Friday, January 17, 2025

Low Res Realms 3!

It's time for a new interactive feature here at the View

Below is a photo... kinda.

It certainly used to be a photograph before we converted it to a pixelated mess.

We's like you to figure out the following based on just the squares of color below.

  • What event is this?
  • What is happening in this picture?
  • Who are some of the people in the picture?
The full photo will be revealed later this afternoon.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Why I Want To Go - Feast of the Leviathan XXVI

By: Hannah "Ryu" Boucher

Why I want to go to Feast of the Leviathan (insert stupidly large Roman numeral)

An article in 2 parts

Why Ryu wants to go:

Feast events are wonderful social occasions with great food! Feast of the Leviathan can be considered the King of Feast events if I’m being honest. Few events attract such a large gathering of adventurers and Leviathan has its all! Seemingly endless food, each dish more delicious than the last, addicting mini games to encourage friendly competition, friendly merchants eager to sell their wares, shenanigans, and most fun of all, the View from Valehaven awards. This year is especially special for Chimeronians as we will be publicly roasting our former King in addition to a very special knighting of our very own Saka to the Knights of the Realms. All together this event promises a lot and as we know, it can pull it off.

Why Hannah wants to go:

Jason Rosa refuses to use the word “isekai” properly and so I’m going to show him the true meaning of the word. I have a ukulele and no fear of death. You have been warned.

P.S. The Royal Bards of Chimeron will once again be offering our Sing-a-Gram services! We can deliver songs of inspiration or mockery at a reasonable price! See the poster below, or find me and Princess Cressida for more information!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Guillium Photo Project - Part 2

A few months back Henry 'Guilliam' Giasson was kind enough to share with me a small bin of historic photographs that he had stored under the agreement that I would find a way to preserve and share them.

Since these were *ancient technology* (like film and prints) many of these photos have never been seen by a larger Realms audience. Exciting!

What follows is the second installment of those photos with more to come!

- Jason


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Armor Drive at Leviathan

By: Kelly "Fern" Perfetto 

At the Feast of the Leviathan I will be facilitating an armor drive on behalf of the Wyvern College and the Knights of the Sable Dragon. 

Below is a combined list of armor that new players have asked for and armor that the KoSD loaner armor bin could use - the Armor Wishlist. We are looking for armor that is in good condition and reasonably light that fits the rules of the game as they stand currently. No thirty pound chain shirts, please! Armor deemed too heavy or broken will not be accepted. Additionally, armor deemed not close enough in appearance to real armor will not be accepted. 

If you have armor you would be willing to give away that fits the descriptions below, please contact me with what armor you will be bringing to exchange at FotLeviathan. I ask that you contact me ahead of time so that we do not end up with more armor than we need, with no place to store it. You can find my contact information on Realmsnet. 

For each accepted piece or set of armor that you bring, you may choose between either a discount for Training Day 2 on April 5th 2025 or for KoSD Questing 3 on September 19th-21st 2025. You may use this discount personally or transfer it to one attendee of your choice. We cannot reimburse anyone beyond free entry. 

If you cannot donate armor now but would like to contribute, keep an eye out for more initiatives coming soon!

Thank you all,

Kelly “Fern” Perfetto

Armor Credit for Event

Pair of greaves $5

Pair of bracers $5

Pauldrons $5

Helmet or coif $10

Chest Armor $15

Other Items Negotiable 

Armor Wishlist:

Greaves/leg armor (pair) - 9

Bracers (pair) - 1

Pauldrons - 1

Head armor - 6

Chest armor - 7

Other Items - Reach out

Monday, January 13, 2025

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, January 10, 2025

Women and Gender Minorities Forum Recording Announcement

By: Kelly "Fern" Perfetto 

I am pleased to announce that the Women and Gender Minorities in the Realms forum, recorded on August 23, 2024, is now available for viewing. I would like to thank everyone who attended, as this was an incredible evening of sharing stories, experiences, advice, and camaraderie. 

These videos mostly speak for themselves, but I wanted to provide a quick overview. After reading these summaries I would encourage everyone to sit down for a listen like you would with a podcast or audiobook, and take some time to think about our perspectives of the Realms. 

You can find the full playlist here.  

The first video is an introduction to the forum and two presentations. Nataliya “Shader” spoke about the history and future of the Huntress Guild, and Dani “Elizah” presented about the history and future of the Knights of the Lunar Aegis. Both orders have a proud history of empowering women and gender minorities in the Realms. 

In the second video in ‘Then and Now’, we discussed the treatment of women and gender minorities in Realms and nerd communities in the past versus their treatment more recently. In “Oh, His Girlfriend?” we talked about how women and gender minorities are often spoken about and treated in relation to the men and partners in their lives, and how that can have a negative effect on their experiences in the community.

In the third video in ‘Fighters and Support Casters’ we looked at the impacts that different roles can have on one’s Realms career and the amount of recognition they receive. In ‘Open and Closed Tournaments’ we discussed the value and feel of Open and Closed Tournaments. An insightful question came up during this section, brought forth by Emma “Irri” - “How do I respectfully assert leadership without becoming someone who is yelling over others?” This in turn led to discussion on how to best support each other. 

The final and fourth video had sections on ‘Behind the Scenes Work’ and ‘Women and Gender Minorities in Leadership’. We spoke about the often-unseen work done by many people in the Realms, and how to better recognize this hard work. We also discussed women and gender minorities in positions of leadership, both in official terms and as unofficial mentors and guiding hands of the Realms. We concluded the forum with a discussion about further forums in the future with the intent to include more people.

I plan to run a second Women and Gender Minorities Forum, and hope to see you all there!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Guess That Realmsie!

Another in our continuing series! In the below picture there is a Realmsie-shaped black hole. Can you figure out who it is based only on the profile? Tell us on social media if you think you know who it is! The answer will be revealed later in the day.