Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Fresh Faces with Justin "Artair" Mitchell

Photo by Robyn Nielsen

1. How did you learn about Realms?

I first heard about it during a pen and paper game I was running. Tonya Pirrone would often reference it and when we had a couple player spots open up Derek and Renee joined the group and finally convinced me to try it out. They even helped me to be fully garbed for my first event.

2. How many events have you been to?

At this point, I have been to at least 20 events

3. Have you ever LARP’ed before? If so tell us about it?

No, this is my first LARP

4. What is your character like? Where are they from? What is their race? What is important to them?

Artair is a calm and collected, yet highly opinionated druid of Gaia who has worked hard to contain the ferocity of the bear within. As a scholar and spellcaster, it is only recently that people have taught him that there is value in the ferocity he has been working to contain. Strongly connected to his God, he tries to follow Gaia’s teachings and the natural balance. He does not focus narrowly on Gaia’s growth and healing aspects but all aspects of the natural cycle. For without predators, death, and decay, new growth and prey would have no nourishment.

Originally from other lands, he was a druid of Gaia who gave himself to the long shift, turning into a bear to wander in nature for the rest of his days. After an unknown amount of years passed he awoke in the Realms, unsure why or how he got here. He has since turned to Gaia and his fellow adventurers to learn about his new surroundings and what his purpose here may be.

Artair is a human who once had multiple animal forms, but since his long shift has been deeply connected to his bear form. He views his forms as gifts of Gaia that, after so many years, have truly become part of him.

Artair is chiefly concerned with serving Gaia, the natural state of things, and the balance found there. While family and friends are always first in his mind, when they conflict with the natural order he struggles with which side to pick.

Provided Photo

5. What do you remember most about your first event?

I will highlight my first two events since they covered different aspects:

My very first event was Nedengiving. I remember feeling very scattered and nervous. There were carnaval games and a feast including the famed “cranberry sauce” and a tournament of some sort which I watched for a while. The magic system is what really had my initial interest so I started off trying to go 3 path caster right from the beginning. Learning spells was a high priority on my list and a good excuse to meet many of the different groups in attendance.

At the time I was following, what was then, the Shaman path and there were not many in attendance who had chosen that path of spells. Many of the spells were very difficult to find enough signatures for so I had to plan who signed for which spell or I would run out of teachers for the harder to find spells. Happily, I found some very nice people that helped introduce me to the people who could teach the spells I was after.

Each signature I got was a unique experience. Some teachers would sign after a few easy questions, a few required easy but silly tasks, and the best taught me as much about themselves as the spell I was after. I ended up learning 4 spells, (10 signatures!) by the end of the event and felt accomplished for doing so. A few of the more memorable experiences were: learning the “Regional” spell from Vanduke and Jean C’est Magnifique Try Baptise, and a magic marshall quest for “Death Watch” that required me to write and recite a poem about death and meditate as if dead for at least 5 minutes.

My first questing experience came at my second event, UCCT, where we trudged out in the snow to save Yule. It was a very light-hearted quest and had many memorable moments: a great portrayal of Scrooge, a “Charlie Brown tree”, making snow-golems, and caroling. It was also my first taste of realms combat and the speed and pace was quite the surprise compared to the other martial activities I've participated in. I had a lot of fun doing my best to keep my friends and fellow adventurers alive and healed on the front lines. This event was also my first time seeing and participating in ritual magic. When Voraniss called to the spirits out in the field at night, it was one of the things that really hooked me on Realms.

6. What things have helped to make you feel welcome in game?

Having a good support structure through my friends/nation has really been the biggest factor, I have been blessed in this aspect. Other than that, there are a number of people who have gone out of their way to be nice, show me the ropes, and include me in the things that are going on. I won't list them all here for fear of accidentally forgetting someone but they have made a huge difference.

7. What parts of the game do you find most challenging?

Sometimes it feels like the rules of the game are not how we actually play. There are a number of hidden hurdles that you can only learn about by playing and can vary widely from event to event. For example: Armor and weapon construction, combat speed and calling of shots, spell casting and the results you get, and full search, point search vs just saying “search” are all areas where you really need to do it, to learn what is accepted or the norm.

I also at times struggle with the pacing/reward structure of the game as it is so very different from any other game I have ever played. Having never LARPed before, my only comparison has been to similar role-playing experiences I’ve had such as DND, other pen and paper games and online MMOs. There, roleplaying was just as highly encouraged but they all had a very well defined, balanced, and paced reward/leveling structure. That's not to say that it's bad, just that it's very different and takes some getting used to.

8. Do you have any game-related goals (as either a player or character)?

As a character, Artair wants to earn respect as a person who can be relied on and turned to. He also wants to see Gaia and her followers become a more prominent force and involved in more visible ways.

As a player, in my experience, this game is very much what you make out of it for yourself and being inclusive and asking people if they want to be pulled into what's going on really makes the difference, especially for new people!! It's something that I will always strive to pay forward whenever I can because without it I would not still be here.

Since I most enjoy the role of GM/DM at the table top, I also have a long-term goal of throwing my own plot and hosting events, but before that happens I feel I still have a lot to learn about what works and what doesn't, from a player perspective, NPC perspective, and marshalling perspective.

9. What advice would you give other new players?

Find people to help you on your early journey. There is so much you cannot find from just reading the rules or available websites. You really need to get out there and experience it. Don't dive into getting or making your own armor or weapons. Have someone else help you make them for you, or borrow at least until you really understand what you're up against. This is a community game and no player can survive it completely on their own. Find someone, multiple someones, who will get you back up after combat. Make friends with healers or those who can find you one. There are tons of people willing to help, all you have to do is ask. If you see something you're interested in, go ask about it, and most importantly don't get discouraged if you get turned down a few times. Not every character is a “good guy” or wants to help new players and that’s ok.

10. What have you enjoyed most about the game so far?

All of my favorite moments have been when everyone involved is deep in character, be it dealing with an issue, doing a magical ritual, or having in-depth conversations. Those moments when you just go with it and let your character take you places.