Friday, October 4, 2024

What You Missed - Ashen Bounty XI

 Written by: Kelly “Charis” Perfetto 

Raynor of Ashenmark started many of his announcements this past weekend with a greeting that I greatly enjoyed and would like to replicate. 

Hello good people of the Realms and anyone else who happens to be here! I spent all of this past weekend in Ashenmark, trying to learn about becoming an adventurer, and I have been asked to document my experiences. 

The atmosphere Friday night was largely one of conviviality and recreation. I met many new people, including a small group called ‘Misery’ who say they are newly formed around these parts. The baby with the group was running around waving some sort of ‘soul reaper’ blade at peoples’ ankles. As some people dodged the hazards, others played a variety of gambling games. Most notable to an outside viewer were the dinosaur races, which came accompanied by choruses of cheers and groans of defeats as the raptors vied to place. Eventually a fire was lit outside. When I went to investigate, I and others met Amanita, the new small god of mushrooms and decay. It was certainly an unexpected experience, and we all partook in eating food-grade mushrooms in their honor. 

Two more things from that evening stood out to me. One was the Brie and cranberry tarts. What wonderful little creations. I believe we have Umbra of Ashenmark to thank for those. The second thing of note is that adventurers seem very eager to turn their blades on each other, everyone from close friends to strangers they have just met. It is certainly a practice that I hope not to have to become accustomed to. 

Saturday brought many friendly competitions during the day. I admit in between learning about others’ cultures, navigating the labyrinth with new friends, and sitting in on impromptu lectures I was not able to observe many of the tournaments. It seems that the fights were fair and entertaining, and those who participated received vouchers for the impending auctions. Meanwhile, teams of six worked to complete the labyrinth. I had heard that adventurers have a strong competitive spirit, and so when I heard that all of the teams were collaborating outside of the maze to share information I was quite impressed. I was on team Cerulean Company and Friends, ledleadled in all but name by Griffin. With his guidance from studying what others before us had done and one previous trial as a group, we were the first to complete the labyrinth. 

As the sun began to set, we were called indoors for food and the auctions. There were many wonderful dishes and tea time available before and during the two auctions, only one of which was turned into a vocal bidding war. Court, though, was truly what turned into the spectacle of the night, ranked just higher than a tense rescue of some of the Chimeron Militia members. 

The high table received gifts from many of the cities and provinces of the nation. As that was settling, Sir Killian dragged in a prisoner, the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, Wolf Swiftarrow. This ‘Wolf’ was clearly unstable and up for a fight, wrestling with Killian even while bound, and at least once lunging for my belongings. The prisoner was accused of a series of horrible crimes, and now that he was finally caught, Highlord Temorse ruled that he was to be executed at dawn. 

Many people seemed to think that something was amiss. Under the guidance of Sir Laika and Dame Phee, I cast a vision and asked for help to find out what would happen with this prisoner. Squire Margaret confirmed that the Wolf had indeed committed these crimes, and for heinous reasons at that. When I looked to the next dawn, I had a vision of an axe falling, a chorus of agonized howls, and an overwhelming feeling that what was dead would remain dead and the whole city would feel the consequences. Squire Margaret also looked toward the future and saw that an unknown potion maker would be very helpful to us. We tried to find Highlord Temorse that night to warn him, but he had disappeared. 

Dawn broke on Sunday. At least four hours later the adventurers began gathering in earnest. I am told this is common. 

We were told the execution was supposed to have happened, but Ashenmark did not not have the resources to spend to confirm. The city of Goldenhall where we had been guests for the last few days was suddenly overrun with enraged wildlife, and the sworn members were out and about trying to remedy the situation. Onyx did a quick divination and confirmed that the prisoner still lived. With both problems at large, the adventuring party set off. First we encountered the blacksmith Yon, who needed help recovering their apprentice and raw silver. The group fought their way through awakened trees, popping disgusting sap sacs, and eventually recovered the apprentice and enough silver for some axes. Making our way closer to the prison we came across Melf the alchemist, whose shop had been overrun by hounds. These same hounds had been previously released from the kennels, had killed their master, and had rampaged throughout town. Now they were trapped in the back room of the potion shop, eating strange and powerful ingredients. 

As the party was dealing with the dogs, Magus Kwido offered that I and others could investigate the nearby prison. Here we found a dead stone golem and a dead man, covered in an apparent calling card - flowers just like ones from the tree we had seen gifted to Highlord Temorse by Master Emmerik of Elimlemirre Isle the night prior. After a quick investigation, I revived Wayne the prison guard who gave us some information and went on his way. We met with the rest of the group at a strangely empty tavern. 

Our rest did not last long, as just outside Ser Vesper and others had found a visceral trail of blood, still fresh. At the other end was Elsie, one of the tavern keepers, who had been viciously mauled by wild animals. After further recovery, and with some reminding from Magus Kwido, we recalled that Temorse had intended to plant the strange tree gift in Gaia’s grove. We set off. 

The tree had grown to enormous proportions over night, and more awakened trees guarded the grove. Expedient seer magic revealed that Gaia did not wish the tree to remain, and so the group began chopping at the trunk with silver axes. With each strike, null magic rippled out from the tree like the peals of a horrible bell. On the final strike, the magic was gone completely, the corrupting tree fell, and the guardians of the grove retreated. 

There were still problems about town as the sworn members of Ashenmark urged us to evacuate the city. Yon’s legs had been crushed, the beekeeper was dying of enraged bee stings, and Melf was dipping in to his emergency potions which still worked under the null magic effect. Still, it seems we were able to bring all the townsfolk we had encountered with us, relieving them of some of their ailments as well. We found resistance from yet more awakened trees and animals along the way, and it was a tense fight seeing as even the most basic spells would not work. Eventually we made it outside of the city and back to an area where magic worked. 

It seems as though there is a small conspiracy brewing against the lords of Ashenmark, spurred on by this Emmerik of Elemirre Isle and Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. For now the null magic remains in place. With a soon-to-be-booming alchemy business and such warm hospitality and delicious food, I would still gladly return to Ashenmark and hope to one day work to help resolve resolve their magic problem. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Looking Gods in the Eye: Shadow


“I am afraid that our eyes are bigger than our stomachs, and that we have more curiosity than understanding. We grasp at everything, but catch nothing except wind.”

Michel de Montaigne, The Complete Essays

“So the unwanting soul

sees what's hidden,

and the ever-wanting soul

sees only what it wants.”

Lao Tzu

Gods are tricky complicated creatures. Some dispute what even MAKES one a god, can one be a god genetically? Can a god die by being forgotten, and if that were true, why are not the half remembered not waging reckless wars to be sustained by ire alone? Is THAT why the evil gods sit in the shadows? Questions my viewer, questions. It is difficult for a concept to be personified, yet there they are.

Perhaps then, it is easier for a person to become a concept? I certainly have seen it tried. And once or twice, some of them have succeeded.

Shadow, Lord of Thieves.

The difference from Shadow and many gods is he was born mortal. The greater difference is that he was born mortal RECENTLY, his behavior is as documented as it is doctrinal, and some can certainly argue that Shadow has not yet behaved in a manner that is quite cognizant of his freshly gained eternity.

Part of that youth is a lack of perhaps the most common emotion of all the gods, jealousy. We live in a polytheistic union of monotheistic faiths. We know that gods fight, some of the gods even love each other, yet we rarely love two gods. However Shadow encourages such plurality, indeed Shadow himself once worshiped five gods. Among them was Mystra, the goddess of Magic (Whose creations he coveted above all things), The Cat Lord, god of stealth, survival, instinct, and thieves (virtues he has carried far), Selph, the god of greed of whom he was Champion (No comment), and then Chandros the Reaper of death, who once upon a time sat upon the Wheel of Chaos.. Then there was It. Most quarrelsome of his faiths was the Great Grandfather, the All, the Dark One, Entropy Itself. You see the Dark One IS a jealous god, more then any other, and thus when Shadow prayed to another, Shadow found himself hunted long and far throughout the Realms. Perhaps hiding from these hunting parties allowed Shadow to hone his skills high enough to do the deeds he did in the future. Or perhaps it was merely the foolishness of youth. 

However even through this ire, there was one he hated more, Lolth, the god who demanded he was champion. This was a obligation brought about only by his possession of the Amulet of Night, the signet of her Champion, and one of the few shackles that Shadow found himself unable to escape. At least for a time.

As mentioned Shadow worshipped Mystra through her creations, magic items, which he coveted above all treasure, a trait shared by many in the realms. Thus was his bounty, and such was his obsession with it, that he would become allergic to nonmagical things, the very presence of nonstealable items being toxic to his touch, demanding he wear gloves to manipulate the mundane world, thus gloves are one of the few articles of faith taken seriously in the church.

Such is his love of his trove that his bag of tricks, his sack of magical items, is oft the answer of their followers prayers, and the powers of his bounty are bestowed to the faithful, temporarily, in shadowy spirit. Most notable is Yashin and Schizo, his katana and dagger, the dagger of which is still in possession of the church. Also among his relics in the church’s possession is an Elven bow, the Void (which I am naturally jealous of), the Crown of Science, and the unsearchable tin. However the bag once, and as a god still does, hold many more items, the Amulet of Night that gave him such trouble, the horn of a unicorn, the Staff of Law and the magical bookmark that can rewrite laws, the Ka-bar, the sphere of setty, a righting blade, and even a magical kirin named Celeste. Wonders many would kill for, formeost among those murderers being Shadow himself.

While Shadow is a Neden god, and one of its small pantheon, he was not always in Neden, indeed he predates it by far. His first mentor was Prince Iron Hand of the borderlands, where he rose to high priest of Chandros making him among the first followers of chaos. After Iron Hands left Shadow joined Creathorn as a regulator for a brief time until joining Cadre. It was with Cadre Shadow first cheated death and he escaped their doom. 

It is here, heels freshly singed from the fires of Cadre, that he met a young Tallon Purplewood, and thus Shadow and Neden first crossed paths. Shadow was a mentor to the future mischief maker and helped him establish their nation before he joined Folkestone, confident that he will never have any conflict of interest between his loyalty to his king and loyalty to his protegee. It was here he learned of the void’s embrace and entered the service of the Dark One, and it is under the influence of the Arch-ender that he saw Neden get sent into the All by his own nation. Helpless to help those he helped shepard, and unwilling to play the role of their killer, Shadow faded into his own name, hiding until Tallon himself stopped and emerged back into the world.

With his old protegee returned, Shadow joined Neden again during the Protectorate era of Neden, until the time of Jonas Cooke the King of the Shadowlands.

Jonas Cooke is a story seldom told, and one that belonged more to his queen then his ursurper, however his powers were bound to him not by blood, but by power not of his own. And like all gifts, it could be lost, and like all lost things, it could be stolen.

And thus it was, in a expedition lead by Shadow himself, and Nos, Blackwood god of Shenanigans. The two braved many dangers only to be faced with a mantel only bearably by one. Nos had skill and ambition, but Shadow had his own skill, and it was his nameright. Thus the two dueled over the treasure and thus did Shadow’s blade prove swifter, and Nos was first to accept Shadow’s new divinity.

And thus, in triumph rather then shame, did the god fade into his name, and the tyrant Cooke fell.

Admittedly this is no doctrine, it is merely history. But history is analogy, and its own doctrine. They say those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it, but that is a misdirection.

Those who do not learn history will find themselves easily swayed by those who would see it repeated. Those who do not learn of Cooke will be fooled by Shadows.

Mantra 4: A picture is worth a thousand words. A deed is worth a thousand pictures. Sometimes a thousand whys can be answered by a single How. Not every tale has to harken to the next ancient doom that the world will face or hint to some magic item. Its only when a story is pointless when it can actually have a point.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Why I Want To Go - Tournaments of the Blue Rose

Written by: Emma "Irri" Sherman

Hi friends, it’s Irri, here to tell you all about why I’m excited to attend Tournaments of the Blue Rose!

My friend and puzzle buddy Kharma has been working extremely hard to make sure her lands are more than ready to entertain the masses; with gambling, combat and non tournaments, and shopping~, there’s plenty to do for an adventurer such as yourself, dear reader ;D

I’ve already picked out my best options to prepare for the Best in Blue competition. I’ve learned I’m a terrible criminal, but I still plan to try my hand at the pickpocket tournament, if not to win then for comedic effect. 

Personally, I’m looking forward to exploring the land and history of the Shadowlands. Is it literal or figurative Shadow? Are there shadow plants? Can I take a shadow home? I heard there’s treasures hidden amongst the lands as well!

Most of all, I am so excited to accumulate Rose Gold! Kharma is such a talented crafts person; one that I admire not only as an artist but as a person! To be able to collect and wear items created by her is what I look forward to most of all. 

I hope my brief letter encourages you to attend with me; I’m looking forward to seeing you there!

With Sincerity,


High Mage of Blackwood

Initiate of the Lunar Aegis

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Word From the West: Voice Log Transcriptions from Chimeron Questing

 Greetings everyone! 

My clerks and I have compiled all of the words from the yellow gemstones into a written format for you to look through at your leisure. I believe there is much yet to be discovered about these logs. Why are they all yellow? What is Project Prism? How did it fail? If you discover the answers to any of these questions please reach out to me and my team as well as your fellow adventurers. 

Yours in discovery,

Professor Mia

**OOC: to hear all of the log audio! enjoy!**