Friday, May 24, 2024

On the Order - The Order of the Peacock

What year was your knighthood formed?

We don't have an exact date, but Prince Nigel says 1995 and as he was a founding member we'll agree with him. The order faded away for a while in the mid aughts, and was reformed again in the teens with Twenaria at the helm. This reboot has seen us move more towards an inclusive attitude with more OOC focus on helping grow the immersive environment of the Realms. 

What does your knighthood stand for?

We are an IC/OOC order dedicated to raising the bar of immersion, and recognizing those who have done such. Over the years we've grown away somewhat from where the order started. We have shifted our focus away from just being fancy and well mannered, and more towards adding to the overall immersion of the Realms whether that be through crafting, RP, event holding, inclusion initiatives, etc. 

What are your tenets?


What is your symbol?

While we do not have an 'official symbol', we have been using a stylized linework peacock on our awards. 

Do you have a traditional knightly power? If so, what is it?


What do you look for when selecting squires?

We do not currently have squires, so I will answer for selecting members instead. 

We look for someone who adds to the overall immersion of the Realms. There are so many ways of doing that, and we are trying to fill our ranks with that in mind. A good representation of different styles of contributions can already be seen in the order, but we want to add even more! On an OOC level we look for people who are inclusive of others, active in realms related activities, are willing to help out with projects and ideas, and who's goals for immersion in the game align with ours. On an IC level, we look for someone who is true to themselves, helps other people be true to themselves, and adds to everyone's enjoyment of activities within the Realms through their RP. 

What is your squiring process like?

We have taken squires in the past but not recently, though that is something we wish to change soon! We are in the process of reorganizing a bit under new leadership, but hopefully soon we will reveal a new and improved apprenticeship program. 

Who is your current Knight Commander?

Madam Steward Zarine is currently our Head Hen. She was elevated in the pecking order at Black and White 2022

Who are your currently active Knights?

Sara Jessop / Madam Steward Zarine

Kelly Bonci / Twenaria

Steven Matulewicz /Sagart

Megan Matulewicz /Kyomi

Bethany Tozier / Freesia

Derek Booke / Hygar

Amber Fox / Tarnisha

Arthur Granger / Aiden

Casey Lemay / Kharma

John Rescigno / Gordon

Do you have any interesting stories from your knighthood's past?

From Kelly 'Twenaria' Bonci: 

I mean, I got (Zarine) drunk so I could get (her) in the order to pass it on. That's a pretty great long con, if I do say so myself.

From Sara 'Zarine' Jessop: 

So there I was at Cecil's Uncle's Crazy Cabin, or whatever we called it back in 1019, and I had had quite a few to drink. I vaguely remember being honored for something. Later on in the powder room, Twen and I were in there drunk-girling and I looked down and was wearing a really nice necklace. I was all like 'this is pretty, where did this come from?', and she was all like, 'Zarine! I gave that to you!' Apparently Twen had given it to me like an hour earlier when they INDUCTED ME INTO THE ORDER OF THE GODDAMN PEACOCK! So yeah, that the story of how I became a peacock. And this is not shortened for the article, that is literally all I remember. 

Then the next year at Cecil's Discordant Cabin of Chaos (no really, it was a virtual event because of ye olde plague) and we were running a contest for the most festive background. Now, you would think being in my own home I wouldn't get so schnockered,  right? Wrong. I was trying to ask who we were liking for a winner, and well... Nothing I typed were words. So far that ridiculous post has been my greatest contribution to the order. 

Anything else you'd like to add?