Friday, February 28, 2025

Why I Want To Go - Calibrated Questing: Heroes for Hire


Listen I am gonna be honest with you. I need Hematite. It was really useful one time and its for sale so I need to stock up. Apparently I hate my old ring.

I'm just joking.

That was someone else's ring.

But that's just me, lots of people have hematite, lots of people are already prepared without the supplies of the Wildcard Guild. And a lot of us, a LOT of us, are gonna be BORED.

The EHC SUCKS! Not as a organization but the meetings! Ugh! BLEH! "Um actually if we recalibrate the fireball spell to 3 less words it'll disrupt Queen-" LAME! I'm gonna stay at home, without a drinking game, watching wrestling videos and not paying attention to them.

But hold on, did somebody say, a better way?

I did, it's in the title actually. Did, did you forget its a Why I want to go? Really? The articles not that long...

Calibrated Questing isn't a unique idea, Kova- I mean Agent 37 (Now Freelancer Seeking Numbers), ran one back in the day alongside a few other popular faces. The idea is simple. People do things, solve puzzles, fall in love, quest stuff. Meanwhile the EHC happens, MEANWHILE MEANWHILE (Back in the halls of justice), one of the staff members is looking at his phone and every so often, a friendly EH tells the fair staff member the latest ruling of the EHC. Then they tell us lowly players and everyone cheers except you because you were actually quite fond of "Fix Heal Limb" but you don't want to make a scene so you don't say anything and bite the tears back. Then the quest moves on. 

Unlike Fix Heal Limb...

And now, YOU CAN TOO! Thats the Calibrated Quality. 

Um, I don't actually know if your going to fall in love at Calibrated Questing. It is not a traditional event structure, even for it's predecessor. It's filled with opportunity and options. Courier jobs, side quests that split the player base up for different fun potentially lethal activities. Because if your waiting on rules to change, why not change up the format a little?

Listen, I played Laika Quests, I had to juggle winning Among Us with dodgeball. Things are going to get wild. Worse then wild they are going to be... uncalibrated.

(If you don't high five me I will actually cry.)

I haven't done these in a while. I feel like you might not have noticed if I didn't say anything. So I'm saying something. Did you pick up on the context clues?

Listen, liiiiisten. I want baubles, I want to cause problems and still somehow get paid for them. I want to argue that, hey, its in the old omnibus, I can finally get Create Undead Minion. AND, I want to argue for like 4 minutes in a dm that it's spiritually a fifth level spell because they had a seventh level back in the day, so I should be able to get THREE of them. All belonging to Funny Jordan, my hereto unrevealed alt because I want to squeeze in a last minute road-fathering right before the door closes. But SOMEONE else is gonna have to do that, because there was a open call for npcs and I answer calls.

So now I don't get to be Laika's problem.

This Saturday, I get to be YOUR problem.


Oh I forgot to say, this is JB.