
Thursday, February 8, 2024

On the Order - Knights of the Sable Dragon

What year was your knighthood formed?

Our order was founded by Queen Vrille in 1989, and was at that time the first knightly order in the Realms created after the Knights of the Realms and Knights of the Eternal Flame.

What does your knighthood stand for?

Our order was conceived as an order of service rather than a martial order, which we are glad has now become common for knightly orders. We endeavor to set new members of the Realms community up for success with information, loaner armor, and encouragement to get engaged with content at events. We have also recently resumed our duty of protecting the lands of Blackavar, and maintaining the treaty with the dragons of that country.

What are your tenets?

Protect the Realms

Serve as an example of personal honor

Encourage and aid new adventurers

Promote diversity within the order and within the Realms

What is your symbol?

Do you have a traditional knightly power? If so, what is it?

Yes! Once per event, a Knight of the Sable Dragon may ask a single yes or no question to be answered accurately by the event holder.

What do you look for when selecting squires?

When considering potential squires for the order, we tend to refer heavily to our tenets. Does the person play a good (or mostly good) character? Do they conduct themselves well in and out of character, not just when others are watching but also when alone? Do they appreciate and respect newer folks' contributions to the community, and encourage them to continue growing as adventurers? Do they provide or elevate underrepresented perspectives in our community? Does it seem like they will grow into a 'Yes' for each of those questions if they aren't yet? 

What is your squiring process like?

We don't have a prescribed process for squires to move through. Each knight will have their own ideas of what a squire needs before being recognized as a knight, so the process will vary depending on who a person is squired to. However, we'll discuss as an order whether a squire is ready for knighting, at which point all active knights' opinions will also be considered.

Who is your current Knight Commander?

Our current Knight Commander is Dame Kindrianna, Queen of Voraniss and High Priestess of Vandor. Her First Knight is Lord Sir Torolf of Blackwood.

Who are your currently active Knights?

Diamond, Avendar, Grindin, Guilliam, Kovaks, Torolf, Kindrianna, Saka, Hygar, Aelias, Gordon, Elwin

Do you have any interesting stories from your knighthood's past?


Anything else you'd like to add? 

You may have noticed loaner armor bins at most events! Our order maintains these as a resource for folks who can benefit from wearing armor but aren't in a position to make or acquire their own. If you have unused armor kicking around that's in decent condition or can be repaired with reasonable effort, we'll be happy to add it to what we carry from event to event for loan!