Friday, June 7, 2024

Rumors for June 1024

 [Across the Realms]

People of all ages have been whispering among themselves, claiming that they have been awakening from dreamless slumber, only to then catch glimpses of their old nightmares stalking nearby.  They swear they are awake at the time of these encounters.


Isolated reports describe strange creatures roaming about, such as what appear to be living plants, ghosts, oddly-dressed travelers and creatures of flame.

[Ashenmark/Rhiassa Border]

Two hunting parties were recently disturbed by a wave of wild, impish beings followed by a lumbering troll-like creature which wreaked havoc on the hunters’ encampments and injured all who did not flee in time.


Some hunters report the sounds of something, other than their own prey, being hunted in the forest.  One swears he saw a large flash of metal by a woman who turned into a raven the moment he spied her.


More and more villages have reconnected to main roads through to Blackavar City. Baron Kurt Gautier and his family have taken up residence in the Lord's residence in Blackavar City, and through strict rule seems to be keeping the city orderly.


The Woods of Eroewan are whispering “Saegan”.


Western Chimeron: An unseen creature is leaving a swath of withered crops in its wake, and appears to be moving slowly south, leaving behind large hoofprints.


Central Chimeron: A trade caravan arriving in Chimeron city reports that a couple of the massive waystones along The Crown’s Road have apparently gone missing without a trace. Navigation on the Road seems to be mostly unaffected because of the fair weather and long daylight hours; nonetheless, a prominent trade guild has voluntarily dispatched a few small patrols to the area.


Eastern Chimeron: Scholars at the Royal Academy for Military Science seem to be baffled and excited in equal measure about a recent discovery in the nearby archeological site. The halls of the academy are filled with chatter about ancient gemstones.

[Eagle’s Rook]

The three factions have supposedly met at a casual 'dinner' and finalized Terms of Civil War between Gutherevyn's base, the Fae of Avendroth, and the Knights of Eagle's Rook.


While low to no magic remains in Eagle's Rook, it has been rumored that those of a certain religious affiliation can find it easier to tap into magic than others. Alchemists and Herbalists, however, are relieved to find that even without magic, their potions, poisons, and strange brews still work.