By Kieran/Kyra/K “Omri” “Mirren” Barry. In truth, merely the orchestrator and compiler of the words that others give tribute to an amazing person
Janna Oakfellow-Pushee née Flannery’s first event was the one where Queen Meg went Under the Hill, Feast of Chimeron X, and it was only uphill from there for the player and their character. Their very first character, Bouquet, an insectafae, would become Nimbus, Queen of Fae. Janna has had a myriad of characters since, both PCs and NPCs, named on and unnamed. A current and well known character is Sir Iawen Penn of Eagle’s Rook, with whom many newer faces to the Realms are familiar.
“Janna’s passion for plot and storytelling is something I always strive to emulate. Even when they were writing many plots simultaneously, everything always connected to create a living and breathing world. One of the best compliments I have ever received was being told I reminded someone of Janna, and I hope live up to that by telling stories and creating worlds like they do for many years to come.
Janna also teaches us that it’s okay to not be okay, and even when we are struggling there are people who love us. That even when I am sick and suffering, I am still valid. So it is up to us to continue to Love, and to look after each other. Not just when things are good, but especially when they are bad.” Bri “Margaret” Meisser
A year ago in summer, for a Tournaments of the Branch challenge, Becky “Kovaks” Baron had the contestants put together a chronicle of Insectafae. At the time I put a couple of weeks’ worth of effort into it, bound in green, and labelled it a chronicle. I have since worked on further editions of the chronicle, for although it was the first long term plot Janna Oakfellow-Pushee ran and concluded, it was woven into other plots they since ran or had part in, with pieces popping up that would later tie into another plot or even another character’s backstory. Janna had part in shaping peoples’ lives, both in game and out of game, and the Realms would not be the same without their touch, their words, their warmth, their presence, and their love. We are so lucky for their love, that it is directed at this community.
“There are few people who love as deeply or as completely as Janna Oakfellow-Pushee. Certainly the Realms means a lot to all of us, and many consider some portions of the Realms to be their found family. Janna takes that a leap forward, treating every member of the community as if they were not just their kith but their kin. They care about every one of us, our struggles, our goals, our journeys. They’re the first to offer help or to reach out a hand. They ask us questions and truly listen to the answers because they always seek a deeper understanding of each of us. Their grasp of Realms lore is ironclad because those stories are the history of their family so of course they are vital to learn and memorize. They are a Knight of the Realms in the truest sense of that title, someone who willingly and gladly carries the weight of the Realms on their back.” - Jason "Aeston" Rosa
Janna is an open book. A well written, well loved tome that is bound in beautiful leather, with margins written in that they wrote themselves, taking in notes and marks of love, from letters to rocks that others collect and share with them. Evident in what any says about them is their passion for the game but beyond that for people. They have always taken time for people, and some of their favorite things within this game and without is to see people flourish and thrive. To hear tale of what a friend has gone on to accomplish.
“I met Janna at my first fight practice, they took me under my wing and helped give me advice for not dying quite so fast.
Janna ran the first plot that I really got involved in. They drew me in with their storytelling and their desire to get new blood involved in their plot. They let me feel special and important when I didn’t know anything or anyone.
Janna has always been there to help me be the best me I can be, and has been a mentor and a friend. Their humility, their honor, their love, their determination.” Becky "Kovaks" Baron
A phrase I hear every so often from Janna (aside from 'stop letting your shoulders make out out with your earlobes', a playful reminder to relax my shoulders) ‘the late Dave used to ask me "well were they wrong or did they just hurt your feelings?"’ about situations in which conflict arose and they will take that upon themselves as well, not just something they repeat unto others. A reflective and keen soul, not above admitting that they’re not perfect. They're always trying and improving, not in a self-flagellation way, but in the pure enjoyment for self-betterment, like that zen master who just so happens to dress up and run around play pretend throwing spells and swinging swords.
“Janna is one of those people who will say something once and it becomes a phrase that percolates through the Realms. Other people will say it, and you'll still hear Janna's intonation. It is awesome how much attention people pay to what Janna says.
Bouquet/Nimbus, Sir A/Aberes/Iowen, Jayde... Janna has always found a way to turn a niche into a story that will draw other people in. Some might be tangential to that story, some may be of critical importance, but anyone who takes part will see Janna as part of the core of the storyline.
This applies when Janna is EHing, as well. A Janna story, either with co-EHs or not, is different than every other EH's. Variety is one of the things that makes our Realms so accessible. No player will want to do everything, but every player can do something. Janna is part of the people who make sure no one gets left out.” - Jerry "Pawldo" Pearce
Janna is taking a step away from the game as they deal with their health. That means plots such as the aforementioned time snarls is moving into different hands, for those who wish to take up the mantle. Many think fondly of said plots, old and ongoing, and consider it a pleasure to have been part of their plots either on the Western Flank or as PCs. And Janna is no stranger to Western Flanking in other plots, contributing to the community in all the ways they can.
“There is so much to say when it comes to Janna and how they have changed my life in game and out of it. Janna was truly the first person to make me feel welcome as a newbie. Fresh out of college and full of social anxiety I found warmth and comfort immediately upon meeting them and being welcomed to their weekly game nights. Over the years I would get advice and support as I went from playing to NPCing to EHing, all of which they were most happy to advise me on, and they showed up and NPCd for me when I got started throwing events. They would lead equests that allowed me to venture to new worlds and perform bardics that inspired me to write my own. The kindness and hugs on the hard days kept me going and encouraged me in a way that is truly indescribable. Every day I aspire to be kinder, stronger, and more creative because of their ability to do all three in a way that awes me. Our bond means the world to me and I would not be who I am today without their kindness, courage, strength, resilence, creativity, and love. I am a better larper and human because of Janna.” Crystal "Cressida" Welch
It’s not just in plots that they leave a mark. Though the firesides have been fewer, so I’ve heard, when they sing it’s beautiful. A masterful weaver of words and tunes.
“Janna is awesome!
Janna and I made a bardic for Cimone for Queen of Hearts one year, and it was really neat collaborating because we each came up with half the tune and lyrics, but it was all blended together. And it came out good, too – I remember Kevin/Kwartz having to perform after us and saying it was like he had to compete with Destiny’s Child. 😊 We also had fun making filk versions of our own song!
Janna has a real knack for inventive plotmastering, with deep backstory and colorful NPCs (sometimes literally!) with interesting costumes and props and a great variety of interactions available to PCs. A lot of people have enjoyed Janna’s plots – from both the heroes’ side and the western flank!
Janna has always had such a clear concern for others, and checks in with how people are doing and never hesitates to offer genuine care and support. Janna’s an emotional safety net for so many people, and it comes right from the heart.
Janna’s a big hugger – they have a hug for anyone and everyone!
Janna is so good at finding the humor in so many things. Whether chatting about family life or aspirations, NPCing or plotting, sorting props or making cookies, you’re sure to share in Janna’s sparkling laughter many times along the way!” - Kathy "Mahkta" Fey

I easily admit to bias, as even before I knew it Janna elevated my enjoyment of the game. As the wolf shopkeep Madame J at my very first Black and White they painted my face to better accentuate my character’s nature. They facilitated me and other Riverhawks getting to my very first winter event of Uncle Cecil’s Crazy Taven. And in that car ride they struck up conversation, learned I was only a stone throw’s from their home, and invited me to game nights. Now my character Omri is petitioning their character Iawen’s nation of Eagle’s Rook. It’s a slippery slope between cards and tabards, folks. Joking aside, despite how our relationship has developed positively, they still would’ve behaved exactly the same with someone who may never end up seeing them again.
“There are select few instances in any person's life when a someone gets the opportunity to change a life drastically for the better. These opportunities are seldom easy to spot, and most often nearly impossible to capitalize on, which is why today I join what Im sure will be a symphony of praise for one Janna Oakfellow-Pushee, who has dedicated their entire adult life to, not just finding, but creating those miracle instances for, what from my perspective appears to be, nearly every single person in the Realms community.
I could tell you that a decade ago I was a waffle shirt and brown sweatpants newbie with no tabard and a D-Ring belt when Janna dedicated half of their Feast of Leviathan to paving the way for the rest of my life, but frankly that would be underselling it. I was on the cusp of 16 years old, unknowingly on the brink of homelessness and was alone in room full of adults expressing themselves in a way that I, as a troubled innercity youth, was totally unable to compute. In that moment for me, none of this was real, it was a silly escape for people who had to have more time and money to spare than I could even imagine- until Janna sat down and asked my name. They wanted to know who my character was. They wanted to know what brought Ben here. They wanted to hear about the music I liked, and how long I'd been playing the guitar I brought, Who brought me, Who I've met so far, Who I thought looked cool and did I want to meet them- and 2 hours later I wasn't the Ben that was scared, jealous and on the outside of an experience that was passing me by. In that instant I became the very beginning of Pilpus, bright-eyed, curios and bashful, all because Janna decided to be the first person ever in my life to treat me like a person. Not a kid in need, not someone that could give them something, just me. Just because, as I would soon learn, Janna was being Janna. Janna just gives a shit about people. Its that simple, and because of that simplicity, I'd wager that nearly every player in this game can tell you the moment that Janna made a difference in their life, gameside or otherwise.
The next lesson that Janna passively instilled is that being one of many to have been blessed by their presence doesn't make me not unique, or not special, it just made me part of the Realm's family. A family that a decade later has truly become my whole life. Even if at that table in 2014, I couldn't conceive what this community was or would be, by the end of that conversation, I knew that I wanted to be just like Janna, because Janna was AWESOME! Kind, Smart, Interesting, Rowdy, Funny, Caring, Insightful, Honest and Fun. If you asked her how she did it, all her signs pointed back to this game, and kid Ben was just gonna have to figure it all out if I wanted to be just like them, and so badly I did, so I started walking that path to wherever it lead.
2 years later when the game lost Bud Wolfhope, even though I'd never had the pleasure of getting to know him, I saw how devastated Janna was. I brought my new girlfriend to Blackwood Tournaments to fight with me in Bud's honor because if Janna cared, I cared, even if I wasn't around to know why. The first event I ever staffed was a WIGOH, because I knew the amazing effect that getting to participate in Janna's wonderful stories could have on a new player. Fast forward to today, Everything I am to this community and everything I do for it comes from Janna caring so much about our people that it was contagious. My newborn daughter's middle name is Iawen, because without Iawen Penn sitting at that table to guide me, who knows if she'd even exist, or have the amazing family of people around her that she does. If Sage Iawen grows up to be even half the beautiful soul her namesake is, I'd be the luckiest man in the world.
If there is any gray area remaining in my assessment of Janna's impact on my life and this game as it relates, for those of you who haven't yet had the pleasure of your own special moment with Janna to look back on, I will leave you with this final sentiment. Janna Oakfellow-Pushee is the breathing soul of this community, this whole game, and they have been for at least my entire Realms career. Everything that is good amongst our people can find its roots in their selfless kindness. There isn't a belt or crown in existence that could be worthy of honoring what they've done. Should the sad day come that Janna isn't physically on site working miracles for us- their fingerprints are in every fantasies ink, their voice is in every person who guides you to happiness, and their love is always at the table with you helping make sense of the strange world that is being placed in your hands to build and love in kind.” - Ben "Pilpus" Lacasse
So many truly wonderful people in this community, it’s made better by Janna being part of it. And Janna would say it's made better by you being in it (unless you're an asshole but also that we're all assholes sometimes, try not to let it become something that brings down the community). Hey Janna, we love you.