Thursday, March 6, 2025

Introducing QUESTO

Being introduced for the first time ever at The Clontarf Shuffle is a brand new Realms Gambling experience from Rhiassa Games created with the assistance of the Saurabian Casino and the Church of Tychasaurus. 


What is QUESTO? Well, to sum it up simply, QUESTO is a Realms-themed version of KENO. In other words, it is a type of BINGO/LOTTO style game where the winning "numbers" are picked randomly all day long giving tons of opportunity to gamble on the results throughout a whole event day.

QUESTO is an immersive gambling experience by Rhiassa Games that can be an interesting and lucrative passive entertainment option for any feast or social event! All you need is a pad of QUESTO cards and a device/screen on which to show the QUESTO program. We'd like to make QUESTO available to anyone who wants to add it to their event!

QUESTO gambling cards.

In each round players buy up to twenty tiles on their QUESTO card along with the optional ability to purchase bonus bets. As the QUESTO program begins a round, a total of ten (10) tiles will be highlighted on the screen, one after the other. Of those ten tiles, two (2) will be Locations, four (4) will be Grunt Monsters, three (3) will be Artifacts, and one (1) will be a BBG (Big Bad Guy). In this way, the QUESTO results tell the (sometimes strange or hilarious) story of a Realms questing event.

An example of a maximum filled out QUESTO Card

The rules on the side of the card read as such:

  • Select up to 20 boxes above and color them in.
  • Have your card punched by the teller when you pay for your wager.
  • The cost to play is one (1) gold for four (4) boxes per game you want to play (repeating this card).
  • 10 boxes will be chosen randomly by the QUESTO program:
    • Two (2) Locations. Four (4) Grunt Monsters. Three (3) Artifacts. One (1) BBG.
  • If you have any winning boxes at the end of the game bring your card to the teller for payouts.
  • Individual casinos set payout amounts and bonus combos.

The card you filled out will pay out depending on which type of bet was made and the number and arrangement of tiles that were chosen by the QUESTO program. These payout amounts and bonuses are set by the individual casino that is hosting the game so make sure to check in for the specifics as they can vary from event to event.

The QUESTO program in action, selecting tiles.

Each game takes about ten minutes to play out with a five minute pause between games. This gives event patrons the ability to check in their cards with the cashier to get paid out and for new cards to be filled out and stamped off on before the next game runs.

At the Clontarf Casino this May the inaugural games of QUESTO will be played all day long. To find and fill out a card come over to the Rhiassa Games Casino Corner. The QUESTO program will be projected on the wall so it's easy to keep an eye out on your wagers while you avail yourself of other entertainment around the room!

To learn more about QUESTO and even watch the program in action you can visit the Gambling section of the Rhiassa web page:

If you would like to work QUESTO into your event please reach out to Sir Aeston to acquire a pad of cards and learn the specifics of how to operate the QUESTO program and set the odds.