Friday, April 26, 2024

What You Missed - Neden BBQ

Written by: Emma "Irri" Sherman 

Traveling to Neden this past weekend was a chance to embrace great weather and greater friends. The day started with your standard barbeque foods, a lovely bar supplied by Ser Elizah (with some delicious mocktails that I thoroughly enjoyed), and some limited tournaments marshaled by Meatball. There were also hidden cashes of treasure hidden throughout the land which many bravely set out to find. For those uninterested in fighting, the Tournaments of Sobriety were there! I drank so much water, and got prizes for it!

As the sun set on the Castle, court was called. Murmur (Tulli) was Knighted into the Knights of the Steward. Lilly was squired to the Knights of the Steward. Bestie JB was made Neden’s Second by Sir Syruss.

Overall, it was a nice day to spend with friends.


Initiate Irri