As Valentine's Day approaches, we would like to take a moment to recognize and celebrate all the awesome couples in the Realms....
William "Meeble" and Eren "Tazzia" Pils-Martin
Together since June 1, 2010. Hand-fasted in August, 2012.
Josh "Enlon" Whelan and Liz "Crystal" Ferraina
Together since March 1, 2013.
Angela "Phoenix" and Jason "Malaki" Gray
Together since July 1, 2001. Married April 23, 2004.
Ben "Kyro" Hamilton and Katie "Charlotte" Skeggs
Together since October, 2011.
Robyn "Sasha" Nielsen and Eddie "Quayloth" Reed
Together since 2008.
Alex "Lucas" and Johanna "Serafina" Newbold
Met in passing summer of 1994, met again December 2004. Together since December 2005; married June 30, 2007.
Chelsea "Senna" Paige and Travis "Elwin" Wilcox
Together since October 2009.
Met in passing summer of 1994, met again December 2004. Together since December 2005; married June 30, 2007.
Chelsea "Senna" Paige and Travis "Elwin" Wilcox
Together since October 2009.
“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” — Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows