Thursday, June 20, 2024

Why I Want To Go - The Gilded Lion and Silver Branch Summer Festival III

Written by: Justin "J'orsta" Thibeault

Why would J’ortsa want to go to the Gilded Lion and Silver Branch Summer Festival? Well, it is not because the name is short, that is for sure. The real reason is because there are so many fun and interesting activities to enjoy! This one has heard that there will be excavations and dinosaur ridings, whatever a dinosaur could be, and food. The Rhiassan kitchen is well known for its many delicacies and J’ortsa is excited to see what they have in store. 

The Watchers are also planning on running a very exciting and interesting simulation for people to learn about summoning and what not to do. Watchmaster Baptiste has been hard at work designing this simulation and we look forward to unveiling it to the masses.

The Gidan Resistance will also be in attendance, and they will need our aid to finalize their war efforts. He has heard his friend discussing these engagements at length and hopes to see the Gidan Resistance meet their goal.

This one has yet to travel to a summer festival, so he is excited to venture out and see the sights and make some coin as he has set out to do. And he looks forward to seeing you all at the festival as well.