
Friday, February 9, 2024

Rumors for February 1024



Unrest continues to grow in the town of Highmarket.  Food prices begin to see an increase as fewer and fewer people are willing to travel into the nearby forest for the purposes of hunting game and foraging.  The missing priest of Gaia has still yet to return, and search parties have been reluctant to search too deeply into the forest.  The sightings of the mushroom circles on the edge of the forest around dawn and dusk have grown more common.

Furthermore there have been claims of the howling of wolves at night as well as some reports of a woman crying or a mournful dirge.  Speculation on the strange events start to grow, even unearthing an old legend from before the town of Highmarket was founded.  Old stories of Lady Yorona, the weeping woman, who was said to once haunt this forest acting suffering a curse start to spread like wildfire.  These rumors have caused families with young children to start to leave the town.


Winter has been quiet in Blackavar City, and the influx of new inhabitants has not gone unnoticed. Heraldry has begun to fly over old manor houses.

[Chimeron: North East]

Following the dedication of a rare Heartstone in the city surrounding the Royal Academy for Military Science, travelers leaving the valley are describing strange happenings in the blue town. There are stories about flashes of light, magical earthquakes, and psychic curses. Some are even saying that there’s a huge smoking crater in the middle of the city and the royal government is trying to cover it up!

[Fae Wildes]

As we cross over into the weeks counting down towards spring, the Winter Court has begun their series of dramatic farewell parties. This hasn't stopped the Prince of the Winter Court from causing mischief and sudden cold freezes both in Faerie and the occasional appearance amongst mortals.


There have been scattered reports of those who dwell in the deeper and more wild parts of Fae, claiming to hear the howling of a hunting pack, but unable to see any. It's driven the more superstitious of them, if that could be said of any faerie creature, to stay behind closed doors until the howls fade away.


For the first time in the years following the end of the war against Bedlam, it seems that the barony has returned to the Greater Realms. Over the past few years, a port town has begun to appear, as well as trade to and from. While no established trade routes have been marked as official, it's clear work is being put in to make roads a little more refined from just worn wagon trails.


In both cities of New Haven and Caer Estelle, they credit a sudden surge in reaching beyond the forests' boundaries to a "frantic looking pointy-eared person with too many papers, bustling on by". Those who have spoken with this person, even in passing, have said that they seem to have a love of the barony and a fond remembrance for previous heroes from its lands. Rumors also speak of them attempting to set up a makeshift school in Caer Estelle proper, utilizing the castle's disused solars and sitting rooms to create classrooms