Thursday, November 13, 2014

Belts of the Eternal Flame

Belts of the Eternal Flame

Andrew "Sir Matsuma Lysis" Adams



1. What year were you awarded your white belt? 

            May 12, 2001, Feast of Chimeron 9

2. Who administered "the punch" and-- be honest!!--did it hurt?

            Colin Campbell, and slightly

3. Whose belt did you wear until you got your own, and how was this significant for you? 

            When I was knighted, they already had my belt painted with my insignia

4. Can you describe your own belt's heraldry?

            It is a lion's paw, holding a katana handle

5. Why did you chose that heraldry to represent you?

            It is my family crest (in game)

6. Who did the artwork on your belt?

            I THINK Jesse Perry, but I'm not positive

7. What do you remember most about your knighting?

            I had NO idea it was coming.  I was actually there with two bagpiping friends.  The three of us were there to play during the final siege battle against the big NPC.  When the KoEF got up to knight someone, I actually told my friends (who knew nothing about the game) "OMG, they are going to knight someone. This is actually a big deal."  I was floored when they called me up.

8. What does being a KoEF mean to you?

            It means putting the game, and what's best for it, above what you might think is best. It means helping out, if needed, and certainly working with beginners.