Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Rumors March 1025


Rumors around the Realms March 1025



 On a cold, crisp morning atop Drenger Hill in Alonis, lightning struck the ground among the rune stones. Over recent years, many have been raised. Some commemorate great events and mighty deeds. Large ascension stones mark the elevation of kings in the Realms. On this day, in the traditions of Midgard, a Drengr stone is raised. Of the stones, they are few and stand above all others. Carved in the living rock are runes to commemorate the life and accomplishments of Sir Iawen Andromeda Penn. Long will they be remembered by the people of the Realms. Now, too, will their name be whispered by the stones themselves of Drengr Hill for ages to come.


Deep within sealed basement chambers of Clontarf Castle strange and inexplicable exclamations have been heard echoing through the hallways. Some examples that have been overheard are things like “The vampire has shark and ninja minions!” and “The magic stick and tome are in the arctic!”. These strange phrases are often accompanied by copious amounts of cheering and/or booing.