Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2013 Players Meeting

This is a friendly reminder that the 2013 Player's Meeting will be happening this Saturday, the 19th. It will be taking place this year in Nashua, NH. Start time is 11am.

If you have never been before this is where all the potential proposals for the Omnibus/rulebook are discussed among the players. Here additional proposals can be sent to the Event Holders Council Meeting; it is the last chance to get a proposal to the meeting to be voted on for its possible inclusion into our rule system.

In addition, the players will be electing one of the Players to attend the EHC Meeting as a voter and representative of the Players. This is usually one of the first things discussed at the Player's Meeting, so make sure you get there on time if you want to be this person or have a say in who it will be.

If nothing else, by attending this meeting you will have a better understanding of the potential changes we could see this upcoming year...and I heard there will be cookies.