
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Why I Want to Go - The Lost Ruins: A Stonewood Quest

by Adam "Tulkhan" Blaisdell

I was never one for ancient relics, artifacts, or even the pursuit of knowledge. My pack never taught me these things. What it did teach is those who are strong aid those who are not able. Once again we venture into the lands of Stonewood for they have called for our aid, and too many threats linger within the border for us not to answer, be it an archangel, Greater demon, or champion angered. I have spent much time in Stonewood as of late and what I can say is something is not right. If these ruins have any sort of answer, key, or power that can help in setting things the way they should be set, then we must venture forth. Though, as with most times the danger and risk are always there by our side.

Many meetings have been had leading up to this. Plans set and contingencies thought out… Just in case. I don't write this in hopes you will come adventuring, in hopes for you to explore a country I have a liking to. No, I write this because, in all my time entering Stonewood, I have never feared losing this much. I don't know what is at this dig site, I don't know what may try to kill us, and I don’t even know if all of us will return. But, What I do know is that if you can help, can aid in any way, if you can make it to Stonewood to fight alongside me and the others already preparing, I would gladly accept.

 -Shadowstalker Tulkhan
Thane of the Southern Forest and Spirit Queen's Champion

I have said it before, and I will say it again. I love Stonewood events. I love the immersion the plot team brings. I love the emotion I feel walking into the quests. I love that gut-wrenching feeling of “We could lose this.” I have never been disappointed at one of these events. They are normally combat-heavy (Enough so that I never seem to see the NPCs take breaks) and the puzzles are challenging enough to be rewarding when you finally complete them. If you are looking for something that will make you tired, sore, and feel so accomplished that you survived, come. My words don't do it justice nor will they truly describe the experience. All I can really say is you will not be disappointed.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Meme Tuesday

 by the Meme Team

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day


The View from Valehaven would like to say thank you to the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We will be back with our regularly scheduled content on Tuesday.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Morning Coffee Break

 Got your morning cup of coffee and a few minutes? Great! Time for our continuing feature at the View - we're going to be asking a series of questions and we want to know your answers! The question is posted below. So while you sip your morning beverage of choice, ruminate on this one:

What Medieval/Fantasy film or show is most like playing Realms?

Now head on over to social media and give us your best!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Guess That Realmsie!

Another in our continuing series! In the below picture there is a Realmsie-shaped black hole. Can you figure out who it is based only on the profile? Tell us on social media if you think you know who it is! The answer will be revealed later in the day. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

An Announcement from Sir Tao

 Good day people of the Realms!

Recently at the gathering in Clontarf we held a gambling tournament that was aimed at players who have not earned any points recently. I feel it went well. After talking with other members of the Gamblers Guild, we have decided to make this official.

A Gamblers Guild member can now “sponsor” a gambling tournament that only those that have not earned any points in the current, or the last Stacked Deck tournament may enter. We have developed a few rules:

    - The sponsoring Gamblers Guild member will put up 5 gold, or more, per player.  This is so that there will be no expense to the newer player. Approximately 2/3 of the gold should go to the winner and the rest to 2nd place.  Alternatively, if there is a normal stacked deck tournament at that same event, the prize could instead be a full buy in to that tournament.

    - The sponsoring Gamblers Guild member must either deal the tournament themselves or arrange for a dealer to be available.  This dealer should be well versed with the game and be able to help with mechanical aspects of the game.

  - It must be part of the event announcement and be advertised at least 2 weeks in advance.

  - There must be a minimum of 6 players to count.

  - All players will earn the normal 100 chip bonus if they make the final table.   

 - 1st place will earn 2 points towards the current stacked deck final table tournament. And 2nd place will earn 1 point.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Why I Want to Go - The Coronation of King Shandar

By Renee “Kindrianna” Booke

At last year’s Black & White ball, Shandar Silverstorm made an announcement after the Invictus Gladitorium that he intended to take the title of King. Now the time has finally come to celebrate this joyous occasion and revel in the hospitality of this mighty nation. Long has Invictus stood as a paragon of martial excellence in these Realms, but they have many other talents and skills worth mentioning ahead of their feast that shall be highlighted across the festivities.

The weekend promises delicious food straight from the kitchen of Sir Daekara which includes dinner and dessert on Saturday, and a special Sunday brunch. We are in capable hands on the food front, as I don’t think I have been to a feast in recent times where Sir Daekara wasn’t somehow involved in or assisting with the culinary endeavors of many a feastocrat. I am quite pleased to see him take the helm and know that our stomachs will not be disappointed.

In addition to the food, there will be a wide variety of tournaments and goings on. Friday evening, rumor has it that there will be a goose hunt of sorts, with adventurers being called upon to track down Todd, “a giant, fire-breathing, fancy farmer goose.” I personally believe Todd did this on purpose, as it is widely known that a goose’s favorite month is Au-goose-t. (See what I did there?)

Saturday will feature martial tournaments hand-picked by Shandar, putting spotlight on some of his favorite encounters and challenges from over the years. Prizes will be awarded to those warriors skilled enough to claim victory. Additionally, Sir Aelias Softshadow will have mystical challenges for the more magically inclined, and Sir Zatarra will test those who profess to possess skills of an underhanded nature. 

Once the daytime entertainment has concluded, that is when the ceremony and coronation shall begin, so don your finest regalia or you may find yourself judged by local celebrity and Order of the Peacock member Madam Zarine. As a Sunday bonus, apart from the promised brunch, we have bacon and bardics to look forward to as well.

This will be a very special weekend for the nation of Invictus, not to mention -fun-. I sincerely hope that I will see many of you in attendance. There is much to celebrate, and merriment is certainly better with company.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, May 19, 2023

What You Missed: Clontarf Shuffle II (electric boogaloo)

By Kyra “Omri” Barry

What *did* you miss? What did I miss? There was so much going on I don’t think I could even cover it all. But I’ll try.

Blood, guts, and glory to those who reign at the tournaments. The newbie tournament this year was filled with ten people giving it a go. Alias made a strong start, bidding high and raking in the chips, until he soared too close to the sun and lost it all. Despite not betting as strongly, coupled with my poor understanding of the game, I was gone not long after. Once I was gone I left so conclusion of that will be left a mystery. I guess you could ask Zula or Daekara, who played the newbie tournament as well, but they were not the ones asked to write this, so mystery for the ages.

I’m told that this year’s main poker came down to chip count, which I’m also told is quite rare! Once more I highlight my lack of poker knowledge for lack of further commentary on this.

This would prove to be unfortunate with this year’s escape rooms, which featured: Realms heraldry, logic puzzles, spells puzzles, and most unfortunate for me, Poker based puzzles. People worked in groups of four at a time to solve a number of intricate puzzles. At the end if we figured out a certain thing involving cards decks positions there was a prize, and Tuilli headed up the effort to collaborate. The puzzles were too intricate for me to lay out in writing to do it justice, but it was lots of fun. And a bit humbling. I don’t think we ended up getting that prize.

While food or drink wasn’t allowed in the main hall where the gambling and auctioning was occurring, that didn’t mean there wasn’t plenty to indulge. Lady Kyomi kept us well fed with delightful and filling food. The bacon chocolate chip cookies were interesting and delicious. Despite having limited areas to partake in food, I was very happy with the options available and how well fed we were kept. I didn’t hear a single complaint.

The food was needed with the amount of running around I did helping out with Blackwood Domai plot questing. People were given rune names and then met outside to fight off corrupted spirits from the Glass Plains. Even the little ones got in on the fun and took on many an opponent! It was well fought and hard won figuring out how to purge the corruption from the lands. Just a little more in the fight against Change.

During a little break the Wild Response organization did a demonstration on some first aid. I heard there was lots of fake blood, but I was catching my breath, so literally did not catch the show. I heard it was quite the spectacle. The Wild Response team were very engaged with the event, one dressed up and in attendance.

Part of the fun of this event was the auction items available throughout the day. These items were generously donated, some of which were from South Africa. All the proceeds of this event went the Wild Response organization. If at any point you wanted to cash in chips for auction tickets, you could do so. As a reader could probably guess from several hints through this article, I’m not much a gambler, so most of my chips when to tickets. And I ended up winning pants!

All in all, a very exciting and eventful day for many. It was an excellent mix of activities that favored non-com, featuring the poker tournaments and games. Even for a non-gambler it was lots of fun, and I never felt I lacked for something to do. It was a good opportunity to catch up with friends, partake in food outside of the main hall, and make some bad decisions.

Oh, and I was told it would amuse people to hear Captain Daekara won a rhino.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Guess That Realmsie!

Another in our continuing series! In the below picture there is a Realmsie-shaped black hole. Can you figure out who it is based only on the profile? Tell us on social media if you think you know who it is! The answer will be revealed later in the day. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

What's It Do? What's It Do?

In this continuing View feature, we show you a picture of a theoretical magic item. Then you go back to Facebook and in the comments, invent your idea for the powers that this item would have.

Here is this week's item:

What's this book do? Head on back to social media and let us know!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

What You Missed - Clontarf Shuffle II - Photos

Kyomi did a great job with the food

The Stacked Deck main table



More Questing

Wild Response did a wound treatment demonstration

Good times and beautiful weather

Oh no, wind elementals


Monday, May 15, 2023

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, May 12, 2023

Morning Coffee Break

Got your morning cup of coffee and a few minutes? Great! Time for our continuing feature at the View - we're going to be asking a series of questions and we want to know your answers! The question is posted below. So while you sip your morning beverage of choice, ruminate on this one:

Write the plot of an epic new Realms quest in only five words.

Now head on over to social media and give us your best!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Why I Want to Go - The Clontarf Shuffle II: Deuces Wild

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

When I was a newbie so many years ago, one of the things that we were taught as we learned about the Realms was that events came in three different categories; it was a quest, a tournament, or a feast. I know I was taught that because my own mentors learned that when they began, and probably their own predecessors were taught that as well. It makes a lot of sense, but in recent years it's clear that that old wisdom no longer holds true.

You just can't fit all Realms events inside neat little boxes like that and while it's true that while many events can be categorized into those classic concepts, a greater and greater number cannot. And I think that's great! A Realms event is whatever the event holder wants it to be, as long as people want to go and they know they're going to have a great time. There's no better example of that than the Clontarf Shuffle this coming weekend.

Gambling has been a mainstay of our community since I started and long before, and in the years I've been around I've seen it get highlighted more are more. This is an event that celebrates gambling and gaming, has a focus on teaching newer players how to engage in that part of the Realms, and at the same time raises money for a great cause, Wild Response! There will be tons to do, and you don't even have to have gold to partake in the gaming fun.

And it's not just gambling to look forward to. Lady Kyomi will be serving amazing food all day, there will be Blackwood themed questing, there will be board games to play, Rhiassa Cub Care will be making sure the kids in attendance have a great time, and there is something about a locked room in the castle that needs unlocking... seems very interesting indeed.

So the place to be this weekend is Clontarf. I'm positive it's going to be a great time and I know that with so much to do and so many great friends around I absolutely really want to go. I hope you do too!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Spell Badly Some More


In this further edition of Spell Badly, we started off by giving ChatGPT the rules descriptions of several spells in the Omnibus. Only these specific spell rules were given with no other context from any other part of the Omnibus; no combat rules or anything else of the sort.

Cure Disease, Detect Magic, Find the Path, Heal Limb, Immunity to Poison, Intervention, Magic Missile, Protect Item, Raise Dead, Regeneration, Repair Armor, Resist Magic, Seed of Life, Soul Bane, Speak with Dead, Vision, and Zombie Walk.

Then ChatGPT was asked to generate rules for spells after we told the AI the names for those spells, some contributed by other members of the community. What follows are the rules that were created.

Wall of Force (6th Circle)

Uses: 1 - Verbal: 30 words and an explanation - Material: A ribbon or rope at least 10ft long

This spell creates a physical barrier that prevents players from crossing it. To cast this spell, the spellcaster must stretch out the ribbon or rope between two fixed points, and recite the verbal. Once cast, the wall of force lasts for 5 minutes or until broken.

The wall of force is indestructible and cannot be physically moved, however, players can use magic spells or abilities to bypass it. For example, spells that allow players to teleport or pass through solid objects can be used to go through the wall of force.

Players who attempt to break the wall will be stunned for 30 seconds. If the player touches the wall, they should dramatically act as if they have hit a solid object. The ribbon or rope used as a material component must be present during the entire duration of the spell.

Summon Elemental (7th Circle)

Uses: 1 - Verbal: 20 words and an explanation - Material: a token representing the element being summoned - Caveats: Elementals, OOC Calls

This spell allows the spellcaster to summon an elemental of their choosing to aid them in combat. The elemental is a non-player character controlled by a marshal. The spellcaster must hand the token representing the element they are summoning to the marshal playing the elemental as soon as possible after casting the spell.

The elemental will obey the spellcaster's commands to the best of their ability, but they are not under the spellcaster's direct control and may act in ways that are not desired. If the spellcaster engages in combat either by attacking or by being struck, the spell ends and the elemental disappears.

Only one elemental can be summoned at a time. The spellcaster must provide a brief explanation to the marshal playing the elemental about their intent and general strategy. The elemental will stay for up to 10 minutes or until it is dismissed by the spellcaster. If the spell ends prematurely, the elemental disappears immediately. If the elemental is defeated in combat, the spell ends and the token is returned to the spellcaster.

Power Word: No (5th Circle) [Spell Name Suggestion by Sean/Eamon]

Uses: 1 - Verbal: “Power Word: No” and an explanation - Active: Point at the target - Caveats: OOC Calls

This spell allows the caster to interrupt and negate a single spell or effect that is currently affecting the target by shouting “Power Word: No.” The spell or effect must be verbal or have a clear physical manifestation. The caster must immediately explain to the target which spell or effect was negated by the Power Word. The spell ends after one use. Only one Power Word: No can be active on a person at a time.

Enhance (3rd Circle) [Spell Name Suggestion by Amber/Tarnisha]
Uses: 1 - Active: Touch the target - Caveats: Physical Limitations

This spell enhances the physical abilities of the target for a short period of time. Upon casting the spell, the spellcaster must describe to the target how their abilities are being enhanced, such as increased strength or agility. The target must then perform a physical action, such as doing a set of push-ups or jumping jacks, to demonstrate the effect of the spell. The enhanced abilities last for 5 minutes or until the target is incapacitated, whichever comes first. This spell cannot be used to give the target abilities they do not already possess and the enhanced abilities cannot exceed the limits of the target's physical capabilities.

Villager Spell (1st Circle) [Spell Name Suggestion by Mandy/Mandolin]
Uses: Unlimited - Verbal: "By the grace of magic, let us converse." - Active: Touch the target - Caveats: NPCs Only

This spell allows the spellcaster to communicate more effectively with NPCs playing as villagers. When the spellcaster touches an NPC and says the verbal, the NPC will respond with more detailed and useful information. The spellcaster may ask questions and the NPC will provide answers to the best of their knowledge. This spell does not compel the NPC to do anything they would not normally do, but it does make them more likely to help the spellcaster. The effect lasts for up to 10 minutes or until the conversation is over. The spellcaster must have a valid reason for casting this spell and cannot use it for frivolous reasons.

Would you like to see some more crazy ChatGPT spells? Respond on social media with the the name, and only the name, of a spell that you want to see exist, with no other context, and some of your requests might be part of a future edition of Spell Badly!

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Adventuring Mob Song

 The Adventring Mob song

Lyrics by Kim C. (Lady Mayumi Sorbus) 

with help from Dan D. (Baron Diamond)

A Filk of The Irish Pub song by The High Kings

Chords, original (also has Ukulele and piano)

Karaoke track of original:


Without Chords:
Well you're walkin’ down a wooded path, you could be nearly done

But you hear a distant calling such you know that you’re the one

Then you drop what you were doin’ as your heart begins ta throb

And before you know just where to go, you're in the Adventurin' Mob


There's been one out in Voraniss, they've had some in Chimeron

They’ve had more of them in Blackwood and the list goes on and on

So whether you sling a spell or fight you'll always have a job,

'Cause wherever you go around the Realms you'll find the Adventuring Mob

Now the plan is fairly simple and it usually works the same,

You'll have Fighters fightin’ harder than the Casters can maintain

And you know it’s the Adventurin’ Mob the minute you hear the cries,

For a couple of kids with six-foot’s will be hounding the Bad Guys.

[Chorus Repeat]

Now your Piker is a Northman, and your Shielder's from the South

And the Healer Holding Up the line just can not shut their mouth

The Archers Arrows’ all down range, the Smith is lookin’ fraught 

With the Newbies’ running Corpses, Only Mages know the Plot

[Chorus Repeat]

Now it's time for one last push, for this we all have trained

We've had our day’s full exercise and the magic item gained

So we'll have our pound of flesh then, from the one whose end is nigh

When we meet next week in battle on the fields of New Verai

[Chorus Repeat x2]

Wherever you go around the Realms you'll find the Adventuring Mob.

With Chords:

              Dm                               F             C

Well you're walkin’ down a wooded path, you could be nearly done

        Dm                              C                    Am

But you hear a distant calling such you know that you’re the one

         Dm                                 F                C

Then you drop what you were doin’ as your heart begins ta throb

     Dm                                      C                  Dm

And before you know just where to go, you're in the Adventurin' Mob



There's been one out in Voraniss, they've had some in Chimeron

            Dm                                C                Am

They’ve had more of them in Blackwood and the list goes on and on

     Dm                                        F            C

So whether you sling a spell or fight you'll always have a job,

          Dm                                     C                    Dm

'Cause wherever you go around the Realms you'll find the Adventuring Mob

[Verse 2]

         Dm                            F               C

Now the plan is fairly simple and it usually works the same,

            Dm                                 C               Am

You'll have Fighters fightin’ harder than the Casters can maintain

        Dm                                 F                  C

And you know it’s the Adventurin’ Mob the minute you hear the cries,

       Dm                                    C                Dm

For a couple of kids with six-foot’s will be hounding the Bad Guys.



There's been one out in Voraniss, they've had some in Chimeron

            Dm                                C                Am

They’ve had more of them in Blackwood and the list goes on an' on

     Dm                                        F            C

So whether you sling a spell or fight you'll always have a job,

           Dm                                    C                    Dm

'Cause wherever you go around the Realms you'll find the Adventuring Mob

[Verse 3]

         Dm                            F                    C

Now your Piker is a Northman, and your Shielder's from the South

        Dm                              C                  Am

And the Healer Holding Up the line just can not shut their mouth

    Dm                                   F                  C

The Archers Arrows’ all down range, the Smith is lookin’ fraught 

         Dm                              C              Dm

With the Newbies’ running Corpses, Only Mages know the Plot



There's been one out in Voraniss, they've had some in Chimeron

            Dm                                C                Am

They’ve had more of them in Blackwood and the list goes on an' on

     Dm                                        F            C

So whether you sling a spell or fight you'll always have a job,

           Dm                                    C                    Dm

'Cause wherever you go around the Realms you'll find the Adventuring Mob


("The Kesh Jig" in F, then G)

F  C  Bb  C

F  C  Bb  C F

G  D  C  D

G  D  C  D G


[Verse 4]

Dm                                   F                C

Now it's time for one last push, for this we all have trained

       Dm                                  C         Am

We've had our day’s full exercise and the magic item gained

         Dm                                      F               C

So we'll have our pound of flesh then, from the one whose end is nigh

        Dm                              C               Dm

When we meet next week in battle on the fields of New Verai



There's been one out in Voraniss, they've had some in Chimeron

            Dm                                C                Am

They’ve had more of them in Blackwood and the list goes on an' on

     Dm                                        F            C

So whether you sling a spell or fight you'll always have a job,

           Dm                                    C                    Dm

'Cause wherever you go around the Realms you'll find the Adventuring Mob

[Chorus 2]


There's been one out in Voraniss, they've had some in Chimeron

            Dm                                C                Am

They’ve had more of them in Blackwood and the list goes on an' on

     Dm                                        F            C

So whether you sling a spell or fight you'll always have a job,

           Dm                                    C                    Dm

'Cause wherever you go around the Realms you'll find the Adventuring Mob


   Dm                                     C                    Dm

Wherever you go around the Realms you'll find the Adventuring Mob.