Friday, February 28, 2025

Why I Want To Teach

 At Training Day 1025!

John “Gordon” Rescigno tells us about what he’s excited about sharing with the Realms community  at this year's April 5th Training Day! Commentary and editing by Brookelyn “Rowan” Tilton.

“Leatherworking is a craft that I think adds so much depth to our game in terms of immersion and individuality. Being a Knight of the Sable Dragon means passing on my skills to the next generation of Realmsies, and leatherworking has been my passion for years.

“On Training Day this year, Justin and I will be running a joint leatherworking workshop, Leather From Scratch, across four 40-minute sections throughout the event. In these workshops, we will run you through the steps from concept to finished product over the course of a single day.

You read that right: 15 people will be creating a (small) from-scratch leather project over the course of a day. In place of reimbursing Justin and myself for materials, we ask that our students contribute $10 towards the total donation to the Pushee Family.

Sign up early and often!”

Class Section 1: We will be teaching you the planning and patterning stage. From brain to paper to saran wrap and duct tape!

Class Section 2: Putting your custom patterns onto paper and brainstorming simple tooling.

Class Section 3: Put it into Leather!

Class Section 4: Dye and Assembly.

“Some students may be ready to advance to the next section before it starts, and we welcome overachievers! People are encouraged to assist one another and collaborate on projects throughout the day. It is yet unknown whether this will be a continuous class or spread out across the day.

“I’m very excited to attend other trainings and, as an avid quest piker, to assist with teaching the piking workshop.”

Reader, do you have experience that you want to share with your peers? We want to hear about it! While several of the Training Day instructors are members of groups like the KoSD or Wyvern College, no affiliations, experience or qualifications are required! This is a day of peer-to-peer education and you may be surprised how many folks may share an interest in what you have to show them.  And don't worry, you won't be missing out - instructors are welcome to sign up for as many or as few sessions as they want to keep their schedule open for attending other workshops. And remember, if you have an idea but you're not sure about the whole teaching thing, grab a buddy with similar or complimentary knowledge and tackle it together! Co-teaching is a great way to approach holding a workshop with a friend at your side to lessen the load.

The deadline for instructor sign-ups is this Saturday, March 1st!

Sign up using this link:

Why I Want To Go - Calibrated Questing: Heroes for Hire


Listen I am gonna be honest with you. I need Hematite. It was really useful one time and its for sale so I need to stock up. Apparently I hate my old ring.

I'm just joking.

That was someone else's ring.

But that's just me, lots of people have hematite, lots of people are already prepared without the supplies of the Wildcard Guild. And a lot of us, a LOT of us, are gonna be BORED.

The EHC SUCKS! Not as a organization but the meetings! Ugh! BLEH! "Um actually if we recalibrate the fireball spell to 3 less words it'll disrupt Queen-" LAME! I'm gonna stay at home, without a drinking game, watching wrestling videos and not paying attention to them.

But hold on, did somebody say, a better way?

I did, it's in the title actually. Did, did you forget its a Why I want to go? Really? The articles not that long...

Calibrated Questing isn't a unique idea, Kova- I mean Agent 37 (Now Freelancer Seeking Numbers), ran one back in the day alongside a few other popular faces. The idea is simple. People do things, solve puzzles, fall in love, quest stuff. Meanwhile the EHC happens, MEANWHILE MEANWHILE (Back in the halls of justice), one of the staff members is looking at his phone and every so often, a friendly EH tells the fair staff member the latest ruling of the EHC. Then they tell us lowly players and everyone cheers except you because you were actually quite fond of "Fix Heal Limb" but you don't want to make a scene so you don't say anything and bite the tears back. Then the quest moves on. 

Unlike Fix Heal Limb...

And now, YOU CAN TOO! Thats the Calibrated Quality. 

Um, I don't actually know if your going to fall in love at Calibrated Questing. It is not a traditional event structure, even for it's predecessor. It's filled with opportunity and options. Courier jobs, side quests that split the player base up for different fun potentially lethal activities. Because if your waiting on rules to change, why not change up the format a little?

Listen, I played Laika Quests, I had to juggle winning Among Us with dodgeball. Things are going to get wild. Worse then wild they are going to be... uncalibrated.

(If you don't high five me I will actually cry.)

I haven't done these in a while. I feel like you might not have noticed if I didn't say anything. So I'm saying something. Did you pick up on the context clues?

Listen, liiiiisten. I want baubles, I want to cause problems and still somehow get paid for them. I want to argue that, hey, its in the old omnibus, I can finally get Create Undead Minion. AND, I want to argue for like 4 minutes in a dm that it's spiritually a fifth level spell because they had a seventh level back in the day, so I should be able to get THREE of them. All belonging to Funny Jordan, my hereto unrevealed alt because I want to squeeze in a last minute road-fathering right before the door closes. But SOMEONE else is gonna have to do that, because there was a open call for npcs and I answer calls.

So now I don't get to be Laika's problem.

This Saturday, I get to be YOUR problem.


Oh I forgot to say, this is JB.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Conspiracy MONTHLY

 By Kieran/Kyra Barry

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Humanizing the Realms: Sarah "Evitta Jainrose" Fournier

1. What do you do outside of the game? What would you like to be doing? (Work, school, projects, etc.)

I'm an esthetician by trade, and I have a small business called Inner Beauty by Sarah. I touch faces for a living! I really enjoy my job. For the most part, it's a relaxing occupation, and I'm lucky to have a great clientele. I can see myself working in skincare for a long time. I think one day I'd like to own my own salon/spa building, but I'm super content with where I'm at right now. When I'm not working, I spend a lot of time with my boyfriend, family, and cats.

2. What hobbies do you enjoy other than LARP?

I've been a gamer since I was young, always favoring games over tv. I play Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Stardew Valley, and World of Warcraft. There's also a city building game that's about as old as me that my dad got me into called Zeus: Master of Olympus. Beyond gaming, I enjoy writing, whether it be stories, songs, or lists. I also sing every day, and am a part of a local choir that meets weekly.

3. Favorite meal, dessert, and drink?

Meal: I eat a lot of eggs and avocado on toast and it never gets old. I also love a cheeseburger and fries! If we're talking restaurants, it would have to be a platter of assorted BBQ staples from BT's Smokehouse, or maybe chicken madeira from Cheesecake Factory. Dessert: I have a major sweet tooth. I think my #1 pick would be a warm chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream. I also really like brownies, and York peppermint patties. Drink: Water is always my go-to, but other than that I've been digging strawberry vanilla Ollipop, or zero sugar watermelon/peach or dragonfruit Vitamin Water.

4. If you could go on vacation anywhere, where would it be? Would you bring anyone?

Iceland has been on the top of my bucket list for a few years now. My interest in Iceland piqued when I watched Sense8 on Netflix (love that show!) The scenery is breathtaking; I'd love to see the Northern lights and black sand beaches. I would bring my boyfriend, Jarryd. We talk about traveling a lot!

5. Are you working on any life goals that you’re willing to share?

I think the biggest one is saving up for a fancy vacation to Iceland! Other than that, I'd like to write more songs, build my confidence in performing, and contribute more to the Realms community.

6. Favorite outfit other than garb?

When I'm not at work I live in sweats, fuzzy socks, and slippers. If I’m going out, I like to wear dresses and skirts. My favorite piece of clothing is a purple sweater from Free People.

7. Do you have any professional or personal skills you’d be willing to talk about?

Professionally, I've been a licensed esthetician for 5 and a half years, and I'm very confident in my skills at work. When I apply eyelash extensions or give facials, most of my clients fall asleep and relax. I’m happy to know that I make other people feel safe and comfortable while they’re in my space.

Personally, I sing a lot, and I was ranked #1 soprano in my state when I was a senior in high school. I have a really good ear so I thrive in group singing ventures where I can harmonize with others. And ninja skills... shh!

8. What drew you to the realms, and what keeps you there?

My dad, Decion, joined the Realms in the '80s. He brought me to my first event when I was 6 months old: Feast of Leviathan 1. I was drawn by archery when I was a preteen/teen, and I found the combat exhilarating. When I returned to the game as an adult, I was drawn back in by the roleplaying, which I honestly had no idea was a part of the game since I only attended tournaments as a kid. The community keeps me here. After my dad's stroke in 2018, the community wrapped me up in its arms and took care of me and my family. I'll never forget that. Realms is my second family. The game is filled with wonderful, encouraging, and kind people who always push me to be the best person I can be. Opening the doors of Evie's Tavern and seeing its continued success has been a blessing too. Having the opportunity to give back to the Realms in that way makes me very happy.

9. Favorite movies/shows/books?

For movies, I'd say Harry Potter (7 and 8 are my favorites), the Twilight saga, and Hot Rod. For shows, I'm a huge Survivor fan, I watch every season! I enjoyed House of the Dragon, and The Bear is also phenomenal. I tend to rewatch shows when those aren’t airing. Grey’s Anatomy is my go-to. For books, I tend to reread a lot of things from my teenage years, so Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games and Divergent. I'm currently reading The In-Between by Hadley Vlahos, which I highly recommend.

10. If you happened upon 3 wishes, what would they be? (Wishing for more wishes doesn’t seem to work...)

If I came upon 3 wishes, I’d first wish for the health and well-being of my family and friends. For the 2nd wish, probably infinite cash. I’d buy a chunk of land and make a gorgeous event site for the realms, with a big castle and a tavern and cabins with showers! And 3rd, maybe the ability to fly or teleport?

11. Who would you like to see interviewed next?

I’d like to see My brother Pilpus (Benjamin Lacasse) [Editor in chief note, Ben's article can be found here!], my fellow Gaia worshiper Seeker Ihrin (Jasper Sierra), or the Commander of the Broken Spears, Warlord Cronin (Adrian Cronin) interviewed!

12. Anything else you’d like to add? 

Not really, just looking forward to the spring and warmer weather, and spending more time in the Realms!

If you'd like to do one of these interviews, send Dani Lacasse (lilpotatogem on Discord) a message to let her know! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Laughing Gods in the Eye: War Games

 By: Ethan "JB" Goldman 

"In America Rexan is actually the God of slides."

Monday, February 24, 2025

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, February 21, 2025

Rhiassa Tube (W) Reorder and New Options

Hello all,

Last summer our first order of custom manufactured Rhiassa Tubes (W) came in from China. 

(banana for scale)

Of this order of 1000 tubes, virtually all of them ended up as pre-orders from groups and people who wanted to have a larger stock to keep on hand. I'm certain that a great deal of that stock still remains out there and will last for a couple of years at least.

Regardless, there are people who have already expressed that they wanted in on another order of the tubes and we have a couple other options to announce that everyone might be interested in.

First of all, larger internal diameter Rhiassa Tube W.

With the same wall thickness as a regular Rhiassa Tube (W) (5/8"), the new Rhiassa Tube (WL) has an internal diameter of 3/4" as opposed to the 1/2" internal diameter of the original. While the 1/2" diameter has been really useful for single shorts especially with more advanced cores, people have expressed the desire to use larger cores on smaller weapons or to be able to make great weapons (etc). These tubes would be 3 feet long.

Second, a Rhiassa tube with a specific blade-like profile for people who are interested in trying to make some more swordy-like-swords (sorry to use a technical term there) which we'll call the Rhiassa Tube (WB)

The above picture is from a pre-production prototype of the blade shape with the picture being mailed to me from the factory. While the overall profile might change very slightly in regards to some of the angles, essentially we're looking at a flattened hexagon with rounded edges and the dimensions listed at the axes. The internal diameter of this tube would be 1/2". These tubes would also be 3 feet long.


I last had a conversation about costs with the factory in the fall and my information is based on that time period. Before moving forward we would of course get updated quotes but I'm sharing what I estimates I got at the time.

Last order I was able to get the Rhiassa Tubes (W) manufactured at a price of $3.00 if they were pre-ordered which of course included manufacturing and direct shipping. I expect that this price will remain more or less the same if our order size is the same (1000) but could increase up to a $1 per tube if the order is significantly smaller.

The larger-size Rhiassa Tubes (WL) will be slightly higher in price again depending on order size. I estimated that we might be able to get up to an order of 500 of them with a cost of $4.00 per tube shipped.

The blade-profile Rhiassa Tube (WB) will require a custom die to manufacture which will add to the cost of the first time we order them. I asked for a quote based on an order size of 500 and we're looking at about $6.00 per tube.

Interest survey:

All of this is still a theoretical order and theoretical products. A new order might just be more of the original Rhiassa Tube (W) or even only one of the new product options.

So I need to gather an idea of overall interest.

If you believe you would participate in a pre-order of any of these tubes, please fill out this survey. You're not making any commitment by answering the questions.

If it looks like we have enough interest to put an order together than I'll start communicating with the factory and get updated quotes and then move from there. If there's not enough interest now we'll kick the can down the road and see if there's enough need in a few months or perhaps next winter.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone and engaging in some interesting discussions about these new materials.

In service,

Thursday, February 20, 2025

It Starts With a "Meat Fruit"

By: Beth "Freesia" Tozier

I think about how we met, in the movies, had we become romantically involved, it would be called a “Meet Cute”, but for this, I would call it a “Meat Fruit” encounter. 

It was their first event in the Realms. Feast of Chimeron; I had just finished having a discussion with Sir Lucas Harkon about the appropriate attire for the feast (I said Armor, he said a dress, we did not agree and he stormed off in a tiny fae huff as Harkons are generally do). I was at the Creathorne table, chugging down some water and grabbing some cheese when a figure emerges from the kitchen.

They have blue hair, antennae, and bright curious eyes and… wings! Pretty butterfly like wings. In their hands was a pretty impressive fruit sculpture. Their smile lights on me, and they head my way. I am not far, because Creathorne was always in the back (assigned so), away from the high table but close to the kitchen. This little bug creature looks at me as they approach, and in a high, singing voice proclaim “Fruit!” and then ask “Fruit?” Being In Character, I reply, “Meat”. 

They look puzzled to the fruit and then back to me, and reply “No, it is most certainly fruit.”

I scoff a little and say “I see the fruit, but I want meat.”

Again, a puzzled look, “But, it is time for the fruit.”

“But Meat.”

“No, Fruit.”

“Yeah, okay…. but meat?”

“Nope” a shake of their blue hair “certainly Fruit.”

“Understood, how about meat.”

“Not until after fruit. Fruit?”

“Not a fan. Meat?”

“Fruit?”, they hold out the fruit sculpture.

Around and around we went for a few moments, until someone else came into the hall and, with a gesture of confusion, the little blue creature turned away from me muttering “Weird human” as I snatched up my sword, headed out of the hall saying “Weird bug.”

That was our “Meat Fruit” and the beginning of a decades long friendship no one could have predicted. That was when Janna came into my life, and it was a perfect Meat Fruit.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Ballad of Darkvale

Filked by: Amber "Lady Tarnisha" Fox in Dec '24 at Winter Revelry 


Music: "Personet hodie," 1582

Original Words: Personet Hodie from Piae Cantiones, 1582

trans. Jane M. Joseph (1894-1929), 1924(5)

*Note: There are some intentional mis-spellings and extra hyphens to assist with verbal performance.


On this day the Realm rings

with the song this bard sings

of Kovaks; Count not king

With thier skills did save us

Defeat of snakes, they gave us


Id-e-o-o-o, id-e-o-o-os,

Id-e-o Vic-to-RI...a con-spec-tu Deos!

Strategize, sift thru lies

Research done, check supplies 

Gather up the Allies 

Nerves be high, Vis-ion mo' 

Ducks were lined, in a Row.

At the dam, Snakes did wait

Planning a watery fate

David Red, Checked then Mate

Militia, He did order

Flanked them from the border


Serpintine, were the caves

Face the snakes , Very brave

Use those spells , Do not save

Push to City Sorbus

Shields and pikes defend us

Dagger shown, You won't last

Unto Tony it did pass

Champ'ion stabbed in the ass

better fate, undeserv'ed.

God Rexan, unnerv'ed


God Strike Bomb we did build 

Rexan's belly to be filled

Massive heads we did kill 

Rexan's fate was see-aled

God Flesh make bad mee-al

~~(needs more garlic salt)~~


Gods did meet, all could see

Garm call forth, Count to be

Bound the soul complet-ly

As the Land, They'll shield us

Kind Kovaks, will lead us 

Barons two, must decide

King decreed, Kovaks sighed

Barons *Three*, at their side

Squad goal were exceeded

Treaty laws were heeded. 


Trees weave in, Branch twine out

Grow that bridge nice and stout

Gaia's Blessings, Twen did shout

Style and Safety they deliver'd

Now all may cross the river.

All of y'all, Clear debris

Mayumi, plans city

Tarnisha, Car-pen-try 

Vic'try o'er, As-pis reel ((real))

Put away, anxious feels


First we dive, then we cave

Soldiers felled for to save 

Kovaks push, none misplaced 

Call the soul, raise them up 

Many saved, raise your cup 

One year past, Cel-e-brate

Airborne tours 'Round the state 

Solemn church, con-tem-plate 

Dif-fer-ence made isn't small

Darkvale hills, standing Tall

[*Slow*] Darkvale hills, standing Tall

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A Thank You Message

By: Kelly "Twen" Bonci

Today I received a thank you letter from House of Hope in Lowell, expressing their gratitude for our donation of $2011, which we raised during the Winter Revelry. And guess what? The EHs for that event matched donations, which makes it even more amazing!

I also want to share that the fundraiser for the Pushee family raised $1100 in just the first 48 hours. If you’d like to contribute any amount, feel free to send it to via PayPal or Venmo.

Over the years, our community has come together to donate tens of thousands of dollars to so many great causes. Kids, veterans, animals—you name it. These are just the donations I’ve seen personally!

I can’t tell you enough how proud I am of all of you. Your generosity and kindness truly fill my heart. Thank you for making such a difference.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, February 14, 2025

In Fond Remembrance: The Hallerbos

by Jason "Aeston" Rosa

Anyone who knew Janna was well aware that Realms history and lore were of deep importance to them. So by way of remembering and honoring our parted friend, I thought I would share a small bit of lore that seems particularly poignant given their legacy, so that you all might carry it forward in your memories of them as I do.

In a valley nestled between the hills on the western border of Eagle’s Rook there is a very special and enchanted forest known as the Hallerbos, named for its real world equivalent in Belgium. It’s immediately recognizable because of the carpet of bluebells that spreads amongst the trees every spring and a number of other plants that have an indigo hue throughout the foliage.

In-character, it is a land fully engulfed in the wild magics of Fae, most prevalently the magics of the Insectafae, which as many of you know was a thread that connected Sir Vawn to Janna’s first character, Bouquet D'Amandes. 

Janna had invented the species of the Insectafae along with creating Bouquet, who was always adorned in the same striking blue colors that can be found in the Hallerbos. The plot that they created that spawned from that character concept was an important one to Sir Vawn, who himself was transformed into an Insectafae for a time as that story was being told and was undoubtably one of the main characters throughout.

Of course, after Janna retired their first character after ascending to the throne of Fae, they would go on to play Iawen, who perhaps became the better known and more decorated of Janna’s characters. Certainly they added copious amounts of yellow to their outfit, but the blue undoubtably remained. It was as Iawen that Janna received both of their white belts, and as Iawen that they helped to lead and continue the legacy of Eagle’s Rook, a nation with a history dating back into the last century.

And while this is no more than my opinion, having known Janna and Dave both for a very long time, I cannot help but think of the Hallerbos as a place in Eagle’s Rook that they created together as a way of honoring their first connection to each other in the Realms and the many years of friendship and cooperation and teaching and learning that passed between them.

In remembrance of Janna and the immutable azure threads that connect them to Bouquet, Iawen, Eagle's Rook, and the bluebells of the Hallerbos, I would like to dedicate the following


I have seen bluebells in a wood, close blown:

fumed blue - like wood smoke, bluer grown.

And I have watched them move their bells to ring

blue changes in the joyous peals of Spring

Blue changes, with a wistful note as though

the swift, blue Bird of Happiness skimmed low

to whisper in each upturned, listening ear

and then, with upward, curving sweep and dear

quick flash of blue wings, fled into the dim

dissolving azure of the world’s far rim;

his music lingering air-borne in the breeze

in echoes through the blue shadows ‘neith the trees.

We too can glimpse his swiftly passing flight,

we too must watch him sadly out of sight.

- Nan Northam

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Rook's Forum: The Book of Blackwood

By: Benjamin "Pilpus" Lacasse

The Rook’s Forum

A Forward

Lords, Countrymen, and Allies of the Crown,

When King Saegan ascended to the Throne of Blackwood, he created a position in his Royal Court to serve as his personal advisor and assistant in all matters His Eminence finds need of perspective on.  He lovingly named this position his “Rook” in honor of all of the advisement, guidance  and compassion that the Leaders of Eagles Rook have always provided  for the crown, lands and people of Blackwood.  The King entrusted this role to me, Sir Pilpus Jainrose, and I have the great honor of being The Stag’s Rook, so in the spirit  of my title’s namesake,  I have found that transparency and community in the face of impactful issues are the most important tools in a leader’s arsenal, especially when The Crown’s decision on certain matters will have effects that echo across the lives of all of whom’s ear I seek in this Forum and those to come.  Today, I use my quill to share my eyes and ears in the Great Halls of Blackwood, from Dark’s Keep to Castle Blackstag, in hopes that our countrymen and allies might offer their voices to us.  That we might make not just a decision, but the right decision as often as we can.  I caution in this Forum that as in all things, the King’s Will is absolute in our great nation, whether it aligns with your wishes in the end or not, but the very existence of my role should serve as evidence that King Saegan values the perspective of his people and comrades.   The topics and opinions of today’s Forum and others to come are curated and adapted by myself, but I encourage you to engage those I cite, however loosely, as it’s their opinions, stories and experiences that shape these conversations at their inception.  Lastly, I will do my best to delineate what my own initial opinions and biases on these topics are from recounts, quotes and other’s general opinions.  The Crown appreciates your contribution to our home so dear, and looks forward to your voice joining The Rook’s Forum.

In Service of Country, Crown and Blood

Sir Pilpus Jainrose

The Stag’s Rook

Today’s Quandary

The Book of Blackwood

Our Past or Our Future?

As the brilliant dawn of the Platinum Age breaks across the ramparts of holdfasts  nearly 4 decades old, The Kingdom of Blackwood finds itself in a peculiar position. Where we have spent the better part of these years deeply embroiled in a variety of conflicts, we have found our parchment record keeping to be lacking relative to our many great successes.  Though there are sparse accountings of a variety of important events in the Library of Ivory in regards to our Kingdom’s refounding and sprinklings of our people’s deeds in annals across The Realms, there is a disturbing lack of officially recognized written historical materials in our own libraries.  The earliest dated piece of literature our nation possesses in regards to its history is The Book of Blackwood, a collection of thoughts recorded by Prince Nigel with a few unbound records from other prolific leader’s of Blackwood, but even this artifact’s logs only hold old ceremonies and an essay or two on topics personal to Prince Nigel.  Regardless of content, it’s been treated with respect and has been used to officiate marriages, and has been the icon of choosing for many a Knight of Blackwoods connection to Edaone`.  It’s currently in the possession of the Order of the Owl, the faction in charge of Blackwood’s lorekeeping and matters of internal importance.

As snow set in around the Keeps this winter, I sought a solution to our lack of records and eventually decided to propose the use of the Book of Blackwood to record the happenings in our nation, picking up from where it stops recording, and continuing ever onward.  Though the concept of this idea resonates well with many of our Knights and Officials, in looking at this solution in a different light, this decision has implications that span beyond the quill that writes the records.  All of that is to not even mention the variety of methods of which we could curate and record these historical events, or any of the other subtle nuances that go into such a wide-spanning project as telling the story of Nation and its people.  For the sake of generality, after my many conversations, I feel comfortable dividing the majority of opinions into one of two camps; Those who believe that the Book of Blackwood is a relic of a bygone era that should be left untouched, and Those who believe that The Kingdom of Blackwood is the grand legacy of the Blackwood the book originally recorded, whose story should stain the same parchment its forefathers did.  I will use the following sections to elaborate on some of the arguments I’ve observed in either direction

The Book of Blackwood-
Page 19, Penned in the 990s by Prince Nigel

This is the Oath of Fealty Prince Nigel  had those who sought to follow and live in Blackwood during his reign before his return to Alheim. This is the first entry pertaining to Blackwood in the Book of Blackwood, the first 18 pages being Nigel’s personal Divination Guide. 

Our Past

The first person who’s input I initially sought on this topic was that of Sir Nos, Duke of Heminshire, or The Dukey as he’s affectionately called in the echoes of the Great Halls.  As the named heir to Sir Dark, and one of the first Knights of Blackwood made when the order was rebuilt, I felt that he might have some of the most pertinent insight to the desires of our forebears on this topic.  Namely, I sought for him to speak to what he believed Sir Dark’s intent was when he declared Prince Aeryk deceased and took up the mantle of Archduke all those years ago.  Did Sir Nos think that it was Dark’s intent to be the legacy of the Nation that he grew up in, or was Dark’s intent to seize the power behind the name and build something new in his own vision?  Confidently, The Duke stated that it was his interpretation of those events that Dark saw Blackwood as a conquest of Idaris, but that it was for the best of the whole nation. Sir Dark’s available road to ascending in rank only existed within the confines of his homeland without risking a territory war, and Prince Aeryk’s disappearance meant that the land of Blackwood needed someone with a strong vision to come in and steer it back into the fold.  The acquired territories, while convenient for expansion endeavors, were subsidiary to the legitimacy the nation’s history offered, and Sir Dark/Santiago being a part of that history already made him one of the few who could do what, in Nos’ opinion, needed to be done to keep the lands alive, as Sir Dark was duty-bound to do by his knightly tenets.  

While Nos believes The Archduke bore no particular ill will to any of Blackwood’s past rulers, it was Nos’ opinion that Sir Dark’s intent was to drop a hard divide between the times before Blackwood’s involvement in The Empire and the events that preceded that time.  Duke Nos at this point said that his own opinion, based on Archduke Dark’s original vision, was that we should create a new book.  He proposed we could organize it in a more efficient way that makes it easier for future generations to write in an organized way, commission binding with the spectacle worthy of our Kingdom’s great achievements and in the same fashion as Dark, take the important sections from the original, but leave behind that of which didn’t shape us.  The past would die with the disappearance of Prince Aeryk and we would let the original book serve as a reminder to never squander what we have built, lest it become a relic.

 Brother, Friend and Nos Backwards
Archduke Sir Dark’s Funeral at Black and White 1009,

Photo Credit to Metron Dragonsvalley, Novem 21, 1009

Pictured, Left to Right
Sir Kerrel Kal’Amar, Sir Magnus Heavyhammer, Sir Santiago Kal’Amar/Deimos Dark, Sir Nos Imaj

Depiction of Sir K relinquishing his Creathorne tabard to take on the mantle of Archduke of Blackwood until Sir Nos comes of age, in honor of his late brother Sir Santiago’s Last Will and Testament


Our Future

Hearing Duke Nos’ rebuff of my idea, and deeply resonating with wanting to honor Sir Dark’s original intentions, I felt that I had to seek the sage advice of Sir Tao, Duke of Clontarf- a man dedicated to the preservation of Blackwood’s history, as the Book of Blackwood’s previous keeper.  Most importantly though he was the man who squired not only to Sir Dark, but in the aftermath of Dark’s death sought the tutelage of another original Knight of Blackwood (Gold-Belts as they’re often referred to inside of our order) in Sir Guilliam.  If there was anyone with an informed opinion on this, it certainly would be him.

Sure enough, when speaking over dinner and hearing my pitch, Tao agreed that the Book of Blackwood should be kept up to date.  His own reservations of doing so himself came from the same place, of not wanting to violate the Book’s sanctity without assuring we were in the right to do so, opting to leave his own ceremonies unbound in the back of the book.  While Tao didn’t venture to assume Dark’s intent, he argued that regardless of intent, the result of Dark claiming the lands of Blackwood as his own ties us to that Book. Dark could have just as easily claimed that Idaris would become the nation’s namesake and taken Blackwood’s lands all the same, but by claiming Blackwood, Dark gave future generations a history 2 decades richer, and we would be fools to effectively throw that gift away by putting it on a pedestal to mold.  

Sir Tao also spoke at length on what it meant to keep that torch alive, how even though he was not a part of Blackwood before Idaris’ resurgence, he felt very personally that it was our duty as leaders to keep those histories alive in some regard.  People could say the same thing of Edaone`, of whom Sir Tao was the High Priest of since he became a Knight of Blackwood.  When Blackwood on its surface could have become faithless in regard to Edaone`, It was Sir Tao who read the scriptures and wore that mantle, because even if the way she was worshipped had to change, it was important she survived, because in some way, we are her and she is us. It is Tao’s opinion that the same is true of the Book of Blackwood, The Kingdom of Blackwood is Blackwood, and the Book of Blackwood is, and should be, our story too. Regardless of whether or not some of the older entries seem archaic, or out of place, those entries are equally as important, lest we set those entries and risk repeating their follies.

It’s important to clarify that Tao was also not necessarily opposed to making a new book for the sake of organizing the entries better and potentially mass dissemination, but did maintain that every entry should be directly implanted into the new print, even if not in the same order as the original page wise,  the text should be transplanted as written.  Tao did maintain that the history of the original book would make up for the bells and whistles of a new official print.

By the Blessings of the Goddess - King Kerrel’s Wedding to Queen Jinx, Photo Credits to Toah of Acteon, Sept. 23, 1019
- Pictured, Left to Right - King Kerrel Kal’Amar Forrester, High Priest Tao Ya Kang, Queen Jinx Forrester
- Pictured here is Sir Tao performing the Wedding Ceremony on the Book of Blackwood as an Icon of Oath.  Only 2 families have been wed in this fashion to date. Both ceremonies were performed by High Priest Tao.

Curation, Method and Subject

Beyond the physical question of where this history should be logged, there lies one, more mechanical, question in this process.  Seeing as how this history has not been actively recorded, save by Traditional Northern Oral Tradition, Blackwood as a nation finds itself in the predicament of not having particularly detailed reports of events to transcribe into the book.  While we are not fully without literature, as I expect the Knights of Blackwood have some level of pen and parchment accounting to reference, we are left with the question, what is the best way to preserve our legacy, literarily speaking.

It will be my recommendation that the transcription of whatever words we choose to enter into our new historical text be transcribed by The Order of the Owl as to ensure our history is being accurately recorded and litigiously scribed by the people to whom the King has entrusted our other sacred tomes already.  Beyond that point though, in this endeavor, do we desire the unadulterated first hand accounts of our witnessing knights to be what is recorded for all generations beyond ours to read? Or do we desire to enlist the aid of bards to make the facts a more palatable and concise read? In this first recording, is there a place for art, and if so, what pieces do we include?

If we choose to use the Knights of Blackwood’s record, there is also the question of our knights' available faculties to dig through their own archives for the appropriate records.  For example, in cases such as Sir Trent, finding a first hand written account of the nature of Blackwood’s alliance with The Empire from 2 decades ago could prove difficult or, at the minimum, time consuming.  On a plane still spinning with wars to be fought on many fronts, relying on our knights to take time away from their campaigns to curate or create anew a wide breadth of documents from ages past could leave us or our allies vulnerable in the wake of our work.  But that temporary vulnerability may be the price we have to pay to ensure our children’s children and so on may use our knowledge as their own.  Conversely, hiring bards for a task this momentous could lead to a host of issues all on its own.  While embellishment and grandeur in art can prove to be captivating, in historical documentation, we could risk glossing over vital details that our ancestors might never be able to parse.  That says nothing of the bard’s likely inability to create first hand accounts of these events- which are essential to this kind of work.

Of course there is always Subject matter to consider as well. I will not waste ink individually scribing our long list of national escapades and adventures, but deciding together which of these tales are worthy of being passed on as legend, myth and fable is of great importance to us in the Royal House as well.  While we can’t dedicate the time to meticulously record every campaign our last age had in store, finding the moments within those quests that shaped us as a nation, as a family, are what we need to identify in this endeavor.  Once we’ve found those moments in our hearts and minds, we can move back to curating literature for them.

                              The Court of Kal’Amar

                                        Feast of Blackwood 1014

Pictured Blackwood Officials Left to Right-  Sir Mathies, Sir Trent, Sir Saegan Hart, Sir Guilliam O’Bearkin, Sir Nos, King Sir Kerrel Kalamar Forrester, Sir Tao, Sir Santiago Kal’Amar/Deimos Dark (Spirit), Sir Bones, Steward Salvo, Sir Magnus Heavyhammer, Ser Jinx


View from the Tower…

At this moment in time, I’ve had more conversations with people on this topic than anyone else, and while I look forward to having my vantage point shift by engaging with you fine folk in the coming weeks, I’m going to share with you my personal opinion in an attempt to synthesize everything we’ve gone over these last few pages.

While I love having the Book of Blackwood to look at as a piece of history, having read through its contents multiple times over in the process of writing this query, I do believe it needs an update in format at the very least.  Prince Nigel conceived this book as a stream of his own conscience, and sadly left some of his work in it unfinished.  While I have no problem scribing all of the content in the Book of Blackwood word for word into a new grimoire, I do think a table of contents and a consistent calligraphic style is called for.  

I also don’t think we specifically need to record the Order of the Peacock’s founding pages into a new tome, though I’d be happy to gift copy scrolls of those pages to the Order in good faith, a mention of its founding in our history would be enough.  Blackwood doesn’t claim any ownership of that order, so I don’t think it should be the most written about thing in our master historical text as it is in the Book of Blackwood.

As for the argument of Sir Dark’s intent and how that plays into all of this, in reading Dark’s other writings and speaking with Sir Seeker about his and King K’s memories of their brother, though I’ve never personally met him, he speaks in the candor of a conqueror.  Dark did assimilate the provinces by force initially, and while he respected his forebears as best he could while bringing their former holdfasts to heel, it does seem to me that there is a clear contrast in the leading philosophy that refounded our kingdom and saved it from being snuffed into obscurity.  While I feel the text in the current book is important to speak to the upbringing and mindset of modern Blackwood’s first two great leaders, I believe our achievements warrant a Book that we get to call our own, and build together from scratch.

      I won’t go too deeply into what event’s I’d like to see focused on, but I do think we should start our new recordings at our time fighting alongside The Empire.  An argument could be made to start our recording at the declaration of Prince Aeryk’s death, but we still have knights in the field who fought in wars before that particular occurence and I believe it to be a slight on their valor to not give those wars their due in our writings. It’s for this same reason that despite the workload it would entail on our knights, I would love to see our knights bring in their individual reports on event’s they witnessed first hand.  Rather than contracting bards, I do think that hearing individual knights perspective on specific happenings is far more informative and interesting, though I would love to commission art installments to accompany those recounts with relevant themes- be it poetry, painting-prints or music.

I thank you for taking the time to hear my thoughts and look forward to discussing yours in the ravens that surely will fly for this inaugural installment of the Rook’s Forum!  Until the horn sounds once more-

 In Service of Country, Crown and Blood

Sir Pilpus Jainrose

The Stag’s Rook

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