Friday, February 28, 2025

Why I Want To Teach

 At Training Day 1025!

John “Gordon” Rescigno tells us about what he’s excited about sharing with the Realms community  at this year's April 5th Training Day! Commentary and editing by Brookelyn “Rowan” Tilton.

“Leatherworking is a craft that I think adds so much depth to our game in terms of immersion and individuality. Being a Knight of the Sable Dragon means passing on my skills to the next generation of Realmsies, and leatherworking has been my passion for years.

“On Training Day this year, Justin and I will be running a joint leatherworking workshop, Leather From Scratch, across four 40-minute sections throughout the event. In these workshops, we will run you through the steps from concept to finished product over the course of a single day.

You read that right: 15 people will be creating a (small) from-scratch leather project over the course of a day. In place of reimbursing Justin and myself for materials, we ask that our students contribute $10 towards the total donation to the Pushee Family.

Sign up early and often!”

Class Section 1: We will be teaching you the planning and patterning stage. From brain to paper to saran wrap and duct tape!

Class Section 2: Putting your custom patterns onto paper and brainstorming simple tooling.

Class Section 3: Put it into Leather!

Class Section 4: Dye and Assembly.

“Some students may be ready to advance to the next section before it starts, and we welcome overachievers! People are encouraged to assist one another and collaborate on projects throughout the day. It is yet unknown whether this will be a continuous class or spread out across the day.

“I’m very excited to attend other trainings and, as an avid quest piker, to assist with teaching the piking workshop.”

Reader, do you have experience that you want to share with your peers? We want to hear about it! While several of the Training Day instructors are members of groups like the KoSD or Wyvern College, no affiliations, experience or qualifications are required! This is a day of peer-to-peer education and you may be surprised how many folks may share an interest in what you have to show them.  And don't worry, you won't be missing out - instructors are welcome to sign up for as many or as few sessions as they want to keep their schedule open for attending other workshops. And remember, if you have an idea but you're not sure about the whole teaching thing, grab a buddy with similar or complimentary knowledge and tackle it together! Co-teaching is a great way to approach holding a workshop with a friend at your side to lessen the load.

The deadline for instructor sign-ups is this Saturday, March 1st!

Sign up using this link: