
Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 View From Valehaven Recap- Part 1 Interviews

WOW!!! What a year. We gained 3 new staff members, had a beloved one retire, published over 350 articles and had our average page views a month go up from 4,422 in 2013 to 5,795.

In fact, there has been so much going on we want to do a recap of 2014 to make sure you didn't miss a thing.

As always the "10 Questions" interviews remain a favorite. This past year we profiled the following:

In addition to talking to our veterans we also heard from some "Fresh Faces":
And new staff member Kelly "Twenaria" Bonci did a new take on View interviews moving them to an in-character forum as "Fireside Chats". She spoke with: