Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Why I Want To Go - Ascension of King Saegan

Written by: Kyra/Kieran "Omri" Barry

Coronations aren’t events that happen every year. Except when a coronation happened last year. Congratulations once again Shandar. But this article is about Saegan, and to an extent, Keith.

A celebration of a character’s progress in the game, which, regardless of one’s opinion about ooc vs ic, tends to reflect their role outside the game. Players feel comfortable having their characters follow someone they themselves have no problem following. Not that this is a direct parallel or reflection.

For as long as I have been playing, Saegan has been prince of Blackwood. I am excited to see him embark on this next step of his journey. Keith the player has been, equally as long for me, an asset to clan Riverhawk fight practices. He was the one who taught me how to wield a marn. He was also the one I turned to to play my main face npc when I ran my first quest at the Riverhawk Newbie Night Quest.

The event itself is looking to be a fantastic feast, in addition to some light questing. For the feast portion the sample menu presented by King K is a delectable delight. I found myself having a hard time choosing just one of any of the courses. Given that I have never been disappointed at a Blackwood event by the food, though that may be controversial in part due to Sir Matthias’s deviled eggs (sorry Sara), I am preparing my appetite for Saturday. 

I have heard there will be some spectacular featured performances as well. Wink wink nudge nudge. I can attest that the chosen performers, all from outside of Blackwood, are working hard preparing for the Realms’ entertainment. 

I hope you can join us for Saegan’s ascension into kinghood this weekend. It’s sure to be the talk of the ‘crown’.