Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Realmsie Radar (Charts) 2

We have a new fun feature here at the View! Part guessing game, part chance to explore the not-as-obvious traits of your characters and your character's friends. Mostly a good opportunity for some light-hearted fun!

Below are three radar charts with character stats, as is common in many RPGs and similar gaming experiences. Your job is to figure out what chart belongs to what Realms character.

There is no right or intended answer to any of these radar charts. They are made with a hearty dose of randomness and ridiculousness. Nonetheless, we at the View have faith you will zero in on exactly which Realmsies hit these stat profiles!

Post your ideas and comments on social media!

Realmsie 1 (purple)

Realmsie 2 (red)

Realmsie 3 (yellow)