I realized recently, that in my years as an adventurer, I knew little of the lands of this plane I now call home. There are so many faces and groups I know little about…so I felt that it was time to fix that. I know that with the fresh flood of new adventurers each year, it would be helpful for them. And, truly, how many of us truly know our neighbors outside of the camaraderie we build? What do we know of our fellow heroes of the Realms?
I began asking a set of simple questions to gather this information, and much of it is direct quotes. I hope I do get to learn more about many places!
- Felnar Dulintel Dawncry-Nosetti
The Country of Stonewood
Long ago Stonewood was formed by nomads settling in the area. They founded the lands, as many of their kind would. The forest was bountiful, the river fresh and providing. They were no more than a small civilization to start with, and over the years grew and grew. In that time, they found need for religion and magic, and with its birth they grew even more.
That is the origin of the lands before the present day. A great war fell upon the lands and wiped out nearly everyone in its wake. This war was between the new gods of the lands and the devotion of their followers. In the end the land was war torn and ruined. The people who survived rebuilt and regrew their nation, still struggling but strong. The land, plagued with undead, caused hardship for all those who lived there and nearly ruined the rebirth of the nation.
Under the guidance of the new lord of the land it persevered and became a hearty and thriving nation once again.
Lord Sir Elwin O'Bearikin rules over Stonewood as a dictatorship. His word is final in all things and his decrees are law. He uses this power to ensure that all of his people are well taken care of. All food is provided, shelter available and health and well being sought to. All titles under the lord are job positions, such as Stable Master, Marshal, and Mayor.
Within the lands of Stonewood, there are several distinct landmarks. These locations are helpful for all visitors to know, and where to exercise caution.
Stonewood Proper: The capital of the country and home to the lord of the land.
Starhaven: A thriving border city where much of the nation's commerce happens.
Silverglade Forest: This enchanted forest is one that all should be wary of entering. Few who enter are seen again.
The Tower: The home of the Novem, the pantheon of gods that are worshiped by the people.
Haven: The floating Necropolis that hovers over the lands housing most of the sentient undead, such as vampires, liches, and the like.
New Hope: This town is a shining example of what the future of Stonewood will look like, free of corruption and fear.
The Dark Chapel: This is home to a great and ancient evil that even the gods are cautious of.
Stonewood is a mix of farmland, forest, mountains and swamp. Many locations are dead and decayed by the influence of the necromantic energies present, and others are war-scarred and still have not recovered. It’s clear that the heavy hand of rulership is due to the destruction these lands have faced.
While Stonewood doesn’t truly have subnations within its borders, Sharangil is a nation of its own accord that has fallen under the protectorate of Stonewood. No nation member may hold royal title under the lord, so any who join the nation who possess land must rid themselves of that land or sign it over to the lord. Sharangil came under the protectorate from the joining of Celtrex. This land will be returned to his care in the event of his separation from Stonewood.
Stonewood has the general worship of the Novem. The pantheon of gods live in the lands around their tower, in physical forms. There are many different ways of worship in both Stonewood and the greater Realms, so it is hard to say what would be unique. Few people outside of Stonewood, if any, worship the Novem.
While there are no large current celebrations that occur to the greater Realms there are many celebrations that take place within the lands. Standard holidays are observed as are specialty holidays for the Novem.
In addition to this celebrations are held weekly where all people are invited to the capital to come together and enjoy the great feast that is provided for them and enjoy the bonfires, music and entertainment. It is a service provided by the lord to give thanks to all the hard work everyone does for the country.
The national drink of Stonewood is known as Blue Death. The recipe is secret and its distribution is scarce. It is known as the drink of the gods.
Stonewood has grown and shrunk over the years but its ideals haven't waivered. Do what is right by any means necessary. We may not always be nice but we always try our best to do what is right.
(OOC: Stonewood is most known for their commitment to excellence in questing. It is mostly made up of veteran players with a wealth of experience and resources to draw on, and their clear and effective chain of command enables them to work together to get the job done. They do their best work when they are on the front lines against whatever threats the Realms faces. This isn't always the front line of a battle but at the front of any encounter, be it fight, puzzle or quest.
Stonewood is a tight knit group of people. We know each other well and we protect each other. While some of us may seem gruff, if you are interested in learning more, come talk to us. We will take the time for those interested in the conversation.)