Friday, January 11, 2013

Realmscraft: Introduction by Gary "Dagger" Heinstrom

"For over 20 years, players in the Realms have met on weekends and played characters in a fictional world.  We have maps, and imagine that we come from lands with castles, roads, bridges, towns, and everything else that might fit a medieval fantasy theme.  Until now, those lands have lived in our stories, songs, poems, and fertile imaginations.  This project is an attempt to change that.

"Realmscraft" could never replace LARPing, but with the right approach it can be a tool to make our shared roleplaying experience deeper and more fulfilling than ever before.

In service to the Realms,

- Stephen Johnson, KoR, KoEF"

Author’s Notes - 

My name is Gary E. Heinstrom.  Some of you may remember me as Dagger Arkenstone of Blackwood.  Presently I live in Germany so; my realms life has been limited for the last few years.  I signed on to the Realmscraft (Minecraft) Project to participate in the Realms community where I could.  Since, I have undertaken many projects within the Realmscraft server.  New Verai and Old White Coast are a few areas I have the pleasure of working extensively on.  Please enjoy a glimpse at this work in progress.

Welcome to:

The Palace d'Verai and the Temple of Asmodeus

Brief History
The Kingdom of new Verai was dissolved in 995, shortly after the introduction of the worship of the god Arioch, by New Verai’s steward, Baron Cinnabar of the Borderlands. All vassals of New Verai were released of their oaths to Verai, and permitted to take the lands that they governed with them.  Only New Verai itself and the lands of Doomghaurd remained under the direct control of the royal d’Verai family.

Secondary Manse of the Palace d’Verai

Main Palace in Background


Temple of Asmodeus at Dusk


Temple of Asmodeus at Night