman: 

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?

The Watchers

2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

Fighting a cannibalistic rabbit in a eat off.

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

One well placed magic circle can be really, really annoying and that's funny.

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

Bedlam (again)

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?


6. What are your goals for 1024?

A event

Anything else you'd like to add?

When you die the body undergoes autolysis and the lysosome your cells use to digest break down, the last thing the human body eats is itself. This is the basis of rot. Therefore, I'm not weird.

Matt “Vesper” Hewitt: 

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?


2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

The queen of hearts bridge battle when I held off the enemy line with just a pike.

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

I learned how to be a competent fighter and the skills it entails.

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

Starting a completely new style of play from what I was known for and comfortable in.

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

A real rematch with Ser Roman.

6. What are your goals for 1024?

To become more integral in plots and the community. Do more questing with my friends!

John “Gordon” Rescigno: 

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?

Brand new baby!

2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

My players singing my big bad back to sleep. 

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

I learned that people trust me as a leader on a quest.

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

Coordinating an event with my knighthood. 

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

I’m writing a new plot.

6. What are your goals for 1024?

Throw an even more successful KoSD Questing.

Paul “Grindin Starbrook” Tilton:

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?

I am constantly grateful for the community that exists in the Realms. It's been a huge part of my life for the past 20 years and constitutes most of my close friendships... as well as how I met my fiancee. In a time where many are struggling with loneliness, we have access to an unending supply of some of the best people in the world. 

2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

Driving to Ashenbounty with a carload of props, plans, hopes, dreams, and a tremendous amount of anxiety. I'm talking huge pit in the stomach and all sorts of questions like "what if this goes badly? What if everything we've put so much work into falls flat and no one ever comes to our events again?" And then I pulled in, put my car into park, took a deep breath and walked into the tavern. Over the course of that Friday all my anxiety melted away as I got to work with my family in black and gold. They really are some of the hardest working, most helpful, and fun people I could imagine. Everyone's willingness to own a project and finish it inspires enough confidence to dispel the worst anxieties. 

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

I learned that it's really hard to say no to a Realms event, but also necessary. It feels like our calendar fills up more and more each year, and it really doesn't feel good to not be there to support your friends. But there are a lot of things that need to happen outside of the Realms. If I didn't make it to your event this year, just know that it's always a hard decision!

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

Going along with my comments above, it's balance. Work, family, travel, other hobbies, and  purchasing a house all have demands on my time. Time management is tough! 

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

Getting to go back to Nangea and see our players explore, learn, and most importantly influence the direction it takes. 

6. What are your goals for 1024?

Continue helping at events as much as I can, and taking on more projects that fit my skills.  

Anything else you'd like to add?

1023 has been a wild one, and 1024 is likely to be just as good!

Keith “Saegan” Cronyn: 

1. What are you most grateful for from the past year?


2. What was your best memory from the past year? 

Probably overly generalized, but working together with Blackwood.  

3. What did you learn in the past year? 

That I have a vast deep support network. 

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

I fought in too many wars this year.  

5. What are you most excited for in the upcoming year?

I keep hearing a rumor about Smoked Duck. 

6. What are your goals for 1024?

To help Blackwood grow and develop. To develop strong external relations

To support the growth and training of the Riverhawks. Some leather work goals. Some fighting goals. Writing goals, reading goals, and fitness goals, and a cooking goal.

 Anything else you'd like to add?

 Goals are great. I try to set many, some that are out of my reach. Some that are easy benchmarks. I like to feel good about the ones I check off my list, but don’t sweat the ones I can’t. Goals shouldn’t prevent you from making progress, and it doesn’t have to work for everyone.