Hi everybody, I'm back with your next set of fortunes. Once again, if you don't know your Domai runes, leave a comment and we can get that figured out.
Something important will happen to you involving food
Fall should be aware of chocolate
Spring will want to watch for bagels
Summer will be effected by raisins
Winter should look out for bacon
Day will be eating the food at the time, Night will be near someone else eating it
An animal will have an impact on you soon
Fall will have an encounter with snakes
Spring may want to be aware of wolves
Summer ought to watch for tigers
Winter should watch for falcons
Day will find the animal helpful while Night will be hindered
This element will see fortune involving plants
Fall will find theirs involving cacti
Spring should look out for lilacs
Summer can expect results from pine trees
Winter will want to look for bamboo
Day will need to make physical contact with the plant, Night only needs to be nearby
Gems and jewels will initiate great changes for you
Fall should be aware of lapis lazuli
Spring will see effects from diamonds
Summer has sapphires in their future
Winter can expect amethysts to make these changes
Day will need to come into possession of the gems and Night will find they owe one to someone else
Your future will be greatly shaped by music
Fall should keep their ears open for a sea shanty
Spring will want to find a raunchy ballad
Summer will hear a jaunty lullaby
Winter may find fate in a slow dirge
Day will hear someone else performing the song while Night will be doing it themself