By Kyra/Kieran “Omri” Barry
OOC Foreword:
What do you mean these series of events took place Febuary 1st, more than a month ago? I wrote this post haste and sent it via bird through the lands of Fae-oh I see what happened here. Fae time weirdness. Yes that’s exactly what happened and why it’s late. Do you want to know what you missed or not???
In all seriousness, kudos to the Avalon team for running three Arthurian style mods (Arthurian style, I’ve come to believe, means people switch off NPCing and PCing for each other). You had to NPC at least one, and you could NPC all 3 if you so choose. Way to go team players who did so this event.
1st part:
I will attach the letter written by a fae aided by adventurers for the first series of quests undertaken. It appears that it was a party with political intrigue, murder, and ghosts.
Adventurers of the Realms, I thank you for your efforts in attempting to restore my father. I understand you were unable to save him, and understand even better now that I hold his power why that was so. Since your departure the Manor of Levenstone and its surroundings have adapted to my rule and have truly become my own domain, not part of another. However, I have started to see darkness creeping in the Expanse nearby. Friends of mine have travelled there and not returned. This will be a task for another time though, for now, we will rest and recover our strength. I hope to see you again in the future, and under better circumstances.
Sophia del’Rhomar, Duchess of Resolution in Conflict
2nd part:
A fissure of sort opened via a Nightmarish door a while ago. The door is gone but what has been opened does not easily close again. Our world has a tear to another, and various factions have come on through. Two sets of refugees, one of plants and one of animals akin to wolves, in opposition to each other, both took up residence near a village. We managed to get the villagers freed who had been slowly turned into plants by overthrowing an evil plant advisor. We managed to convince the wolves creatures to remain relatively peacefully in their caves. And hopefully these two don’t cause any more issues, although they weren’t the only ones to come through.
3rd part:
In the First Age of Fae there was a teacher of a magic system involving Mage Runes. It seemed that one student remained uncycled through all that time and has become corrupted by Space Magic. They were attempting to control, enslave, a fae dragon, and to defeat them we had a gruelling fight against many foes of different types.
To be honest I mostly found myself beside the captured dragon, attempting to soothe and free it. It was truly a group effort.