Thursday, June 27, 2024

Why I Want to Go - All Hail the Gloom Father

Written by: Bri "Margaret" Meisser and Kieran/Kyra "Omri" Barry

The Dreaming is in turmoil. Soultaker sucks at his job, and Orlando has taken off to another dimension. So it is up to us to pick up the pieces. There will be perilous quests, challenging decisions, and with any luck, a better, more stable reality on the other side of it all.

But before we can do all that. On Friday a promise is kept and a curse undone. Robin Goodfellow, who cannot be trusted no matter what he says, has trapped an angel inside of a wand. I will be looking for help to venture inside and get her out before it's too late.

Speaking of Robin. He's throwing a party for his master. There will be games and tournaments and prizes. I don't trust him and want to crash it. What could possibly go wrong?

There's an invasion on its way to The Dreaming. Soultaker is too weak to repel it. So we have a choice. To free or to bind. What will be the fate of the Gloom Father? That's for us to decide.

Until next time,

Squire Margaret August, Lightbringer


I had an amazing time at The Spaces Inbetween and am super excited for its sequel. This quest should be easy for people to pick up, with secrets and easter eggs for those of us who know where to look.

The event team has also been working really hard to make this event accessible for people, including via a new accessibility marshal which I'm incredibly excited about. It can be difficult for those of us with disabilities to engage in questing content at times, so I'm super thankful for all the work they're doing in order to make this possible for us.

We also have JB and the Neden Zombie cleanup on Sunday, so there should be content for everyone to enjoy. I hope to see you there!


Last August after much confusion and turmoil there was a being who endeavored to enter our world by breaking it, so that they may slip through the cracks. Some of those cracks were mended, others cemented as new aspects of our reality. But our world was broken long before, allegedly, by The Champion, aka Orlando, son of Minerva goddess of dreaming, and Strathmore, a dragon. The one who grew to be The Champion was from an alternate reality. The one who brought him known as Lord/Lady of Change (for even their gender changes), one of seven. And with the disruption of their presence and bringing in another Orlando, not originally of this reality for the original was lost, the family was thrown into disarray. This family trauma led to them taking it out on LoC's sibling, Morpheus, Dream, Gloom Father (as The Champion insisted it be called). Dream has been imprisoned for some time. For me the focus is whether he is freed (I say yes) and then what effects this will have on the Dreaming, for the Dreaming as we know it is a product of The Champion's meddling.

Minerva and the Dream Demons, including Soul Taker, will oppose us. If Soul Taker remains in control the Dreaming may fall to Dionin. Make what decisions you feel are best. Know that I will be a listening ear and trying my best to help out. We all want what's best for the Realms.

Robin Goodfellow is a Meerkat of an alternate reality. He seeks chaos and revelry. Trust that, if nothing else. He serves LoC. Despite their actions, will they be enemies? Allies? Or something else... all remains to be seen. I anticipate finding out. He promises a time and a party to figure this all out. From last August, I anticipate a lot going on all at once.

Robin Goodfellow is also seeking help capturing wild fae from his reality who've entered our through a window in the woods. The aforementioned crack that became a door in the Dreaming that is now just a window. But it apparently is still letting people in and out. That may need to be closed before all is said and done. Reality Guilds of Coventry haven't dealt with it yet. Maybe it can be something that we use to make friends?

As Flamekeeper of the Order of the Lantern I beseech all who go to help me make sure all are on the same page. Relay information to me and I'll relay information to others, so I promise as Flamekeeper of the Order of the Lantern, and a new role we're trying out of Field Reporter. Stay safe, may your paths be lit (or shadowed as need be for stealth), and try not to lose your mind.

I've failed a few times myself.

-Omri, Flamekeeper of the Order of the Lantern, seeker of knowledge and understanding